| 2009 |
19 |  | Jie Feng,
Derek L. Eager,
Dwight J. Makaroff:
Aggregation Protocols for High Rate, Low Delay Data Collection in Sensor Networks.
Networking 2009: 26-39 |
| 2008 |
18 |  | Justice Daka,
Dwight J. Makaroff:
Mixed reliability video streaming in wireless networks.
WOWMOM 2008: 1-8 |
| 2007 |
17 |  | Jie Feng,
Derek L. Eager,
Dwight J. Makaroff:
Asynchronous Data Aggregation for Real-Time Monitoring in Sensor Networks.
Networking 2007: 73-84 |
| 2006 |
16 |  | Dylan Griffiths,
Dwight J. Makaroff:
Hybrid vs. monolithic OS kernels: a benchmark comparison.
CASCON 2006: 349-352 |
15 |  | David Callele,
Dwight J. Makaroff:
Teaching requirements engineering to an unsuspecting audience.
SIGCSE 2006: 433-437 |
| 2005 |
14 |  | Dwight J. Makaroff,
Jason Coutu,
Fujian Liu:
Disk Performance and VBR Admission Control for Media Servers.
DMS 2005: 224-227 |
13 |  | Dwight J. Makaroff,
Norman C. Hutchinson:
Development and evolution of a heterogeneous continuous media server: a case study.
Journal of Software Maintenance 17(2): 143-167 (2005) |
| 2004 |
12 |  | Qing Wang,
Dwight J. Makaroff,
H. Keith Edwards:
Characterizing customer groups for an e-commerce website.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2004: 218-227 |
11 |  | Fujian Liu,
Yanping Zhao,
Wenguang Wang,
Dwight J. Makaroff:
Database Server Workload Characterization in an E-Commerce Environment.
MASCOTS 2004: 475-483 |
10 |  | Dwight J. Makaroff,
Gerald W. Neufeld,
Norman C. Hutchinson:
Performance evaluation for VBR Continuous Media File Server admission control.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 34(12): 1187-1210 (2004) |
| 2003 |
9 |  | Qing Wang,
Dwight J. Makaroff,
H. Keith Edwards,
Ryan Thompson:
Workload characterization for an E-commerce web site.
CASCON 2003: 313-327 |
| 2001 |
8 |  | Andrew T. Campbell,
Carsten Griwodz,
Jörg Liebeherr,
Dwight J. Makaroff,
Andreas Mauthe,
Giorgio Ventre,
Michael Zink:
Panel Discussion: How Will Media Distribution Work in the Internet.
IWQoS 2001: 3-5 |
7 |  | Dwight J. Makaroff,
Gerald W. Neufeld,
Norman C. Hutchinson:
Design and Implementation of a VBR Continuous Media File Server.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 27(1): 13-28 (2001) |
| 1999 |
6 |  | Dwight J. Makaroff,
Gerald W. Neufeld,
Norman C. Hutchinson:
Network Bandwidth Allocation and Admission Control for a Continuous Media File Server.
IDMS 1999: 337-350 |
| 1997 |
5 |  | Dwight J. Makaroff,
Gerald W. Neufeld,
Norman C. Hutchinson:
An Evaluation of VBR Disk Admission Algorithms for Continuous Media File Servers.
ACM Multimedia 1997: 143-154 |
4 |  | Johnny W. Wong,
Kelly A. Lyons,
David Evans,
Rolf J. Velthuys,
Gregor von Bochmann,
Eric Dubois,
Nicolas D. Georganas,
Gerald W. Neufeld,
M. Tamer Özsu,
Jeff Brinskelle,
Abdelhakim Hafid,
Norman C. Hutchinson,
Paul Iglinski,
Brigitte Kerhervé,
Louise Lamont,
Dwight J. Makaroff,
Duane Szafron:
Enabling Technology for Distributed Multimedia Applications.
IBM Systems Journal 36(4): 489-507 (1997) |
| 1995 |
3 |  | Gerald W. Neufeld,
Dwight J. Makaroff,
Norman C. Hutchinson:
The Design of a Variable Bit Rate Continuous Media Server.
NOSSDAV 1995: 354-357 |
2 |  | Dwight J. Makaroff,
Raymond T. Ng:
Schemes for Implementing Buffer Sharing in Continuous-Media Systems.
Inf. Syst. 20(6): 445-464 (1995) |
| 1990 |
1 |  | Dwight J. Makaroff,
Derek L. Eager:
Disk Cache Performance for Distributed Systems.
ICDCS 1990: 212-219 |