| 2006 |
45 |  | Sourav Ghosh,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
Jeffery P. Hansen,
John P. Lehoczky:
Integrated QoS-aware resource management and scheduling with multi-resource constraints.
Real-Time Systems 33(1-3): 7-46 (2006) |
| 2005 |
44 |  | Sourav Ghosh,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
Jeffery P. Hansen,
John P. Lehoczky:
Scalable QoS-Based Resource Allocation in Hierarchical Networked Environment.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2005: 256-267 |
43 |  | Haifeng Zhu,
John P. Lehoczky,
Jeffery P. Hansen,
Ragunathan Rajkumar:
Diff-EDF: A Simple Mechanism for Differentiated EDF Service.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2005: 268-277 |
42 |  | Haifeng Zhu,
Jeffery P. Hansen,
John P. Lehoczky,
Ragunathan Rajkumar:
RETINA: REal-TIme Network Analyzer.
IPDPS 2005 |
| 2004 |
41 |  | Haifeng Zhu,
John P. Lehoczky,
Jeffery P. Hansen,
Ragunathan Rajkumar:
Design Trade-Offs for Networks with Soft End-to-End Timing Constraints.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2004: 413-423 |
40 |  | Jeffery P. Hansen,
Sourav Ghosh,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
John P. Lehoczky:
Resource Management of Highly Configurable Tasks.
IPDPS 2004 |
39 |  | Sourav Ghosh,
Jeffery P. Hansen,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
John P. Lehoczky:
Integrated Resource Management and Scheduling with Multi-Resource Constraints.
RTSS 2004: 12-22 |
38 |  | Lui Sha,
Tarek F. Abdelzaher,
Karl-Erik Årzén,
Anton Cervin,
Theodore P. Baker,
Alan Burns,
Giorgio C. Buttazzo,
Marco Caccamo,
John P. Lehoczky,
Aloysius K. Mok:
Real Time Scheduling Theory: A Historical Perspective.
Real-Time Systems 28(2-3): 101-155 (2004) |
| 2003 |
37 |  | Sourav Ghosh,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
Jeffery P. Hansen,
John P. Lehoczky:
Scalable Resource Allocation for Multi-Processor QoS Optimization.
ICDCS 2003: 174-183 |
| 2002 |
36 |  | Saowanee Saewong,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
John P. Lehoczky,
Mark H. Klein:
Analysis of Hierar hical Fixed-Priority Scheduling.
ECRTS 2002: 173-181 |
35 |  | Haifeng Zhu,
Jeffery P. Hansen,
John P. Lehoczky,
Ragunathan Rajkumar:
Optimal Partitioning for Quantized EDF Scheduling.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 2002: 212- |
34 |  | Jeffery P. Hansen,
John P. Lehoczky,
Haifeng Zhu,
Ragunathan Rajkumar:
Quantized EDF Scheduling in a Stochastic Environment.
IPDPS 2002 |
| 2001 |
33 |  | Jeffery P. Hansen,
John P. Lehoczky,
Ragunathan Rajkumar:
Optimization of Quality of Service in Dynamic Systems.
IPDPS 2001: 95 |
32 |  | Danbing Seto,
John P. Lehoczky,
Lui Sha,
Kang G. Shin:
Trade-Off Analysis of Real-Time Control Performance and Schedulability.
Real-Time Systems 21(3): 199-217 (2001) |
| 1999 |
31 |  | Chen Lee,
John P. Lehoczky,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
Daniel P. Siewiorek:
On Quality of Service Optimization with Discrete QoS Options.
IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1999: 276- |
30 |  | Chen Lee,
John P. Lehoczky,
Daniel P. Siewiorek,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
Jeffery P. Hansen:
A Scalable Solution to the Multi-Resource QoS Problem.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1999: 315-326 |
| 1998 |
29 |  | Danbing Seto,
John P. Lehoczky,
Lui Sha:
Task Period Selection and Schedulability in Real-Time Systems.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1998: 188- |
28 |  | Ragunathan Rajkumar,
Chen Lee,
John P. Lehoczky,
Daniel P. Siewiorek:
Practical Solutions for QoS-Based Resource Allocation.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1998: 296-306 |
27 |  | John P. Lehoczky:
Scheduling Communication Networks Carrying Real-Time Traffic.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1998: 470- |
| 1997 |
26 |  | Ragunathan Rajkumar,
Chen Lee,
John P. Lehoczky,
Daniel P. Siewiorek:
A resource allocation model for QoS management.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1997: 298-307 |
25 |  | John P. Lehoczky:
Real-time queueing network theory.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1997: 58-67 |
24 |  | John P. Lehoczky:
Using Real-Time Queueing Theory to Control Lateness in Real-Time Systems.
