| 2008 |
33 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel,
Antoine Spicher:
Spatial Organization of the Chemical Paradigm and the Specification of Autonomic Systems.
Software-Intensive Systems and New Computing Paradigms 2008: 235-254 |
| 2007 |
32 | | André DeHon,
Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Frédéric Gruau:
Computing Media and Languages for Space-Oriented Computation, 03.09. - 08.09.2006
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2007 |
31 | | André DeHon,
Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Frédéric Gruau:
06361 Abstracts Collection -- Computing Media Languages for Space-Oriented Computation.
Computing Media and Languages for Space-Oriented Computation 2007 |
30 | | André DeHon,
Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Frédéric Gruau:
06361 Executive Report -- Computing Media Languages for Space-Oriented Computation.
Computing Media and Languages for Space-Oriented Computation 2007 |
| 2006 |
29 | | Olivier Danvy,
Andrzej Filinski,
Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Andy King,
Pierre-Etienne Moreau,
Carolyn L. Talcott:
Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 19(4): 343-344 (2006) |
| 2005 |
28 | | Jean-Pierre Banâtre,
Pascal Fradet,
Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel:
Unconventional Programming Paradigms, International Workshop UPP 2004, Le Mont Saint Michel, France, September 15-17, 2004, Revised Selected and Invited Papers
Springer 2005 |
27 | | Antoine Spicher,
Olivier Michel,
Jean-Louis Giavitto:
Algorithmic Self-assembly by Accretion and by Carving in MGS.
Artificial Evolution 2005: 189-200 |
26 | | Francesco Bernardini,
Marian Gheorghe,
Natalio Krasnogor,
Jean-Louis Giavitto:
On Self-assembly in Population P Systems.
UC 2005: 46-57 |
| 2004 |
25 | | Antoine Spicher,
Olivier Michel,
Jean-Louis Giavitto:
A Topological Framework for the Specification and the Simulation of Discrete Dynamical Systems.
ACRI 2004: 238-247 |
24 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel,
Julien Cohen,
Antoine Spicher:
Computations in Space and Space in Computations.
UPP 2004: 137-152 |
| 2003 |
23 | | Julien Cohen,
Olivier Michel,
Jean-Louis Giavitto:
Filtrage et règles de réécriture sur des structures indexées par des groupes.
JFLA 2003: 77-92 |
22 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto:
Invited Talk: Topological Collections, Transformations and Their Application to the Modeling and the Simulation of Dynamical Systems.
RTA 2003: 208-233 |
21 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Pierre-Etienne Moreau:
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 86(2): (2003) |
| 2002 |
20 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel:
Pattern-matching and rewriting rules for group indexed data structures.
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Rule-Based Programming 2002: 55-66 |
19 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel:
Data Structure as Topological Spaces.
UMC 2002: 137-150 |
18 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel,
Julien Cohen:
Accretive Rules in Cayley P Systems.
WMC-CdeA 2002: 319-338 |
17 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel:
The Topological Structures of Membrane Computing.
Fundam. Inform. 49(1-3): 123-145 (2002) |
16 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel,
Julien Cohen:
Pattern-matching and rewriting rules for group indexed data structures.
SIGPLAN Notices 37(12): 76-87 (2002) |
| 2001 |
15 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel:
Declarative Definition of Group Indexed Data Structures and Approximation of Their Domains.
PPDP 2001: 150-161 |
14 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel:
MGS: a Rule-Based Programming Language for Complex Objects and Collections.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 59(4): (2001) |
| 2000 |
13 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto:
A framework for the recursive definition of data structures.
PPDP 2000: 45-55 |
| 1998 |
12 | | Erika Valencia,
Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Jean-Paul Sansonnet:
Algebraic Topology for Knowledge Representation in Analogy Solving.
ECAI 1998: 88-92 |
11 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Dominique De Vito,
Jean-Paul Sansonnet:
A Data Parallel Java Client-Server Architecture for Data Field Computations over Zn.
Euro-Par 1998: 742-745 |
| 1997 |
10 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Dominique De Vito,
Olivier Michel:
Semantics and Compilation of Recursive Sequential Streams in 8½.
PLILP 1997: 207-223 |
| 1995 |
9 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Olivier Michel,
Jean-Paul Sansonnet:
Group-Based Fields.
PSLS 1995: 209-214 |
| 1994 |
8 | | Olivier Michel,
Jean-Louis Giavitto:
Design and Implementation of a Declarative Data-Parallel Language.
ICLP Workshop: Parallel and Data Parallel Execution of Logic Programs 1994: 1-10 |
| 1993 |
7 | | Franck Cappello,
Jean-Luc Béchennec,
Franck Delaplace,
Cécile Germain,
Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Vincent Néri,
Daniel Etiemble:
Balanced Distributed Memory Parallel Computers.
ICPP 1993: 72-76 |
6 | | F. Capello,
Jean-Luc Béchennec,
Franck Delaplace,
Damien Gautier de Lahaut,
Cécile Germain,
Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Vincent Néri,
Daniel Etiemble:
A Parralel Architecture Based on Compiled Communication Schemes.
PARCO 1993: 371-378 |
| 1992 |
5 | | Franck Cappello,
Jean-Luc Béchennec,
Jean-Louis Giavitto:
PTAH: Introduction to a New Parallel Architecture for Highly Numeric Processing.
PARLE 1992: 81-96 |
4 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Jean-Paul Sansonnet,
Olivier Michel:
Inférer rapidement la géométrie des collections.
WSA 1992: 185-193 |
| 1991 |
3 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Cécile Germain,
Julian Fowler:
OAL: an Implementation of an Actor Language on a Massively Parallel Message-Passing Architecture.
EDMCC 1991: 347-360 |
2 | | Guy Rosuel,
Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Agnès Devarenne:
C++ Adequacy for Software Engineering Concepts.
TOOLS (5) 1991: 141-152 |
| 1990 |
1 | | Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Guy Rosuel,
Agnès Devarenne,
Anne Mauboussin:
Design Decisions for the Incremental Adage Framework.
ICSE 1990: 86-95 |