| 2008 |
54 |  | Jacques Cohen:
From academia to the editorship.
Commun. ACM 51(1): 41-43 (2008) |
53 |  | Jacques Cohen:
The crucial role of CS in systems and synthetic biology.
Commun. ACM 51(5): 15-18 (2008) |
| 2005 |
52 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Computer science and bioinformatics.
Commun. ACM 48(3): 72-78 (2005) |
51 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Updating computer science education.
Commun. ACM 48(6): 29-31 (2005) |
| 2004 |
50 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Bioinformatics - an introduction for computer scientists.
ACM Comput. Surv. 36(2): 122-158 (2004) |
49 |  | Jacques Cohen:
A Tribute to Alain Colmerauer
CoRR cs.PL/0402058: (2004) |
| 2001 |
48 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Computers and biology.
Commun. ACM 44(3): 76-77 (2001) |
47 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Approaches for Simulating and Modeling Cell Regulation: Search for a Unified View Using Constraints.
Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 5(B): 161-188 (2001) |
46 |  | Jacques Cohen:
A Tribute to Alain Colmerauer.
TPLP 1(6): 637-646 (2001) |
| 1999 |
45 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Guest Editorial.
Constraints 4(4): 307-311 (1999) |
44 |  | Denis Bouhineau,
Laurent Trilling,
Jacques Cohen:
An Application of CLP: Checking the Correctness of Theorems in Geometry.
Constraints 4(4): 383-405 (1999) |
| 1997 |
43 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Logic Programming and Constraint Logic Programming.
The Computer Science and Engineering Handbook 1997: 2066-2093 |
| 1996 |
42 |  | Olivier Baby,
Jacques Cohen:
Analyse de l'ADN: une approche multipasse à base de contraintes.
JFPLC 1996: 9- |
41 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Logic Programming and Constraint Logic Programming.
ACM Comput. Surv. 28(1): 257-259 (1996) |
| 1995 |
40 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Suresh Kalathur:
Data-Parallel Design of an Interval-Based Constraint Language: Analysis of Speedups.
PDPTA 1995: 81-90 |
| 1993 |
39 |  | Jean-Louis Imbert,
Jacques Cohen,
Marie-Dominique Weeger:
An Algorithm for Linear Constraint Solving: Its Incorporation in a Prolog Meta-Interpreter for CLP.
J. Log. Program. 16(3): 235-253 (1993) |
| 1992 |
38 |  | Yves Bekkers,
Jacques Cohen:
Memory Management, International Workshop IWMM 92, St. Malo, France, September 17-19, 1992, Proceedings
Springer 1992 |
37 |  | Timothy J. Hickey,
Jacques Cohen,
Hitofumi Hotta,
Thierry PetitJean:
Computer-Assisted Microanalysis of Parallel Programs.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 14(1): 54-106 (1992) |
36 |  | Jacques Cohen:
First Specialize, Then Generalize (Indroduction to the Special Section on Logic Programming).
Commun. ACM 35(3): 34-39 (1992) |
35 |  | Timothy J. Hickey,
Jacques Cohen,
V. Deschamps:
Meta-Level Interpretation of Constraint Languages A Case Study: Logical Primitives.
New Generation Comput. 10(4): 361-384 (1992) |
34 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Aline Weitzman:
Software Tools for Micro-analysis of Programs.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 22(9): 777-808 (1992) |
| 1991 |
33 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Pascal Koiran,
Catherine Perrin:
Meta-Level Interpretation of CLP(Lists).
WCLP 1991: 457-481 |
| 1990 |
32 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Constraint Logic Programming Languages.
Commun. ACM 33(7): 52-68 (1990) |
31 |  | David Hildum,
Jacques Cohen:
A Language for Specifying Program Transformations.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(6): 630-638 (1990) |
| 1988 |
30 |  | Jacques Cohen:
A View of the Origins and Development of Prolog.
Commun. ACM 31(1): 26-36 (1988) |
29 |  | Timothy J. Hickey,
Jacques Cohen:
Automating program analysis.
J. ACM 35(1): 185-220 (1988) |
| 1987 |
28 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Timothy J. Hickey:
Parsing and Compiling Using Prolog.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 9(2): 125-163 (1987) |
| 1985 |
27 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Describing Prolog by Its Interpretation and Compilation.
