2009 | ||
61 | Stefan Feder, Volkmar Falk, Matthias Gutberiet, Dirk Bartz: Individuelle Templates für Rekonstruktionen des linken Herzventrikels. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2009: 331-335 | |
60 | Silvia Born, Werner M. Jainek, Mario Hlawitschka, Gerik Scheuermann, Christos Trantakis, Jürgen Meixensberger, Dirk Bartz: Multimodal Visualization of DTI and fMRI Data Using Illustrative Methods. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2009: 6-10 | |
59 | Jan Klein, Ola Friman, Markus Hadwiger, Bernhard Preim, Felix Ritter, Anna Vilanova, Gabriel Zachmann, Dirk Bartz: Visual computing for medical diagnosis and treatment. Computers & Graphics 33(4): 554-565 (2009) | |
2008 | ||
58 | C. Schaller, Daniela I. Wellein, Silvia Born, Dirk Bartz: Hatch Textures for Virtual Endoscopy. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2008: 31-35 | |
57 | Feng Li, Dirk Bartz, Lixu Gu, Michel A. Audette: An iterative classification method of 2D CT head data based on statistical and spatial information. ICPR 2008: 1-4 | |
56 | Alexander Ehlert, Dirk Bartz: 3D Processing and Visualization of Scanned Forensic Data. IWCF 2008: 70-83 | |
55 | Jana Dornheim, Silvia Born, Stefan Zachow, Michael Gessat, Daniela I. Wellein, Gero Strauß, Bernhard Preim, Dirk Bartz: Bildanalyse, Visualisierung und Modellerstellung für die Implantatplanung im Mittelohr. SimVis 2008: 139-154 | |
54 | Arun Kumar Raj Voruganti, Dirk Bartz: Alternative online extrinsic calibration techniques for minimally invasive surgery. VRST 2008: 291-292 | |
53 | Werner M. Jainek, Silvia Born, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer, Jan Fischer: Illustrative Hybrid Visualization and Exploration of Anatomical and Functional Brain Data. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(3): 855-862 (2008) | |
2007 | ||
52 | Philippe Komma, Jan Fischer, Frank Duffner, Dirk Bartz: Lossless Volume Data Compression Schemes. SimVis 2007: 169-182 | |
51 | Jirko Cernik, Benjamin Schnaidt, Ludwig Gauckler, Dirk Bartz: Curvilinear Grid Filtering by Adaptive Evaluation. SimVis 2007: 197-208 | |
50 | Jan Fischer, Michael Eichler, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: A hybrid tracking method for surgical augmented reality. Computers & Graphics 31(1): 39-52 (2007) | |
49 | Christian Wallraven, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Douglas W. Cunningham, Jan Fischer, Dirk Bartz: Evaluation of real-world and computer-generated stylized facial expressions. TAP 4(3): (2007) | |
2006 | ||
48 | Christian Wallraven, Jan Fischer, Douglas W. Cunningham, Dirk Bartz, Heinrich H. Bülthoff: The evaluation of stylized facial expressions. APGV 2006: 85-92 | |
47 | Dirk Bartz, Benjamin Schnaidt, Jirko Cernik, Ludwig Gauckler, Jan Fischer, Ángel del Río: Volumetric high dynamic range windowing for better data representation. Afrigraph 2006: 137-144 | |
46 | Dirk Staneker, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: Occlusion-driven scene sorting for efficient culling. Afrigraph 2006: 99-106 | |
45 | Alexander Ehlert, Zein Salah, Dirk Bartz: Data Reconstruction and Visualization Techniques for Forensic Pathology. EuroVis 2006: 323-330 | |
44 | Jan Fischer, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: Enhanced visual realism by incorporating camera image effects. ISMAR 2006: 205-208 | |
43 | Dirk Staneker, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: Occlusion-Driven Scene Sorting for Efficient Culling. Comput. Graph. Forum 25(4): 699-708 (2006) | |
42 | Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, Emilio J. Padrón, Dirk Bartz: Hardware Oriented Algorithms for Rendering Order-Independent Transparency. Comput. J. 49(2): 201-210 (2006) | |
2005 | ||
