| 2009 |
29 |  | J. Paul Gibson:
Software reuse and plagiarism: a code of practice.
ITiCSE 2009: 55-59 |
| 2008 |
28 |  | J. Paul Gibson,
Eric Lallet,
Jean-Luc Raffy:
Analysis of a Distributed e-Voting System Architecture against Quality of Service Requirements.
ICSEA 2008: 58-64 |
27 |  | J. Paul Gibson:
Weaving a Formal Methods Education with Problem-Based Learning.
ISoLA 2008: 460-472 |
26 |  | Damien Woods,
J. Paul Gibson:
Lower bounds on the computational power of an optical model of computation.
Natural Computing 7(1): 95-108 (2008) |
| 2007 |
25 |  | J. Paul Gibson:
E-Voting and the Need for Rigourous Software Engineering - The Past, Present and Future.
B 2007: 1 |
24 |  | Dominique Cansell,
J. Paul Gibson,
Dominique Méry:
Formal verification of tamper-evident storage for e-voting.
SEFM 2007: 329-338 |
23 |  | Dominique Cansell,
J. Paul Gibson,
Dominique Méry:
Refinement: A Constructive Approach to Formal Software Design for a Secure e-voting Interface.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 183: 39-55 (2007) |
| 2006 |
22 |  | Jackie O'Kelly,
J. Paul Gibson:
RoboCode & problem-based learning: a non-prescriptive approach to teaching programming.
ITiCSE 2006: 217-221 |
| 2005 |
21 |  | Damien Woods,
J. Paul Gibson:
Complexity of Continuous Space Machine Operations.
CiE 2005: 540-551 |
20 |  | Stephen Hallinan,
J. Paul Gibson:
A Graduate's Role in Technology Transfer: From Requirements to Design with UML.
IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 94-99 |
19 |  | Des Traynor,
J. Paul Gibson:
Synthesis and analysis of automatic assessment methods in CS1: generating intelligent MCQs.
SIGCSE 2005: 495-499 |
18 |  | Damien Woods,
J. Paul Gibson:
Lower Bounds on the Computational Power of an Optical Model of Computation.
UC 2005: 237-250 |
| 2003 |
17 |  | Peter J. Clarke,
Brian A. Malloy,
J. Paul Gibson:
Using a Taxonomy Tool to Identify Changes in OO Softwar.
CSMR 2003: 213-222 |
16 |  | Edward B. Duffy,
J. Paul Gibson,
Brian A. Malloy:
Applying the Decorator Pattern for Profiling Object-Oriented Software.
IWPC 2003: 84-93 |
15 |  | J. Paul Gibson:
A noughts and crosses Java applet to teach programming to primary school children.
PPPJ 2003: 85-88 |
| 2002 |
14 |  | David C. Rine,
James F. Power,
J. Paul Gibson:
ACM SAC2002 software engineering: theory and applications (SETA) track description.
SAC 2002: 969-970 |
| 2000 |
13 |  | David Sinclair,
J. Paul Gibson:
4th Irish Workshop on Formal Methods, IWFM 2000, Maynooth, Ireland, 5th-6th July 2000
BCS 2000 |
12 |  | J. Paul Gibson:
Formal Requirements Engineering: Learning from the Students.
Australian Software Engineering Conference 2000: 171-180 |
11 |  | J. Paul Gibson,
Geoff Hamilton,
Dominique Méry:
A Taxonomy for Triggered Interactions Using Fair Object Semantics.
FIW 2000: 193-209 |
10 |  | David Sinclair,
James F. Power,
J. Paul Gibson,
David Gray,
Geoff Hamilton:
Specifying and Verifying IP with Linear Logic.
ICDCS Workshop on Distributed System Validation and Verification 2000: E104-E110 |
9 |  | J. Paul Gibson,
Thomas F. Dowling,
Brian A. Malloy:
The Application of Correctness Preserving Transformations to Software Maintenance.
ICSM 2000: 108- |
| 1999 |
8 |  | J. Paul Gibson,
Dominique Méry:
Formal Modelling of Services for Getting a Better Understanding of the Feature Interaction Problem.
Ershov Memorial Conference 1999: 155-179 |
7 |  | J. Paul Gibson,
Geoff Hamilton,
Dominique Méry:
Integration Problems in Telephone Feature Requirements.
IFM 1999: 129-148 |
6 |  | David Gray,
Geoff Hamilton,
David Sinclair,
J. Paul Gibson,
James F. Power:
Four Logics and a Protocol.
IWFM 1999 |
| 1998 |
5 |  | J. Paul Gibson:
Towards a Feature Interaction Algebra.
FIW 1998: 217-231 |
4 |  | J. Paul Gibson,
Dominique Méry:
Teaching Formal Methods: Lessons to Learn.
IWFM 1998 |
| 1997 |
3 |  | J. Paul Gibson:
Feature Requirements Models: Understanding Interactions.
FIW 1997: 46-60 |
2 |  | J. Paul Gibson,
Bruno Mermet,
Dominique Méry:
Feature Interactions: A Mixed Semantic Model Approach.
IWFM 1997 |
1 |  | Dominique Méry,
J. Paul Gibson:
Telephone feature verification: Translating SDL to TLA+.
SDL Forum 1997: 103-118 |