Commun. ACM 28(12): 1311-1324 (1985) |
26 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Stuart Kolodner:
Estimating the Speedup in Parallel Parsing.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(1): 114-124 (1985) |
| 1984 |
25 |  | Timothy J. Hickey,
Jacques Cohen:
Performance Analysis of On-the-Fly Garbage Collection.
Commun. ACM 27(11): 1143-1154 (1984) |
24 |  | Francis Giannesini,
Jacques Cohen:
Parser Generation and Grammar Manipulation Using Prolog's Infinite Trees.
J. Log. Program. 1(3): 253-265 (1984) |
| 1983 |
23 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Alexandru Nicolau:
Comparison of Compacting Algorithms for Garbage Collection.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 5(4): 532-553 (1983) |
22 |  | Jacques Cohen:
A Note on a Fast Algorithm for Sparse Matrix Multiplication.
Inf. Process. Lett. 16(5): 247-248 (1983) |
21 |  | Timothy J. Hickey,
Jacques Cohen:
Uniform Random Generation of Strings in a Context-Free Language.
SIAM J. Comput. 12(4): 645-655 (1983) |
| 1982 |
20 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Computer-Assisted Microanalysis of Programs.
Commun. ACM 25(10): 724-733 (1982) |
19 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Timothy J. Hickey,
Joel Katcoff:
Upper Bounds for Speedup in Parallel Parsing.
J. ACM 29(2): 408-428 (1982) |
| 1981 |
18 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Garbage Collection of Linked Data Structures.
ACM Comput. Surv. 13(3): 341-367 (1981) |
| 1980 |
17 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Surveyor's Forum: Determining a Search.
ACM Comput. Surv. 12(3): 358 (1980) |
| 1979 |
16 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Computer-Aided Micro-Analysis of Programs.
ICSE 1979: 79-84 |
15 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Non-Deterministic Algorithms.
ACM Comput. Surv. 11(2): 79-94 (1979) |
14 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Robin Sitver,
David Auty:
Evaluating and Improving Recursive Descent Parsers.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 5(5): 472-480 (1979) |
13 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Robin Sitver:
A Case Study in Program Transformation: Translation into Polish.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 5(6): 593-606 (1979) |
12 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Timothy J. Hickey:
Two Algorithms for Determining Volumes of Convex Polyhedra.
J. ACM 26(3): 401-414 (1979) |
| 1978 |
11 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Martin A. Roth:
Analyses of Deterministic Parsing Algorithms.
Commun. ACM 21(6): 448-458 (1978) |
| 1977 |
10 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Joel Katcoff:
Symbolic Solution of Finite-Difference Equations.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 3(3): 261-271 (1977) |
9 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Joel Katcoff:
Automatic Solution of a Certain Class of Combinatorial Problems.
Inf. Process. Lett. 6(4): 101-104 (1977) |
8 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Neal Carpenter:
A Language for Inquiring about the Run-time Behaviour of Programs.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 7(4): 445-460 (1977) |
| 1976 |
7 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Martin S. Roth:
On the Implementation of Strassen's Fast Multiplication Algorithm.
Acta Inf. 6: 341-355 (1976) |
| 1975 |
6 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Interpretation of Non-Deterministic Algorithms in Higher-Level Languages.
Inf. Process. Lett. 3(4): 104-109 (1975) |
5 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Experience with a Conversational Parser Generating System.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 5(2): 169-180 (1975) |
| 1974 |
4 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Carl Zuckerman:
Two Languages for Estimating Program Efficiency.
Commun. ACM 17(6): 301-308 (1974) |
3 |  | Jacques Cohen,
Eileen Carton:
Non-Deterministic FORTRAN.
Comput. J. 17(1): 44-51 (1974) |
| 1973 |
2 |  | Jacques Cohen:
Syntax-Directed Unit Conversion.
Inf. Process. Lett. 2(4): 100-102 (1973) |
| 1967 |
1 |  | Jacques Cohen:
A use of fast and slow memories in list-processing languages.
Commun. ACM 10(2): 82-86 (1967) |