| 2009 |
8 |  | Dominik Benz,
Folke Eisterlehner,
Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Beate Krause,
Gerd Stumme:
Managing publications and bookmarks with BibSonomy.
Hypertext 2009: 323-324 |
7 |  | Benjamin Markines,
Ciro Cattuto,
Filippo Menczer,
Dominik Benz,
Andreas Hotho,
Gerd Stumme:
Evaluating similarity measures for emergent semantics of social tagging.
WWW 2009: 641-650 |
6 |  | Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Dominik Benz,
Miranda Grahl,
Beate Krause,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
Social Bookmarking am Beispiel BibSonomy.
Social Semantic Web 2009: 363-391 |
| 2008 |
5 |  | Ciro Cattuto,
Dominik Benz,
Andreas Hotho,
Gerd Stumme:
Semantic Grounding of Tag Relatedness in Social Bookmarking Systems.
International Semantic Web Conference 2008: 615-631 |
4 |  | Ciro Cattuto,
Dominik Benz,
Andreas Hotho,
Gerd Stumme:
Semantic Analysis of Tag Similarity Measures in Collaborative Tagging Systems.
LWA 2008: 18-26 |
3 |  | Ciro Cattuto,
Dominik Benz,
Andreas Hotho,
Gerd Stumme:
Semantic Analysis of Tag Similarity Measures in Collaborative Tagging Systems
CoRR abs/0805.2045: (2008) |
| 2007 |
2 |  | Dominik Benz,
Andreas Hotho:
Position Paper: Ontology Learning from Folksonomies.
LWA 2007: 109-112 |
1 |  | Dominik Benz,
Karen H. L. Tso,
Lars Schmidt-Thieme:
Supporting collaborative hierarchical classification: Bookmarks as an example.
Computer Networks 51(16): 4574-4585 (2007) |