| 2008 |
18 |  | Thibault Mondary,
Sylvie Desprès,
Adeline Nazarenko,
Sylvie Szulman:
Construction d'ontologies à partir de textes : la phase de conceptualisation.
Actes d'IC 2008: 87-98 |
17 |  | Fadi Badra,
Rokia Bendaoud,
Rim Bentebibel,
Pierre-Antoine Champin,
Julien Cojan,
Amélie Cordier,
Sylvie Desprès,
Stéphanie Jean-Daubias,
Jean Lieber,
Thomas Meilender,
Alain Mille,
Emmanuel Nauer,
Amedeo Napoli,
Yannick Toussaint:
TAAABLE: Text Mining, Ontology Engineering, and Hierarchical Classification for Textual Case-Based Cooking.
ECCBR Workshops 2008: 219-228 |
16 |  | Sylvie Desprès,
Sylvie Szulman:
Sémantique et réutilisation dontologie générique.
EGC 2008: 121-126 |
15 |  | Sonia Mhiri,
Sylvie Desprès,
Ezzeddine Zagrouba:
Ontologies For The Semantic-Based Medical Image Indexing: An Overview.
IKE 2008: 311-317 |
| 2007 |
14 |  | Sylvie Desprès,
Frédéric Fürst,
Sylvie Szulman:
Construction d'une ontologie du domaine HSE.
Actes d'IC 2007: 133-145 |
13 |  | Valentina Ceausu,
Sylvie Desprès:
Alignement de ressources sémantiques à partir de règles.
EGC 2007: 611-622 |
12 |  | Valentina Ceausu,
Sylvie Desprès:
A Semantic Case-Based Reasoning Framework for Text Categorization.
ISWC/ASWC 2007: 736-749 |
11 |  | Valentina Ceausu,
Sylvie Desprès:
Learning Term to Concept Mapping Through Verbs: A Case Study.
SAAKM 2007 |
10 |  | Sonia Mhiri,
Sylvie Desprès:
Ontology Usability Via a Visualization Tool for the Semantic Indexing of Medical Reports (DICOM SR).
USAB 2007: 409-414 |
9 |  | Sylvie Desprès,
Sylvie Szulman:
Merging of legal micro-ontologies from European directives.
Artif. Intell. Law 15(2): 187-200 (2007) |
| 2006 |
8 |  | Valentina Ceausu,
Sylvie Desprès:
Reconnaissance automatique de concepts à partir d'une ontologie.
EGC 2006: 229-234 |
7 |  | Sylvie Desprès,
Sylvie Szulman:
Terminae Method and Integration Process for Legal Ontology Building.
IEA/AIE 2006: 1014-1023 |
6 |  | Valentina Ceausu,
Sylvie Desprès:
Towards a case-based reasoning approach to analyze road accidents.
IFIP PPAI 2006: 257-264 |
5 |  | Valentina Ceausu,
Sylvie Desprès:
An Ontology Supported Approach to Learn Term to Concept Mapping.
PKAW 2006: 216-222 |
| 2005 |
4 |  | Valentina Ceausu,
Sylvie Desprès:
Fouille de textes pour orienter la construction d'une ressource terminologique.
EGC 2005: 239-244 |
3 |  | Guiraude Lame,
Sylvie Desprès:
Updating and versioning ontologies in the legal domain.
ICAIL 2005: 155-162 |
| 1998 |
2 |  | Rose Dieng,
Alain Giboin,
Christelle Amergé,
Olivier Corby,
Sylvie Desprès,
Laurence Alpay,
Sofiane Labidi,
Stéphane Lapalut:
Building of a Corporate Memory for Traffic-Accident Analysis.
AI Magazine 19(4): 80-100 (1998) |
| 1986 |
1 |  | Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier,
Sylvie Desprès:
Propagation of uncertainties and inaccuracies in knowledge-based systems.
IPMU 1986: 58-65 |