Information Processing Letters
, Volume 16
Volume 16, Number 1, 24 January 1983
Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide
: Infinite Cube-Connected Cycles. 1-2
Alan A. Bertossi
Maurizio A. Bonuccelli
: Preemptive Scheduling of Periodic Jobs in Uniform Multiprocessor Systems. 3-6
Andrzej Ehrenfeucht
Grzegorz Rozenberg
: On the Subword Complexity of Locally Catenative D0L Languages. 7-9
Vitit Kantabutra
: Traveling Salesman Cycles are not Always Subgraphs of Voronoi Duals. 11-12
Ronald Fagin
Moshe Y. Vardi
: Armstrong Databases for Functional and Inclusion Dependencies. 13-19
Aarni Perko
: A Representation of Disjoint Sets with Fast Initialization. 21
Kenneth L. Clarkson
: A Modification of the Greedy Algorithm for Vertex Cover. 23-25
Michel Latteux
: On a Language Without Star. 27-30
Yves Métivier
: About the Rewriting Systems Produced by the Knuth-Bendix Completion Algorithm. 31-34
Ralf Hartmut Güting
: Stabbing C-Oriented Polygons. 35-40
Ingo Wegener
: Relating Monotone Formula Size and Monotone Depth of Boolean Functions. 41-42
Lewis Neale Lester
: Accuracy of Approximating Queueing Network Departure Processes With Independent Renewal Processes. 43-48
Volume 16, Number 2, 26 February 1983
Joanna Jedrzejowicz
: On the Enlargement of the Class of Regular Languages by the Shuffle Closure. 51-54
Juris Hartmanis
: On Sparse Sets in NP - P. 55-60
Lloyd Allison
: Stable Marriages by Coroutines. 61-65
Christopher W. Fraser
: A Generalization of Two Code Ordering Optimizations. 67-70
Stefan Eicholz
: Optimal Networks for Distributing Nonsequential Programs. 71-74
Bernard Chazelle
: A Decision Procedure for Optimal Polyhedron Partitioning. 75-78
Bowen Alpern
Fred B. Schneider
: Key Exchange Using `Keyless Cryptography'. 79-81
Micha Hofri
: Should the Two-Headed Disk be Greedy? - Yes, it Should. 83-85
Dan Gusfield
: Connectivity and Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees. 87-89
T. R. Walsh
: Iteration Strikes Back - at the Cyclic Towers of Hanoi. 91-93
Toshihide Ibaraki
Naoki Katoh
: On-Line Computation of Transitive Closures of Graphs. 95-97
Christopher Wood
Eduardo B. Fernández
Tomás Lang
: Minimization of Demand Paging for the LRU Stack Model of Program Behavior. 99-104
Volume 16, Number 3, 15 April 1983
Robert L. Constable
: Programs as Proofs: A Synopsis. 105-112
Robert J. McGlinn
: Is SSS* Better Than Alpha-Beta? 113-120
Eljas Soisalon-Soininen
: On Computing Approximate Convex Hulls. 121-126
Wojciech Rytter
: Time Complexity of Loop-Free Two-Way Pushdown Automata. 127-129
Markku Tamminen
: Analysis of N-Trees. 131-137
Toshitsugu Yuba
Yoshinori Yamaguchi
Toshio Shimada
: A Control Mechanism of a Lisp-Based Data-Driven Machine. 139-143
Rakesh Agrawal
David J. DeWitt
: Updating Hypothetical Data Bases. 145-146
I. K. Rystsov
: Polynomial Complete Problems in Automata Theory. 147-151
Marco A. Casanova
: The Theory of Functional and Subset Dependencies Over Relational Expressions. 153-160
Volume 16, Number 4, 13 May 1983
Jean-Luc Deleage
: An Application of a Transfer Lemma. 161-163
Stefan Hertel
: Smoothsort's Behavior on Presorted Sequences. 165-170
Greg N. Frederickson
: Scheduling Unit-Time Tasks With Integer Release Times and Deadlines. 171-173
Errol L. Lloyd
: On a Simple Deadlock Recovery Problem. 175-178
Maxime Crochemore
Michael Le Rest
Philippe Wender
: An Optimal Test on Finite Unavoidable Sets of Words. 179-180
Chee-Keng Yap
: A Hybrid Algorithm for the Shortest Path Between Two Nodes in the Presence of Few Negative Arcs. 181-182
Takao Tsuda
Takashi Sato
Takaaki Tatsumi
: Generalization of Floyd's Model on Permuting Information in Idealized Two-Level Storage. 183-188
Masanori Fushimi
: Increasing the Orders of Equidistribution of the Leading Bits of the Tausworthe Sequence. 189-192
Bernard Chazelle
: An Improved Algorithm for the Fixed-Radius Neighbor Problem. 193-198
Wojciech Rytter
: A Simulation Result for Two-Way Pushdown Automata. 199-202
Annalisa Bossi
Nicoletta Cocco
Livio Colussi
: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to General Context-Free Parsing. 203-208
Uwe Schöning
: On the Dtructure of Delta
. 209-211
Volume 16, Number 5, 10 June 1983
Edsger W. Dijkstra
W. H. J. Feijen
A. J. M. van Gasteren
: Derivation of a Termination Detection Algorithm for Distributed Computations. 217-219
Andrzej Duda
: The Effects of Checkpointing on Program Execution Time. 221-229
Arturo Carpi
: On the Size of a Square-Free Morphism on a Three Letter Alphabet. 231-235
Fionn Murtagh
: Expected-Time Complexity Results for Hierarchic Clustering Algorithms Which Use Cluster Centres. 237-241
Kazumasa Ozawa
: Considerations on the Similarity Measures Between Index Terms. 243-246
Jacques Cohen
: A Note on a Fast Algorithm for Sparse Matrix Multiplication. 247-248
John Zahorjan
Barbara J. Bell
Kenneth C. Sevcik
: Estimating Block Transfers When Record Access Probabilities are Non-Uniform. 249-252
Robert Endre Tarjan
: Updating a Balanced Search Tree in O(1) Rotations. 253-257
Hans-Peter Kriegel
Y. S. Kwong
: Insertion-Safeness in Balanced Trees. 259-264
Rudolf Freund
: Init and Anf Operating on omega-Languages. 265-269
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Mon Mar 15 04:02:51 2010 by
Michael Ley