| 2009 |
18 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Steffen Lamparter,
Rudi Studer:
Making Web services tradable: A policy-based approach for specifying preferences on Web service properties.
J. Web Sem. 7(1): 11-20 (2009) |
| 2008 |
17 |  | Robert Kern,
Christian Zirpins,
Sudhir Agarwal:
Managing Quality of Human-Based eServices.
ICSOC Workshops 2008: 304-309 |
| 2007 |
16 |  | Sudhir Agarwal:
Model Checking Expressive Web Service Descriptions.
ICWS 2007: 1140-1141 |
15 |  | Sudhir Agarwal:
A Goal Specification Language for Automated Discovery and Composition of Web Services.
Web Intelligence 2007: 528-534 |
| 2006 |
14 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Rudi Studer:
Automatic Matchmaking of Web Services.
ICWS 2006: 45-54 |
13 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Anupriya Ankolekar:
Automatic matchmaking of web services.
WWW 2006: 1057-1058 |
| 2005 |
12 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Steffen Lamparter:
SMART - A Semantic Matchmaking Portal for Electronic Markets.
CEC 2005: 405-408 |
11 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Barbara Sprick:
Specification of Access Control and Certification Policies for Semantic Web Services.
EC-Web 2005: 348-357 |
10 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Pascal Hitzler:
Modeling Fuzzy Rules with Description Logics.
OWLED 2005 |
| 2004 |
9 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Peter Haase:
Process-Based Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 164-169 |
8 |  | Stephan Grimm,
Steffen Lamparter,
Andreas Abecker,
Sudhir Agarwal,
Andreas Eberhart:
Ontology based Specification of Web Service Policies.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 579-583 |
7 |  | Sudhir Agarwal:
Specification of Invocable Semantic Web Resources.
ICWS 2004: 124- |
6 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Barbara Sprick:
Access Control for Semantic Web Services.
ICWS 2004: 770-773 |
5 |  | Peter Haase,
Sudhir Agarwal,
York Sure:
Service-Oriented Semantic Peer-to-Peer Systems.
WISE Workshops 2004: 46-57 |
4 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Siegfried Handschuh,
Steffen Staab:
Annotation, composition and invocation of semantic web services.
J. Web Sem. 2(1): 31-48 (2004) |
| 2003 |
3 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Peter Fankhauser,
Jorge Gonzalez-Ollala,
Jens Hartmann,
Silvia Hollfelder,
Anthony Jameson,
Stefan Klink,
Patrick Lehti,
Michael Ley,
Emma Rabbidge,
Eric Schwarzkopf,
Nitesh Shrestha,
Nenad Stojanovic,
Rudi Studer,
Gerd Stumme,
Bernd Walter,
Alexander Weber:
Semantic Methods and Tools for Information Portals.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 2003: 116-131 |
2 |  | Rudi Studer,
Sudhir Agarwal,
Raphael Volz:
The Semantic Web.
I3E 2003: 203-213 |
1 |  | Sudhir Agarwal,
Siegfried Handschuh,
Steffen Staab:
Surfing the Service Web.
International Semantic Web Conference 2003: 211-226 |