| 2007 |
23 |  | Barbara G. Ryder,
Brent Hailpern:
Proceedings of the Third ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference (HOPL-III), San Diego, California, USA, 9-10 June 2007
ACM 2007 |
| 2006 |
22 |  | Brent Hailpern,
Peri L. Tarr:
Model-driven development: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
IBM Systems Journal 45(3): 451-462 (2006) |
| 2003 |
21 |  | Ali Arsanjani,
Brent Hailpern,
Joanne Martin,
Peri L. Tarr:
Web Services: Promises and Compromises.
ACM Queue 1(1): (2003) |
| 2002 |
20 |  | Brent Hailpern,
Padmanabhan Santhanam:
Software debugging, testing, and verification.
IBM Systems Journal 41(1): 4-12 (2002) |
| 1998 |
19 |  | Wendy A. Kellogg,
John T. Richards,
Calvin Swart,
Peter Malkin,
Mark Laff,
Vicki L. Hanson,
Brent Hailpern:
NetVista: Growing an Internet Solution for Schools.
IBM Systems Journal 37(1): 19-41 (1998) |
| 1995 |
18 |  | Ron Cytron,
Brent Hailpern:
SIGPLAN Scope and Tutorial Needs.
ACM Comput. Surv. 27(2): 290-291 (1995) |
| 1992 |
17 |  | Gail E. Kaiser,
Brent Hailpern:
An Object-Based Programming Model for Shared Data.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 14(2): 201-264 (1992) |
| 1991 |
16 |  | Brent Hailpern,
Gail E. Kaiser:
Dynamic reconfiguration in an object-based programming language with distributed shared data.
ICDCS 1991: 73-80 |
| 1990 |
15 |  | Gail E. Kaiser,
Brent Hailpern:
An Object Model of Shared Data.
ICCL 1990: 136-144 |
14 |  | Brent Hailpern,
Harold Ossher:
Extending Objects to Support Multiple Interfaces and Access Control.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(11): 1247-1257 (1990) |
| 1989 |
13 |  | Brent Hailpern,
Tien Huynh,
György E. Révész:
Comparing Two Functional Programming Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(5): 532-542 (1989) |
| 1987 |
12 |  | Brent Hailpern,
Van Nguyen:
A Model for Object-Based Inheritance.
Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming 1987: 147-164 |
| 1986 |
11 |  | Tien Huynh,
Brent Hailpern,
Lee W. Hoevel:
An Execution Architecture for FP.
IBM Journal of Research and Development 30(6): 609-617 (1986) |
10 |  | Brent Hailpern:
Multiparadigm Languages and Environments - Guest Editor's Introduction.
IEEE Software 3(1): 6-9 (1986) |
9 |  | Brent Hailpern:
Multiparadigm Research: A Survey of Nine Projects (Introduction).
IEEE Software 3(1): 70 (1986) |
8 |  | Mark Laff,
Brent Hailpern:
SW2: A Multiparadigm Shell for CMS.
IEEE Software 3(1): 74 (1986) |
7 |  | Nissim Francez,
Brent Hailpern,
Gadi Taubenfeld:
Script: A Communication Abstraction Mechanism and Its Verification.
Sci. Comput. Program. 6(1): 35-88 (1986) |
| 1985 |
6 |  | Nissim Francez,
Brent Hailpern:
Script: A Communication Abstraction Mechanism.
Operating Systems Review 19(2): 53-67 (1985) |
| 1983 |
5 |  | Brent Hailpern,
Henry F. Korth:
An Experimental Distributed Database System.
Databases for Business and Office Applications 1983: 2-7 |
4 |  | Nissim Francez,
Brent Hailpern:
Script: A Communication Abstraction Mechanism.
PODC 1983: 213-227 |
| 1982 |
3 |  | Brent Hailpern:
Veritying Concurrent Processes Using Temporal Logic
Springer 1982 |
2 |  | Brent Hailpern,
Susan S. Owicki:
Modular Verification of Concurrent Programs.
POPL 1982: 322-336 |
| 1981 |
1 |  | Brent Hailpern:
Keeping a Foot on the Ground (position paper).
Logic of Programs 1981: 122-123 |