| 2009 |
21 |  | Michael Guthe,
Gero Müller,
Martin Schneider,
Reinhard Klein:
BTF-CIELab: A Perceptual Difference Measure for Quality Assessment and Compression of BTFs.
Comput. Graph. Forum 28(1): 101-113 (2009) |
20 |  | Nicolas Menzel,
Michael Guthe:
g-BRDFs: An Intuitive and Editable BTF Representation.
Comput. Graph. Forum 28(8): 2189-2200 (2009) |
| 2008 |
19 |  | Nicolas Menzel,
Michael Guthe:
An Adaptive Sampling Scheme for Real-Time Subsurface Scattering.
VMV 2008: 199-206 |
| 2007 |
18 |  | Nicolas Menzel,
Michael Guthe:
High dynamic range preserving compression of light fields and reflectance fields.
Afrigraph 2007: 71-76 |
17 |  | Nicolas Menzel,
Michael Guthe:
Freehand HDR photography with motion compensation.
VMV 2007: 127-134 |
| 2006 |
16 |  | Gerhard H. Bendels,
Michael Guthe,
Reinhard Klein:
Free-form modelling for surface inpainting.
Afrigraph 2006: 49-58 |
15 |  | Alexander Greß,
Michael Guthe,
Reinhard Klein:
GPU-based Collision Detection for Deformable Parameterized Surfaces.
Comput. Graph. Forum 25(3): 497-506 (2006) |
| 2005 |
14 |  | Michael Guthe,
Pavel Borodin,
Reinhard Klein:
Fast and Accurate Hausdorff Distance Calculation between Meshes.
WSCG (Journal Papers) 2005: 41-48 |
13 |  | Michael Guthe,
Ákos Balázs,
Reinhard Klein:
GPU-based trimming and tessellation of NURBS and T-Spline surfaces.
ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 1016-1023 (2005) |
12 |  | Jan Meseth,
Michael Guthe,
Reinhard Klein:
Interactive fragment tracing.
The Visual Computer 21(8-10): 591-600 (2005) |
| 2004 |
11 |  | Michael Guthe,
Pavel Borodin,
Ákos Balázs,
Reinhard Klein:
Real-time appearance preserving out-of-core rendering with shadows.
Rendering Techniques 2004: 69-80 |
10 |  | Michael Guthe,
Ákos Balázs,
Reinhard Klein:
Real-time out-of-core trimmed NURBS rendering and editing.
VMV 2004: 323-330 |
9 |  | Michael Guthe,
Ákos Balázs,
Reinhard Klein:
Interactive High Quality Trimmed NURBS Visualization Using Appearance Preserving Tessellation.
VisSym 2004: 211-220, 348 |
8 |  | Ákos Balázs,
Michael Guthe,
Reinhard Klein:
Efficient Trimmed NURBS Tessellation.
WSCG 2004: 27-34 |
7 |  | Roland Wahl,
Manuel Massing,
Patrick Degener,
Michael Guthe,
Reinhard Klein:
Scalable Compression and Rendering of Textured Terrain Data.
WSCG 2004: 521-528 |
6 |  | Michael Guthe,
Reinhard Klein:
Streaming HLODs: an out-of-core viewer for network visualization of huge polygon models.
Computers & Graphics 28(1): 43-50 (2004) |
5 |  | Ákos Balázs,
Michael Guthe,
Reinhard Klein:
Fat borders: gap filling for efficient view-dependent LOD NURBS rendering.
Computers & Graphics 28(1): 79-85 (2004) |
| 2003 |
4 |  | Pavel Borodin,
Michael Guthe,
Reinhard Klein:
Out-of-Core Simplification with Guaranteed Error Tolerance.
VMV 2003: 309-316 |
3 |  | Michael Guthe,
Reinhard Klein:
Efficient NURBS Rendering using View-Dependent LOD and Normal Maps.
WSCG 2003 |
2 |  | Michael Guthe,
Reinhard Klein:
Automatic Texture Atlas Generation from Trimmed NURBS Models.
Comput. Graph. Forum 22(3): 453-462 (2003) |
| 2002 |
1 |  | Michael Guthe,
Jan Meseth,
Reinhard Klein:
Fast and Memory Efficient View-Dependent Trimmed NURBS Rendering.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 204-213 |