| 2009 |
30 |  | Jean-François El Hajjar,
Vincent Jolivet,
Djamchid Ghazanfarpour,
Xavier Pueyo:
A model for real-time on-surface flows.
The Visual Computer 25(2): 87-100 (2009) |
| 2008 |
29 |  | Carles Bosch,
Xavier Pueyo,
Stéphane Mérillou,
Djamchid Ghazanfarpour:
A Resolution Independent Approach for the Accurate Rendering of Grooved Surfaces.
Comput. Graph. Forum 27(7): 1937-1944 (2008) |
| 2007 |
28 |  | Gustavo Patow,
Xavier Pueyo,
Alvar Vinacua:
User-guided inverse reflector design.
Computers & Graphics 31(3): 501-515 (2007) |
| 2005 |
27 |  | Gustavo Patow,
Xavier Pueyo:
A Survey of Inverse Surface Design From Light Transport Behavior Specification.
Comput. Graph. Forum 24(4): 773-789 (2005) |
26 |  | Eva Cerezo,
Frederic Pérez,
Xavier Pueyo,
Francisco J. Serón,
François X. Sillion:
A survey on participating media rendering techniques.
The Visual Computer 21(5): 303-328 (2005) |
25 |  | Juan-Roberto Jiménez,
Xavier Pueyo:
Interactive rendering of globally illuminated scenes including anisotropic and inhomogeneous participating media.
The Visual Computer 21(7): 449-462 (2005) |
| 2004 |
24 |  | Carles Bosch,
Xavier Pueyo,
Stéphane Mérillou,
Djamchid Ghazanfarpour:
A Physically-Based Model for Rendering Realistic Scratches.
Comput. Graph. Forum 23(3): 361-370 (2004) |
23 |  | Gustavo Patow,
Xavier Pueyo,
Alvar Vinacua:
Reflector Design from Radiance Distributions.
International Journal of Shape Modeling 10(2): 211-236 (2004) |
| 2003 |
22 |  | Gustavo Patow,
Xavier Pueyo:
A Survey of Inverse Rendering Problems.
Comput. Graph. Forum 22(4): 663-688 (2003) |
21 |  | Manuel Próspero dos Santos,
Xavier Pueyo,
Luiz Velho:
Ibero-American co-operation in computer graphics.
Computers & Graphics 27(1): 1-3 (2003) |
20 |  | Ignacio Martín,
Xavier Pueyo,
Dani Tost:
Frame-to-Frame Coherent Animation with Two-Pass Radiosity.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(1): 70-84 (2003) |
| 2002 |
19 |  | Dirk Bartz,
Xavier Pueyo,
Erik Reinhard:
Proceedings of the Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, EGPGV 2002, Blaubeuren, Germany, September 9-10, 2002
Eurographics Association 2002 |
| 2001 |
18 |  | Gonzalo Besuievsky,
Xavier Pueyo:
A Monte Carlo Method for Accelerating the Computation of Animated Radiosity Sequences.
Computer Graphics International 2001: 201-208 |
17 |  | Gonzalo Besuievsky,
Xavier Pueyo:
Animating radiosity environments through the Multi-Frame Lighting Method.
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 12(2): 93-106 (2001) |
| 2000 |
16 |  | Frederic Pérez,
Ignacio Martín,
Xavier Pueyo,
François X. Sillion:
Acceleration of Monte Carlo Path Tracing in General Environments.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2000: 71- |
| 1998 |
15 |  | Ignacio Martín,
Xavier Pueyo,
Dani Tost:
A Two-Pass Hardware-Based Method Hierarchical Radiosity.
Comput. Graph. Forum 17(3): 159-164 (1998) |
14 |  | Ignacio Martín,
Frederic Pérez,
Xavier Pueyo:
The SIR rendering architecture.
Computers & Graphics 22(5): 601-609 (1998) |
| 1997 |
13 |  | Ignacio Martín,
Xavier Pueyo,
Dani Tost:
An Image-Space Refinement Criterion for Linear Hierarchical Radiosity.
Graphics Interface 1997: 26-36 |
12 |  | Frederic Pérez,
Xavier Pueyo,
François X. Sillion:
Global Illumination Techniques for the Simulation of Participating Media.
Rendering Techniques 1997: 309-320 |
11 |  | Carlos Ureña,
Xavier Pueyo,
Juan Carlos Torres:
A formalization and classification of global illumination methods.
Computers & Graphics 21(2): 225-236 (1997) |
10 |  | Xavier Pueyo,
Dani Tost,
Ignacio Martín,
Blanca Garcia:
Radiosity for dynamic environments.
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 8(4): 221-231 (1997) |
9 |  | Bruno Arnaldi,
Thierry Priol,
Luc Renambot,
Xavier Pueyo:
Visibility Masks for Solving Complex Radiosity Computations on Multiprocessors.
Parallel Computing 23(7): 887-897 (1997) |
| 1996 |
8 |  | Xavier Pueyo,
Peter Schröder:
Rendering Techniques '96, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Porto, Portugal, August 27-31, 1996
Springer 1996 |
7 |  | Xavier Pueyo,
Frederic Pérez,
Joan Antoni Sellarès,
Josep Suy:
An object-oriented approach for teaching visibility computation algorithms.
Computers & Graphics 20(4): 605-610 (1996) |
6 |  | Mateu Sbert,
Xavier Pueyo,
László Neumann,
Werner Purgathofer:
Global multipath Monte Carlo algorithms for radiosity.
The Visual Computer 12(2): 47-61 (1996) |
| 1995 |
5 |  | László Neumann,
Werner Purgathofer,
Robert F. Tobler,
Attila Neumann,
Pavol Eliás,
Martin Feda,
Xavier Pueyo:
The Stochastic Ray Method for Radiosity.
Rendering Techniques 1995: 206-218 |
4 |  | Mateu Sbert,
Frederic Pérez,
Xavier Pueyo:
Global Monte Carlo. A Progressive Solution.
Rendering Techniques 1995: 231-239 |
| 1991 |
3 |  | Xavier Pueyo:
Diffuse interreflections - Techniques for form-factor computation: a survey.
The Visual Computer 7(4): 200-209 (1991) |
| 1988 |
2 |  | Xavier Pueyo,
Dani Tost:
Survey of Computer Animation.
Comput. Graph. Forum 7(4): 281-300 (1988) |
1 |  | Dani Tost,
Xavier Pueyo:
Human body animation: a survey.
The Visual Computer 3(5): 254-264 (1988) |