| 2009 |
47 |  | Markus Aleksy,
Vasco Amaral,
Ralf Gitzel,
James F. Power,
John Waldron:
PPPJ special issue-Foreword.
Sci. Comput. Program. 74(5-6): 259-260 (2009) |
| 2008 |
46 |  | Jacqueline A. McQuillan,
James F. Power:
A Metamodel for the Measurement of Object-Oriented Systems: An Analysis using Alloy.
ICST 2008: 288-297 |
45 |  | Jonathan M. Lambert,
James F. Power:
Platform Independent Timing of Java Virtual Machine Bytecode Instructions.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 220(3): 97-113 (2008) |
44 |  | Mark Hennessy,
James F. Power:
Analysing the effectiveness of rule-coverage as a reduction criterion for test suites of grammar-based software.
Empirical Software Engineering 13(4): 343-368 (2008) |
43 |  | Markus Aleksy,
Ralf Gitzel,
John Waldron,
James F. Power:
PPPJ 2006 special issue - foreword.
Sci. Comput. Program. 70(2-3): 87-88 (2008) |
| 2007 |
42 |  | Steven Kearney,
James F. Power:
REM4j - A Framework for Measuring the Reverse Engineering Capability of UML CASE Tools.
SEKE 2007: 209-214 |
41 |  | Nicholas A. Kraft,
Brian A. Malloy,
James F. Power:
An infrastructure to support interoperability in reverse engineering.
Information & Software Technology 49(3): 292-307 (2007) |
40 |  | Nicholas A. Kraft,
Brian A. Malloy,
James F. Power:
A tool chain for reverse engineering C++ applications.
Sci. Comput. Program. 69(1-3): 3-13 (2007) |
| 2006 |
39 |  | Mark Hennessy,
James F. Power:
Ensuring behavioural equivalence in test-driven porting.
CASCON 2006: 377 |
38 |  | Jacqueline A. McQuillan,
James F. Power:
On the Application of Software Metrics to UML Models.
MoDELS Workshops 2006: 217-226 |
37 |  | Jacqueline A. McQuillan,
James F. Power:
Experiences of using the Dagstuhl Middle Metamodel for defining software metrics.
PPPJ 2006: 194-198 |
36 |  | Áine Mitchell,
James F. Power:
A study of the influence of coverage on the relationship between static and dynamic coupling metrics.
Sci. Comput. Program. 59(1-2): 4-25 (2006) |
35 |  | Brian A. Malloy,
James F. Power:
Exploiting design patterns to automate validation of class invariants.
Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 16(2): 71-95 (2006) |
| 2005 |
34 |  | Mark Hennessy,
James F. Power:
An analysis of rule coverage as a criterion in generating minimal test suites for grammar-based software.
ASE 2005: 104-113 |
33 |  | Stephen Brown,
Áine Mitchell,
James F. Power:
A Coverage Analysis of Java Benchmark Suites.
IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 144-149 |
32 |  | Áine Mitchell,
James F. Power:
Using object-level run-time metrics to study coupling between objects.
SAC 2005: 1456-1462 |
31 |  | Brian A. Malloy,
James F. Power:
Exploiting UML dynamic object modeling for the visualization of C++ programs.
SOFTVIS 2005: 105-114 |
30 |  | Nicholas A. Kraft,
Brian A. Malloy,
James F. Power:
g4re: Harnessing GCC to Reverse Engineer C++ Applications.
Transformation Techniques in Software Engineering 2005 |
29 |  | Brian A. Malloy,
James F. Power:
Using a Molecular Metaphor to Facilitate Comprehension of 3D Object Diagrams.
VL/HCC 2005: 233-240 |
28 |  | Nicholas A. Kraft,
Brian A. Malloy,
James F. Power:
Toward an Infrastructure to Support Interoperability in Reverse Engineering.
WCRE 2005: 196-205 |
27 |  | David Gregg,
James F. Power,
John Waldron:
A method-level comparison of the Java Grande and SPEC JVM98 benchmark suites.
Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(7-8): 757-773 (2005) |
26 |  | David Sinclair,
James F. Power:
Specifying and Verifying Communications Protocols using Mixed Intuitionistic Linear Logic.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 133: 255-273 (2005) |
25 |  | James F. Power,
John Waldron:
Sci. Comput. Program. 54(1): 1-2 (2005) |
| 2004 |
24 |  | Diarmuid O'Donoghue,
James F. Power:
Identifying and Evaluating a Generic Set of Superinstructions for Embedded Java Programs.
