| 2009 |
20 |  | Dominik Benz,
Folke Eisterlehner,
Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Beate Krause,
Gerd Stumme:
Managing publications and bookmarks with BibSonomy.
Hypertext 2009: 323-324 |
19 |  | Robert Jäschke,
Folke Eisterlehner,
Andreas Hotho,
Gerd Stumme:
Testing and evaluating tag recommenders in a live system.
RecSys 2009: 369-372 |
18 |  | Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Dominik Benz,
Miranda Grahl,
Beate Krause,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
Social Bookmarking am Beispiel BibSonomy.
Social Semantic Web 2009: 363-391 |
| 2008 |
17 |  | Beate Krause,
Robert Jäschke,
Andreas Hotho,
Gerd Stumme:
Logsonomy - social information retrieval with logdata.
Hypertext 2008: 157-166 |
16 |  | Robert Jäschke,
Leandro Balby Marinho,
Andreas Hotho,
Lars Schmidt-Thieme,
Gerd Stumme:
Tag recommendations in social bookmarking systems.
AI Commun. 21(4): 231-247 (2008) |
15 |  | Robert Jäschke,
Andreas Hotho,
Christoph Schmitz,
Bernhard Ganter,
Gerd Stumme:
Discovering shared conceptualizations in folksonomies.
J. Web Sem. 6(1): 38-53 (2008) |
| 2007 |
14 |  | Robert Jäschke,
Miranda Grahl,
Andreas Hotho,
Beate Krause,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
Organizing Publications and Bookmarks in BibSonomy.
CKC 2007 |
13 |  | Robert Jäschke,
Andreas Hotho,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
Analysis of the Publication Sharing Behaviour in BibSonomy.
ICCS 2007: 283-295 |
12 |  | Robert Jäschke,
Leandro Balby Marinho,
Andreas Hotho,
Lars Schmidt-Thieme,
Gerd Stumme:
Tag Recommendations in Folksonomies.
LWA 2007: 13-20 |
11 |  | Robert Jäschke,
Leandro Balby Marinho,
Andreas Hotho,
Lars Schmidt-Thieme,
Gerd Stumme:
Tag Recommendations in Folksonomies.
PKDD 2007: 506-514 |
| 2006 |
10 |  | Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
Information Retrieval in Folksonomies: Search and Ranking.
ESWC 2006: 411-426 |
9 |  | Bettina Hoser,
Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
Semantic Network Analysis of Ontologies.
ESWC 2006: 514-529 |
8 |  | Christoph Schmitz,
Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Gerd Stumme:
Content Aggregation on Knowledge Bases Using Graph Clustering.
ESWC 2006: 530-544 |
7 |  | Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
Emergent Semantics in BibSonomy.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2006: 305-312 |
6 |  | Robert Jäschke,
Andreas Hotho,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
Wege zur Entdeckung von Communities in Folksonomies.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2006: 80-84 |
5 |  | Robert Jäschke,
Andreas Hotho,
Christoph Schmitz,
Bernhard Ganter,
Gerd Stumme:
TRIAS - An Algorithm for Mining Iceberg Tri-Lattices.
ICDM 2006: 907-911 |
4 |  | Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
FolkRank : A Ranking Algorithm for Folksonomies.
LWA 2006: 111-114 |
3 |  | Christoph Schmitz,
Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Gerd Stumme:
Content Aggregation on Knowledge Bases using Graph Clustering.
LWA 2006: 221-228 |
2 |  | Bettina Hoser,
Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
Semantic Network Analysis of Ontologies.
LWA 2006: 297-305 |
1 |  | Andreas Hotho,
Robert Jäschke,
Christoph Schmitz,
Gerd Stumme:
Trend Detection in Folksonomies.
SAMT 2006: 56-70 |