| 2009 |
17 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Jan van Dijk:
Towards privacy preserving data reconciliation for criminal justice chains.
D.GO 2009: 223-229 |
16 |  | Jan van Dijk,
Sunil Choenni,
Frans Leeuw:
Analyzing a complaint database by means of a genetic-based data mining algorithm.
ICAIL 2009: 226-227 |
| 2006 |
15 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Henk Ernst Blok,
Erik Leertouwer:
Handling Uncertainty and Ignorance in Databases: A Rule to Combine Dependent Data.
DASFAA 2006: 310-324 |
| 2004 |
14 |  | Henk Ernst Blok,
Sunil Choenni,
Henk M. Blanken,
Peter M. G. Apers:
A Selectivity Model for Fragmented Relations: Applied in Information Retrieval.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(5): 635-639 (2004) |
| 2002 |
13 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Henk M. Blanken:
A Dempster-Shafer Approach to Physical Database Design.
AIMSA 2002: 111-121 |
| 2001 |
12 |  | Henk Ernst Blok,
Djoerd Hiemstra,
Sunil Choenni,
Franciska de Jong,
Henk M. Blanken,
Peter M. G. Apers:
Predicting the Cost-Quality Trade-Off for Information Retrieval Queries: Facilitating Database Design and Query Optimization.
CIKM 2001: 207-214 |
11 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Richard Walker,
Robin Bakker,
Walter Baets:
E-learning as a Vehicle for Knowledge Management.
INAP 2001: 379-392 |
| 2000 |
10 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Henk M. Blanken:
Modelling Uncertainty in Physical Database Design.
KRDB 2000: 31-44 |
9 |  | Sunil Choenni:
Design and Implementation of a Genetic-Based Algorithm for Data Mining.
VLDB 2000: 33-42 |
| 1998 |
8 |  | Sunil Choenni:
On the Suitability of Genetic-Based Algorithms for Data Mining.
ER Workshops 1998: 55-67 |
| 1997 |
7 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Arno Siebes:
Query Optimization to Support Data Mining.
DEXA Workshop 1997: 658-663 |
| 1995 |
6 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Henk Wagterveld,
Henk M. Blanken,
Thiel Chang:
TOPYDE: A Tool for Physical Database Design
DEXA 1995: 502-511 |
| 1994 |
5 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Elisa Bertino,
Henk M. Blanken,
Thiel Chang:
On the Selection of Optimal Index Configuration in OO Databases.
ICDE 1994: 526-537 |
4 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Elisa Bertino,
Henk M. Blanken,
Thiel Chang:
Index Configurations in Object-Oriented Databases.
TOOLS (13) 1994: 119-133 |
| 1993 |
3 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Henk M. Blanken,
Thiel Chang:
Index Selection in Relational Databases.
ICCI 1993: 491-496 |
2 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Henk M. Blanken,
Thiel Chang:
On the Automation of Physical Database Design.
SAC 1993: 358-367 |
1 |  | Sunil Choenni,
Henk M. Blanken,
Thiel Chang:
On the Selection of Secondary Indices in Relational Databases.
Data Knowl. Eng. 11(3): 207- (1993) |