41 | Zein Salah, Jasmina Orman, Dirk Bartz: Live-Wire Revisited. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005: 158-162 | |
40 | Florian Dammann, Erwin Schwaderer, Zein Salah, Markus Kastner, Marcus Maassen, Dirk Bartz: Anwendung eines semi-automatischen Algorithmus zur Segmentierung des Mastoid für die OP-Planung an der lateralen Schädelbasis. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005: 88-92 | |
39 | Zein Salah, Dirk Bartz, Florian Dammann, Erwin Schwaderer, Marcus Maassen, Wolfgang Straßer: A Fast and Accurate Approach for the Segmentation of the Paranasal Sinus. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005: 93-97 | |
38 | Dirk Bartz, Hans Hagen, Victoria Interrante, Kwan-Liu Ma, Bernhard Preim: Illustrative Rendering Techniques for Visualization: Future of Visualization or Just Another Technique?. IEEE Visualization 2005: 120 | |
37 | Dirk Bartz, Gordon L. Kindlmann, Klaus Mueller, Bernhard Preim, Markus Wacker: Visual Medicine: Part One - Medical Imaging. IEEE Visualization 2005: 122 | |
36 | Dirk Bartz, Gordon L. Kindlmann, Klaus Mueller, Bernhard Preim, Markus Wacker: Visual Medicine: Part Two - Advanced Applications of Medical Imaging. IEEE Visualization 2005: 123 | |
35 | Jan Fischer, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: Illustrative Display of Hidden Iso-Surface Structures. IEEE Visualization 2005: 84 | |
34 | Jan Fischer, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: Reality Tooning: Fast Non-Photorealism for Augmented Video Streams. ISMAR 2005: 186-187 | |
33 | Zein Salah, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: Illustrative Rendering of Segmented Anatomical Data. SimVis 2005: 175-184 | |
32 | Jan Fischer, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: Artistic reality: fast brush stroke stylization for augmented reality. VRST 2005: 155-158 | |
31 | Dirk Bartz, Sarang Lakare: Scaffolding-based Segmentation of Coronary Vascular Structures. Volume Graphics 2005: 47-54 | |
30 | Dirk Bartz: Virtual Endoscopy in Research and Clinical Practice. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(1): 111-126 (2005) | |
29 | Bruno Raffin, Han-Wei Shen, Dirk Bartz: Parallel graphics and visualization. Parallel Computing 31(2): 147-148 (2005) | |
2004 | ||
28 | Bruno Raffin, Dirk Bartz, Han-Wei Shen: 5th Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV 2004), 10-11 June 2004, Grenoble, France EGPGV 2004 | |
27 | Jan Fischer, Melissa Mekic, Ángel del Río, Dirk Bartz, Jürgen Hoffmann: Prototyping a Planning System for Orbital Reconstruction. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2004: 264-268 | |
26 | Zein Salah, Dirk Bartz, Erwin Schwaderer, Florian Dammann, Marcus Maassen, Wolfgang Straßer: Segmenting the Mastoid: Allocating Space in the Head for a Hearing Aid Implantation. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2004: 45-49 | |
25 | Jan Fischer, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: Occlusion handling for medical augmented reality using a volumetric phantom model. VRST 2004: 174-177 | |
24 | Dirk Staneker, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: Occlusion Culling in OpenSG PLUS. Computers & Graphics 28(1): 87-92 (2004) | |
2003 | ||
23 | Jürgen Hoffmann, Dirk Troitzsch, Michael Schneider, Frank Reinauer, Dirk Bartz: Evaluation der 3-D-Präzision eines bilddatengestützten chirurgischen Navigationssystems. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2003: 289-292 | |
22 | Dirk Bartz, Jasmina Orman, Özlem Gürvit: Volumetrische Messungen und Qualitätsassessment von anatomischen Kavitäten. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2003: 298-302 | |
21 | Dirk Mayer, Dirk Bartz, Sebastian Ley, Steffi Thust, Claus Peter Heussel, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Wolfgang Straßer: Segmentation and virtual exploration of tracheobronchial trees. CARS 2003: 35-40 | |
