Volume 44,
Number 1,
January 1995
Constraint Specification
Distributed Software
Fault-Tolerant Computing
Hypercube Routing
Microprocessor Modeling
Real-Time Systems
Vector Memory Access
VLSI Routing
Brief Contributions
- Keiichi Iwamura, Yasunori Dohi, Hideki Imai:
A Design of Reed-Solomon Decoder with Systolic Array Structure.
- Bernard L. Menezes, Umesh Bakhru:
New Bounds on the Reliability of Augmented Shuffle-Exchange Networks.
- Shuenn-Shyang Wang, Ming-Yuan Shau:
Single Residue Error Correction Based on K-Term m_j-Projection.
- Richard Mazzaferri, Teresa M. Murray:
The Connection Network Class for Fault Tolerant Meshes.
- Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Aliasing Computation Using Fault Simulation with Fault Dropping.
- Paolo Montuschi, Luigi Ciminiera:
A Remark on ``Reducing Iteration Time when Result Digit is Zero for Radix-2 SRT Division and Square Root with Redundant Remainders.
- Jehoshua Bruck, Robert Cypher, Ching-Tien Ho:
Wildcard Dimensions, Coding Theory and Fault-Tolerant Meshes and Hypercubes.
- Debasish Das, Krishnendu Mukhopadhyaya, Bhabani P. Sinha:
Implementation of Four Common Functions on an LNS Co-Processor.
Volume 44,
Number 2,
February 1995
Architecture and Software
Fault Injection
Analysis (Stochastic and Deterministic)
Fault Diagnosis
Brief Contributions
Volume 44,
Number 3,
March 1995
Compiler Techniques
Fault Tolerance
Memory and Storage Management
Testing Methods and Tools
Brief Contributions
Volume 44,
Number 4,
April 1995
Compiler Techniques
Complexity Theory
Computer Architecture
Memory and Storage Management
Modeling and Performance Evaluation
Brief Contributions
Volume 44,
Number 5,
May 1995
Computer Architecture
Interconnection Networks
Load Balancing and Processor Allocation
Brief Contributions
- Hasan Cam, José A. B. Fortes:
Frames: A Simple Characterization of Permutations Realized by Frequently Used Networks.
- Ravi Nair:
Optimal 2-Bit Branch Predictors.
- Jie Wu:
Safety Levels-An Efficient Mechanism for Achieving Reliable Broadcasting in Hypercubes.
- Daniel Cohen-Or, Arie E. Kaufman:
A 3D Skewing and De-skewing Scheme for Conflict-Free Access to Rays in Volume Rendering.
- Nitin H. Vaidya:
Unidirectional Bit/Byte Error Control.
- Xiaojun Shen:
Optimal Realization of Any BPC Permutation on K-Extra-Stage Omega Networks.
Correction IEEE Transactions on Computer 44(7):
960 (1995)
- Ching-Farn Eric Wu, Yarsun Hsu, Yew-Huey Liu:
Efficient Stack Simulation for Set-Associative Virtual Address Cache with Real Tags.
- Claude Thibeault, Yvon Savaria, Jean-Louis Houle:
Equivalence Proofs of Some Yield Modeling Methods for Defect-Tolerant Integrated Circuits.
- Sung-Ming Yen, Chi-Sung Laih:
Improved Digital Signature Algorithm.
Correction: IEEE Transactions on Computers 45(7): 864 (1996)
- Jae Young Lee, Hee Yong Youn, Adit D. Singh:
Adaptive Unanimous Voting (UV) Scheme for Distributed Self-Diagnosis.
Volume 44,
Number 6,
June 1995
Compiler Techniques
Logic Design
Neural Networks
Testing Algorithms,
Methods and Tools
Brief Contributions
Volume 44,
Number 7,
July 1995
Performance Evaluation
Theory and Algorithms
Brief Contributions
Volume 44,
Number 8,
August 1995
Computer Arithmetic
Logic Design
Multiple-Valued Logic
Theory and Algorithms
Corrected Reprinted Paper
- Yao Li, C. Murray Woodside:
Complete Decomposition of Stochastic Petri Nets Representing Generalized Service Networks (Corrected Version).
Brief Contributions
Volume 44,
Number 9,
September 1995
Availability and Reliability
Fault Tolerance
Processor Architecture
Brief Contributions
Volume 44,
Number 10,
October 1995
Interconnection Networks
Modeling and Performance Evaluation
Memory and Storage Management
Brief Contributions
Volume 44,
Number 11,
November 1995
Built-In Self-Test
Fault Tolerance
Brief Contributions
- Gihyun Jung:
Comments on ``Some Additions to Solution of Switching Equations Based on a Tabular Algebra''.
Volume 44,
Number 12,
December 1995
Formal Methods and Specification
Modeling and Performance Evaluation
Real-Time Systems
Brief Contribution
Copyright © Fri Mar 12 17:32:54 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)