SIGMETRICS 1997: 158-168 |
| 1996 |
23 |  | Danbing Seto,
John P. Lehoczky,
Lui Sha,
Kang G. Shin:
On task schedulability in real-time control systems.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1996: 13-21 |
22 |  | John P. Lehoczky:
Real-Time Queueing Theory.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1996: 186-195 |
21 |  | John P. Lehoczky:
Analytical Methods For Real-Time Computing.
ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 183 (1996) |
| 1995 |
20 |  | Jay K. Strosnider,
John P. Lehoczky,
Lui Sha:
The Deferrable Server Algorithm for Enhanced Aperiodic Responsiveness in Hard Real-Time Environments.
IEEE Trans. Computers 44(1): 73-91 (1995) |
| 1994 |
19 |  | Sandra R. Thuel,
John P. Lehoczky:
Algorithms for Scheduling Hard Aperiodic Tasks in Fixed-Priority Systems Using Slack Stealing.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1994: 22-33 |
18 |  | Mark H. Klein,
John P. Lehoczky,
Ragunathan Rajkumar:
Rate-Monotonic Analysis for Real-Time Industrial Computing.
IEEE Computer 27(1): 24-33 (1994) |
17 |  | Michael González Harbour,
Mark H. Klein,
John P. Lehoczky:
Timing Analysis for Fixed-Priority Scheduling of Hard Real-Time Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 20(1): 13-28 (1994) |
| 1992 |
16 |  | John P. Lehoczky,
S. Ramos-Thuel:
An optimal algorithm for scheduling soft-aperiodic tasks in fixed-priority preemptive systems.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1992: 110-123 |
| 1990 |
15 |  | John P. Lehoczky:
Fixed Priority Scheduling of Periodic Task Sets with Arbitrary Deadlines.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1990: 201-213 |
14 |  | Lui Sha,
John P. Lehoczky,
Ragunathan Rajkumar:
Real-Time Scheduling Support in Futurebus+.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1990: 331 |
13 |  | Lui Sha,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
John P. Lehoczky:
Priority Inheritance Protocols: An Approach to Real-Time Synchronization.
IEEE Trans. Computers 39(9): 1175-1185 (1990) |
| 1989 |
12 |  | John P. Lehoczky,
Lui Sha,
Y. Ding:
The Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm: Exact Characterization and Average Case Behavior.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1989: 166-171 |
11 |  | Brinkley Sprunt,
Lui Sha,
John P. Lehoczky:
Aperiodic Task Scheduling for Hard Real-Time Systems.
Real-Time Systems 1(1): 27-60 (1989) |
10 |  | Lui Sha,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
John P. Lehoczky,
Krithi Ramamritham:
Mode Change Protocols for Priority-Driven Preemptive Scheduling.
Real-Time Systems 1(3): 243-264 (1989) |
| 1988 |
9 |  | Brinkley Sprunt,
John P. Lehoczky,
Lui Sha:
Exploiting Unused Periodic Time for Aperiodic Service Using the Extended Priority Exchange Algorithm.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1988: 251-258 |
8 |  | Ragunathan Rajkumar,
Lui Sha,
John P. Lehoczky:
Real-Time Synchronization Protocols for Multiprocessors.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1988: 259-269 |
7 |  | Jay K. Strosnider,
Thomas E. Marchok,
John P. Lehoczky:
Advanced Real-Time Scheduling Using the IEEE 802.5 Token Ring.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1988: 42-52 |
6 |  | Lui Sha,
John P. Lehoczky,
E. Douglas Jensen:
Modular Concurrency Control and Failure Recovery.
IEEE Trans. Computers 37(2): 146-159 (1988) |
5 |  | Lui Sha,
Ragunathan Rajkumar,
John P. Lehoczky:
Concurrency Control for Distributed Real-Time Databases.
SIGMOD Record 17(1): 82-98 (1988) |
| 1987 |
4 |  | Ragunathan Rajkumar,
Lui Sha,
John P. Lehoczky:
On Countering the Effects of Cycle-Stealing in a Hard Real-Time Environment.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1987: 2-11 |
3 |  | John P. Lehoczky,
Lui Sha,
Jay K. Strosnider:
Enhanced Aperiodic Responsiveness in Hard Real-Time Environments.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1987: 261-270 |
| 1986 |
2 |  | Lui Sha,
John P. Lehoczky,
Ragunathan Rajkumar:
Solutions for Some Practical Problems in Prioritized Preemptive Scheduling.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1986: 181-191 |
1 |  | John P. Lehoczky,
Lui Sha:
Performance of Real-Time Bus Scheduling Algorithms.
SIGMETRICS 1986: 44-53 |