20 | Dirk Bartz, Michael Meißner, Gordon Müller: Efficient occlusion culling for large model visualization. Data Visualization: The State of the Art 2003: 3-18 | |
19 | Dirk Staneker, Dirk Bartz, Michael Meißner: Improving Occlusion Query Efficiency with Occupancy Maps. IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics 2003: 111-118 | |
18 | Dirk Bartz, Dirk Mayer, Jan Fischer, Sebastian Ley, Ángel del Río, Steffi Thust, Claus Peter Heussel, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Wolfgang Straßer: Hybrid Segmentation and Exploration of the Human Lungs. IEEE Visualization 2003: 177-184 | |
17 | Dirk Bartz: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der virtuellen Endoskopie. SimVis 2003: 249-258 | |
16 | Ángel del Río, Dirk Bartz, Rainer Jäger, Özlem Gürvit, Dirk Freudenstein: Efficient Steoroscopic Rendering in Virtual Endoscopy Applications. WSCG 2003 | |
15 | Dirk Bartz: Large Model Visualization: Techniques and Applications. WSCG 2003 | |
14 | Erik Reinhard, Dirk Bartz: Parallel graphics and visualisation. Parallel Computing 29(3): 285-288 (2003) | |
2002 | ||
13 | Dirk Bartz, Xavier Pueyo, Erik Reinhard: Proceedings of the Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, EGPGV 2002, Blaubeuren, Germany, September 9-10, 2002 Eurographics Association 2002 | |
12 | Dirk Bartz, Rainer Jäger, Özlem Gürvit, Dirk Freudenstein, Wolfgang Straßer: Räumliche Tiefenwahrnehmung in virtuell-endoskopischen Anwendungen durch stereoskopisches Rendern. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2002: 393-396 | |
2001 | ||
11 | Dirk Bartz, Özlem Gürvit, Martina Lanzendörfer, Andreas Kopp, Andreas Küttner, Wolfgang Straßer: Virtual endoscopy for cardio vascular exploration. CARS 2001: 1005-1009 | |
10 | Dirk Bartz, Dirk Staneker, Wolfgang Straßer, Brian Cripe, Tom Gaskins, Kristann Orton, Michael Carter, Andreas Johannsen, Jeff Trom: Jupiter: a toolkit for interactive large model visualization. IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics 2001: 129-134 | |
9 | Michael Meißner, Dirk Bartz, Gordon Müller, Tobias Hüttner, Jens Einighammer: Generation of Decomposition Hierarchies for Efficient Occlusion Culling of Large Polygonal Models. VMV 2001: 225-232 | |
8 | Dirk Bartz, Michael Meißner: Translucent and Opaque Direct Volume Rendering for Virtual Endoscopy Applications (ST). Volume Graphics 2001 | |
7 | Michael Meißner, Dirk Bartz, R. Günther, Wolfgang Straßer: Visibility Driven Rasterization. Comput. Graph. Forum 20(4): 283-294 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
6 | Michael Meißner, Jian Huang, Dirk Bartz, Klaus Mueller, Roger Crawfis: A practical evaluation of popular volume rendering algorithms. Volviz 2000: 81-90 | |
1999 | ||
5 | Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer: Asynchronous Parallel Construction of Recursive Tree Hierarchies. ACPC 1999: 427-436 | |
4 | Dirk Bartz, Martin Skalej, Dorothea Welte, Wolfgang Straßer, Dirk Freudenstein, Frank Duffner: VIVENDI - Ein Planungssystem für minimal-invasive Eingriffe in der Neurochirurgie. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1999: 197-202 | |
3 | Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer, Martin Skalej, Dorothea Welte: Interacitve Exploration of Extra- and Interacranial Blood Vessels. IEEE Visualization 1999: 389-392 | |
2 | Dirk Bartz, Michael Meißner, Tobias Hüttner: OpenGL-assisted occlusion culling for large polygonal models. Computers & Graphics 23(5): 667-679 (1999) | |
1997 | ||
1 | Lichan Hong, Shigeru Muraki, Arie E. Kaufman, Dirk Bartz, Taosong He: Virtual voyage: interactive navigation in the human colon. SIGGRAPH 1997: 27-34 |