| 2009 |
25 |  | Gavin O'Gorman,
Stephen Blott:
Improving stream correlation attacks on anonymous networks.
SAC 2009: 2024-2028 |
24 |  | Gavin O'Gorman,
Stephen Blott:
Simulating low-latency anonymous networks.
SpringSim 2009 |
| 2008 |
23 |  | Stephen Blott,
Roger Weber:
What's wrong with high-dimensional similarity search?
PVLDB 1(1): 3 (2008) |
| 2007 |
22 |  | Gavin O'Gorman,
Stephen Blott:
Large Scale Simulation of Tor: .
ASIAN 2007: 48-54 |
21 |  | Fabrice Camous,
Stephen Blott,
Alan F. Smeaton:
Ontology-Based MEDLINE Document Classification.
BIRD 2007: 439-452 |
| 2006 |
20 |  | Fabrice Camous,
Stephen Blott,
Alan F. Smeaton:
On Combining Text and MeSH Searches to Improve the Retrieval of MEDLINE documents.
CORIA 2006: 271-282 |
| 2005 |
19 |  | Stephen Blott,
Fabrice Camous,
Cathal Gurrin,
Gareth J. F. Jones,
Alan F. Smeaton:
On the use of Clustering and the MeSH Controlled Vocabulary to Improve MEDLINE Abstract Search.
CORIA 2005: 41-56 |
18 |  | Ciaran Ferry,
Stephen Blott:
The consistent web: a vision for the future.
CoNEXT 2005: 240-241 |
17 |  | Fabrice Camous,
Stephen Blott,
Cathal Gurrin,
Gareth J. F. Jones,
Alan F. Smeaton:
Structural Term Extraction for Expansion of Template-Based Genomic Queries.
TREC 2005 |
| 2004 |
16 |  | Stephen Blott,
Fabrice Camous,
Paul Ferguson,
Georgina Gaughan,
Cathal Gurrin,
Gareth J. F. Jones,
Noel Murphy,
Noel E. O'Connor,
Alan F. Smeaton,
Peter Wilkins,
Oisín Boydell,
Barry Smyth:
Experiments in Terabyte Searching, Genomic Retrieval and Novelty Detection for TREC 2004.
TREC 2004 |
| 2003 |
15 |  | Stephen Blott,
Cathal Gurrin,
Gareth J. F. Jones,
Alan F. Smeaton,
Thomas Sødring:
On the Use of MeSH Headings to Improve Retrieval Effectiveness.
TREC 2003: 215-224 |
| 2002 |
14 |  | Stephen Blott,
Henry F. Korth:
An Almost-Serial Protocol for Transaction Execution in Main-Memory Database Systems.
VLDB 2002: 706-717 |
| 1998 |
13 |  | Roger Weber,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Stephen Blott:
A Quantitative Analysis and Performance Study for Similarity-Search Methods in High-Dimensional Spaces.
VLDB 1998: 194-205 |
12 |  | Jerry Baulier,
Stephen Blott,
Henry F. Korth,
Abraham Silberschatz:
A Database System for Real-Time Event Aggregation in Telecommunication.
VLDB 1998: 680-684 |
11 |  | Stephen Blott,
Henry F. Korth,
Abraham Silberschatz:
Information, Communication, and Money: For What Can We Charge and How Can We Meter It?
VLDB 1998: 697 |
| 1997 |
10 |  | Gustavo Alonso,
Stephen Blott,
Armin Fessler,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Correctness and Parallelism of Composite Systems.
PODS 1997: 197-208 |
| 1996 |
9 |  | Stephen Blott,
Lukas Relly,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
An Open Storage System for Abstract Objects.
SIGMOD Conference 1996: 330-340 |
| 1995 |
8 |  | Lukas Relly,
Stephen Blott:
Ein Speichersystem für abstrakte Objekte.
BTW 1995: 338-347 |
7 |  | Stephen Blott,
Andrej Vckovski:
Accessing Geographical Metafiles through a Database Storage System.
SSD 1995: 117-131 |
| 1994 |
6 |  | Stephen Blott,
Helmut Kaufmann,
Lukas Relly,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Buffering Long Externally-Defined Objects.
POS 1994: 45-59 |
5 |  | Moira C. Norrie,
Stephen Blott,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Gerhard Weikum:
The Database Research Group at ETH Zurich.
SIGMOD Record 23(1): 116-121 (1994) |
| 1993 |
4 |  | Stephen Blott,
Moira C. Norrie,
David J. Harper,
Andrew D. M. Walker:
Detecting Semantic Violations in Generalised Classification Structures.
CoopIS 1993: 300-308 |
| 1989 |
3 |  | Stephen Blott:
Type Inference and Type Classes.
Functional Programming 1989: 254-265 |
2 |  | Kevin Hammond,
Stephen Blott:
Implementing Haskell Type Classes.
Functional Programming 1989: 266-286 |
1 |  | Philip Wadler,
Stephen Blott:
How to Make ad-hoc Polymorphism Less ad-hoc.
POPL 1989: 60-76 |