| 2009 |
4 |  | Juho Mäkiö,
Stefanie Betz:
On educating globally distributed software development - A case study.
ISCIS 2009: 480-485 |
| 2008 |
3 |  | Stefanie Betz,
Daniel Eichhorn,
Susan Hickl,
Stefan Klink,
Agnes Koschmider,
Yu Li,
Andreas Oberweis,
Ralf Trunko:
3D Representation of Business Process Models.
MobIS 2008: 73-87 |
2 |  | Stefanie Betz,
Juho Mäkiö:
Applying the OUTSHORE approach for risk minimisation in offshore outsourcing of Software Development projects.
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008 |
| 2006 |
1 |  | Stefanie Betz,
Stefan Klink,
Yu Li,
Andreas Oberweis,
Daniel Ried,
Ralf Trunko:
Prozessorientierte Komposition von Diensten in der Doktorandenausbildung.
EMISA 2006: 91-104 |