ESA/VLSI 2004: 192-198 |
23 |  | Áine Mitchell,
James F. Power:
An empirical investigation into the dimensions of run-time coupling in Java programs.
PPPJ 2004: 9-14 |
22 |  | Áine Mitchell,
James F. Power:
Run-Time Cohesion Metrics: An Empirical Investigation.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2004: 532-537 |
21 |  | James F. Power,
David Sinclair:
A Formal Model of Forth Control Words in the Pi-Calculus.
J. UCS 10(9): 1272-1293 (2004) |
20 |  | James F. Power,
Brian A. Malloy:
A metrics suite for grammar-based software.
Journal of Software Maintenance 16(6): 405-426 (2004) |
| 2003 |
19 |  | James F. Power,
John Waldron:
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, PPPJ 2003, Kilkenny City, Ireland, June 16-18, 2003
ACM 2003 |
18 |  | Mark Hennessy,
Brian A. Malloy,
James F. Power:
gccXfront: Exploiting gcc as a Front End for Program Comprehension Tools via XML/XSLT.
IWPC 2003: 298- |
17 |  | David Gregg,
James F. Power,
John Waldron:
Platform independent dynamic Java virtual machine analysis: the Java Grande Forum benchmark suite.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 15(3-5): 459-484 (2003) |
16 |  | Brian A. Malloy,
Tanton H. Gibbs,
James F. Power:
Decorating tokens to facilitate recognition of ambiguous language constructs.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 33(1): 19-39 (2003) |
| 2002 |
15 |  | John Waldron,
James F. Power:
Proceedings of the naugural International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, PPPJ 2002, and Proceedings of the second workshop on Intermediate representation engineering for virtual machines, Dublin, Ireland, June 13-14, 2002
ACM 2002 |
14 |  | Tanton H. Gibbs,
Brian A. Malloy,
James F. Power:
Automated Validation of Class Invariants in C ++ Applications.
ASE 2002: 205- |
13 |  | David Gregg,
James F. Power,
John Waldron:
Measuring the impact of object-oriented techniques in grande applications: a method-level analysis.
Java Grande 2002: 229 |
12 |  | Diarmuid O'Donoghue,
Aine Leddy,
James F. Power,
John Waldron:
Bigram analysis of Java bytecode sequences.
PPPJ/IRE 2002: 187-192 |
11 |  | David C. Rine,
James F. Power,
J. Paul Gibson:
ACM SAC2002 software engineering: theory and applications (SETA) track description.
SAC 2002: 969-970 |
10 |  | James F. Power,
Brian A. Malloy:
Program Annotation in XML: A Parse-Tree Based Approach.
WCRE 2002: 190- |
| 2001 |
9 |  | Charlie Daly,
Jane Horgan,
James F. Power,
John Waldron:
Platform independent dynamic Java virtual machine analysis: the Java Grande Forum Benchmark suite.
Java Grande 2001: 106-115 |
8 |  | James F. Power,
Brian A. Malloy:
Exploiting metrics to facilitate grammar transformation into LALR format.
SAC 2001: 636-640 |
7 |  | Jane Horgan,
James F. Power,
John Waldron:
Measurement and Analysis of Runtime Profiling Data for Java Programs.
SCAM 2001: 124-132 |
| 2000 |
6 |  | David Sinclair,
James F. Power,
J. Paul Gibson,
David Gray,
Geoff Hamilton:
Specifying and Verifying IP with Linear Logic.
ICDCS Workshop on Distributed System Validation and Verification 2000: E104-E110 |
5 |  | James F. Power,
Brian A. Malloy:
Metric-Based Analysis of Context-Free Grammars.
IWPC 2000: 171-178 |
4 |  | James F. Power,
Brian A. Malloy:
An Approach for Modeling the Name Lookup Problem in the C++ Programming Language.
SAC (2) 2000: 792-796 |
3 |  | James F. Power,
Brian A. Malloy:
Symbol Table Construction and Name Lookup in ISO C++.
TOOLS (37) 2000: 57-69 |
2 |  | L. Cosgrave,
James F. Power,
John Waldron:
An object oriented approach to parser generation in C++.
South African Computer Journal 26: 207-211 (2000) |
| 1999 |
1 |  | David Gray,
Geoff Hamilton,
David Sinclair,
J. Paul Gibson,
James F. Power:
Four Logics and a Protocol.
IWFM 1999 |