| 2009 |
30 |  | Michaela Huhn,
Axel Zechner:
Analysing Dependability Case Arguments Using Quality Models.
SAFECOMP 2009: 118-131 |
29 |  | Michaela Huhn,
Hardi Hungar:
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 238(4): 1-2 (2009) |
| 2008 |
28 |  | Michaela Huhn,
Hardi Hungar,
Doron Peled:
Tools for the Model-based Development of Certifiable, Dependable Systems, 10.06. - 15.06.2007
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2008 |
27 |  | Christoph Knieke,
Michaela Huhn,
Malte Lochau:
Modeling and Validation of Executable Requirements Using Live Activity Diagrams.
SERA 2008: 51-58 |
26 |  | Christoph Knieke,
Michaela Huhn,
Malte Lochau:
Executable Requirements Specification: Formal Semantics of Live Activity Diagrams.
TASE 2008: 109-112 |
25 |  | Florian Fieber,
Michaela Huhn,
Bernhard Rumpe:
Modellqualität als Indikator für Softwarequalität: eine Taxonomie.
Informatik Spektrum 31(5): 408-424 (2008) |
| 2007 |
24 |  | Matthias Hagner,
Michaela Huhn:
Modellierung und Analyse von Zeitanforderungen basierend auf der UML.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2007: 531-535 |
23 |  | Michaela Huhn,
Hardi Hungar,
Doron Peled:
07241 Abstracts Collection - Tools for the Model-based Development of Certifiable, Dependable Systems.
Tools for the Model-based Development of Certifiable, Dependable Systems 2007 |
22 |  | Michaela Huhn,
Hardi Hungar,
Doron Peled:
07241 Summary - Tools for the Model-based Development of Certifiable, Dependable Systems.
Tools for the Model-based Development of Certifiable, Dependable Systems 2007 |
21 |  | Bastian Florentz,
Michaela Huhn:
Architecture Potential Analysis: A Closer Look inside Architecture Evaluation.
JSW 2(4): 43-56 (2007) |
| 2006 |
20 |  | Bastian Florentz,
Michaela Huhn:
Embedded Systems Architecture: Evaluation and Analysis.
QoSA 2006: 145-162 |
19 |  | Tilo Mücke,
Michaela Huhn:
Minimizing Test Execution Time During Test Generation.
SET 2006: 223-235 |
| 2005 |
18 |  | Tilo Mücke,
Michaela Huhn:
Optimising Test Execution Times in Test Suite Generation.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 480-485 |
| 2004 |
17 |  | Karsten Diethers,
Michaela Huhn:
Vooduu: Verification of Object-Oriented Designs Using UPPAAL.
TACAS 2004: 139-143 |
16 |  | Tilo Mücke,
Michaela Huhn:
Generation of Optimized Testsuites for UML Statecharts with Time.
TestCom 2004: 128-143 |
| 2001 |
15 |  | Peter Niebert,
Michaela Huhn,
Sarah Zennou,
Denis Lugiez:
Local First Search - A New Paradigm for Partial Order Reductions.
CONCUR 2001: 396-410 |
| 1999 |
14 |  | Klaus Schneider,
Michaela Huhn,
George Logothetis:
Validation of Object-Oriented Concurrent Designs by Model Checking.
CHARME 1999: 360-364 |
13 |  | Michaela Huhn,
Klaus Schneider,
Thomas Kropf,
George Logothetis:
Verifying Imprecisely Working Arithmetic Circuits.
DATE 1999: 65- |
12 |  | Thomas Stauner,
Klaus Schneider,
Michaela Huhn:
Translating a Visual Description Technique to a Synchronous Language: From DiChartsto PURR.
FBT 1999: 223-232 |
11 |  | Michaela Huhn,
Peter Niebert,
Frank Wallner:
Model Checking Logics for Communicating Sequential Agents.
FoSSaCS 1999: 227-242 |
10 |  | Thomas Firley,
Michaela Huhn,
Karsten Diethers,
Thomas Gehrke,
Ursula Goltz:
Timed Sequence Diagrams and Tool-Based Analysis - A Case Study.
UML 1999: 645-660 |
| 1998 |
9 |  | Klaus Schneider,
Michaela Huhn:
Comparing Model Checking and Term Rewriting for the Verification of an Embedded System.
DIPES 1998: 129-138 |
8 |  | Thomas Gehrke,
Michaela Huhn,
Peter Niebert,
Arend Rensink,
Heike Wehrheim:
A Process Algebra Semantics for MSC Including Conditions.
FBT 1998: 185-196 |
7 |  | Thomas Gehrke,
Michaela Huhn,
Arend Rensink,
Heike Wehrheim:
An Algebraic Semantics for Message Sequence Chart Documents.
FORTE 1998: 3-18 |
6 |  | Michaela Huhn,
Peter Niebert,
Heike Wehrheim:
Partial Order Reductions for Bisimulation Checking.
FSTTCS 1998: 271-282 |
5 |  | Michaela Huhn,
Peter Niebert,
Frank Wallner:
Verification Based on Local States.
TACAS 1998: 36-51 |
| 1997 |
4 |  | Guntram Wicke,
Michaela Huhn,
Andreas Pfitzmann,
Peter Stahlknecht:
Wirtschaftsinformatik 39(3): 279-282 (1997) |
| 1996 |
3 |  | Michaela Huhn,
Peter Niebert:
Towards Automata for Branching Time and Partial Order.
CONCUR 1996: 611-626 |
2 |  | Michaela Huhn:
Action Refinement and Property Inheritance in Systems of Sequential Agents.
CONCUR 1996: 639-654 |
1 |  | Thomas Gehrke,
Michaela Huhn:
ProFun - A Language for Executable Specifications.
PLILP 1996: 304-318 |