| 2009 |
26 |  | Christian Frühwirth,
Tomi Männistö:
Improving CVSS-based vulnerability prioritization and response with context information.
ESEM 2009: 535-544 |
25 |  | Juho Heiskari,
Marjo Kauppinen,
Mikael Runonen,
Tomi Männistö:
Bridging the Gap Between Usability and Requirements Engineering.
RE 2009: 303-308 |
24 |  | Timo Asikainen,
Tomi Männistö:
Nivel: a metamodelling language with a formal semantics.
Software and System Modeling 8(4): 521-549 (2009) |
| 2008 |
23 |  | Varvana Myllärniemi,
Christian Prehofer,
Mikko Raatikainen,
Jilles van Gurp,
Tomi Männistö:
Approach for Dynamically Composing Decentralised Service Architectures with Cross-Cutting Constraints.
ECSA 2008: 180-195 |
22 |  | Mikko Raatikainen,
Eila Niemelä,
Varvana Myllärniemi,
Tomi Männistö:
Svamp An Integrated Approach for Modeling Functional and Quality Variability.
VaMoS 2008: 89-96 |
21 |  | Tomi Männistö,
Juha Savolainen,
Varvana Myllärniemi:
Teaching Software Architecture Design.
WICSA 2008: 117-124 |
| 2007 |
20 |  | Juha Savolainen,
Marjo Kauppinen,
Tomi Männistö:
Identifying Key Requirements for a New Product Line.
APSEC 2007: 478-485 |
19 |  | Juha Savolainen,
Ian Oliver,
Varvana Myllärniemi,
Tomi Männistö:
Analyzing and Re-structuring Product Line Dependencies.
COMPSAC (1) 2007: 569-574 |
18 |  | Varvana Myllärniemi,
Mikko Raatikainen,
Tomi Männistö:
Using a Configurator for Predictable Component Composition.
EUROMICRO-SEAA 2007: 47-58 |
17 |  | Marjo Kauppinen,
Juha Savolainen,
Tomi Männistö:
Requirements Engineering as a Driver for Innovations.
RE 2007: 15-20 |
16 |  | Varvana Myllärniemi,
Mikko Raatikainen,
Tomi Männistö:
Kumbang Tools.
SPLC (2) 2007: 135-136 |
15 |  | Varvana Myllärniemi,
Mikko Raatikainen,
Tomi Männistö:
KumbangSec: An Approach for Modelling Functional and Security Variability in Software Architectures.
VaMoS 2007: 61-70 |
14 |  | Timo Asikainen,
Tomi Männistö,
Timo Soininen:
Kumbang: A domain ontology for modelling variability in software product families.
Advanced Engineering Informatics 21(1): 23-40 (2007) |
| 2006 |
13 |  | Varvana Myllärniemi,
Mikko Raatikainen,
Tomi Männistö:
Inter-organisational Approach in Rapid Software Product Family Development - A Case Study.
ICSR 2006: 73-86 |
12 |  | Timo Asikainen,
Tomi Männistö,
Timo Soininen:
A Unified Conceptual Foundation for Feature Modelling.
SPLC 2006: 31-40 |
| 2005 |
11 |  | Mikko Raatikainen,
Timo Soininen,
Tomi Männistö,
Antti Mattila:
Characterizing configurable software product families and their derivation.
Software Process: Improvement and Practice 10(1): 41-60 (2005) |
| 2004 |
10 |  | Tomi Männistö,
Jan Bosch:
Workshop on Software Variability Management for Product Derivation ? Towards Tool Support.
SPLC 2004: 331 |
| 2003 |
9 |  | Timo Asikainen,
Timo Soininen,
Tomi Männistö:
A Koala-Based Approach for Modelling and Deploying Configurable Software Product Families.
PFE 2003: 225-249 |
8 |  | Mikko Raatikainen,
Timo Soininen,
Tomi Männistö,
Antti Mattila:
A Case Study of Two Configurable Software Product Families.
PFE 2003: 403-421 |
7 |  | Tero Kojo,
Tomi Männistö,
Timo Soininen:
Towards Intelligent Support for Managing Evolution of Configurable Software Product Families.
SCM 2003: 86-101 |
| 2001 |
6 |  | Tomi Männistö,
Hannu Peltonen,
Timo Soininen,
Reijo Sulonen:
Multiple abstraction levels in modelling product structures.
Data Knowl. Eng. 36(1): 55-78 (2001) |
| 2000 |
5 |  | John F. Roddick,
Lina Al-Jadir,
Leopoldo E. Bertossi,
Marlon Dumas,
Florida Estrella,
Heidi Gregersen,
Kathleen Hornsby,
Jens Lufter,
Federica Mandreoli,
Tomi Männistö,
Enric Mayol,
Lex Wedemeijer:
Evolution and Change in Data Management - Issues and Directions.
SIGMOD Record 29(1): 21-25 (2000) |
| 1999 |
4 |  | Tomi Männistö,
Reijo Sulonen:
Evolution of Schema and Individuals of Configurable Products.
ER (Workshops) 1999: 12-23 |
| 1998 |
3 |  | Timo Soininen,
Juha Tiihonen,
Tomi Männistö,
Reijo Sulonen:
Towards a general ontology of configuration.
AI EDAM 12(4): 357-372 (1998) |
2 |  | Tomi Männistö,
Hannu Peltonen,
Asko Martio,
Reijo Sulonen:
Modelling generic product structures in STEP.
Computer-Aided Design 30(14): 1111-1118 (1998) |
| 1994 |
1 |  | Hannu Peltonen,
Tomi Männistö,
Kari Alho,
Reijo Sulonen:
Product Configurations - An Application for Prototype Object Approach.
ECOOP 1994: 513-534 |