| 2010 |
34 |  | Maddalena Sorrentino,
Björn Niehaves:
Intermediaries in E-Inclusion: A Literature Review.
HICSS 2010: 1-10 |
| 2009 |
33 |  | Jörg Becker,
Björn Niehaves,
Andreas Krause:
Shared Service Center vs. Shared Service Network: A Multiple Case Study Analysis of Factors Impacting on Shared Service Configurations.
EGOV 2009: 115-126 |
32 |  | Björn Niehaves,
Robert Malsch:
Democratizing Process Innovation? On Citizen Involvement in Public Sector BPM.
EGOV 2009: 245-256 |
31 |  | Jörg Becker,
Philipp Bergener,
Lukasz Lis,
Björn Niehaves:
Explaining the Behavioral Intention towards BI Implementation in Public Administrations - A Principal-Agent Theory Approach.
EGOV 2009: 399-411 |
30 |  | Björn Niehaves,
Kevin Ortbach,
Jörg Becker:
The Demographic Challenge: Aging and Depopulation and their Consequences for E-Government - A Case Study.
HICSS 2009: 1-8 |
29 |  | Björn Niehaves,
Kevin Ortbach:
Der demografische Wandel und seine Konsequenzen für das E-Govemment - Eine Fallstudie.
Wirtschaftsinformatik (2) 2009: 575-584 |
| 2008 |
28 |  | Jörg Becker,
Björn Niehaves,
Philipp Bergener,
Michael Räckers:
Digital Divide in eGovernment: The eInclusion Gap Model.
EGOV 2008: 231-242 |
27 |  | Björn Niehaves,
Jörg Becker:
The Age-Divide in E-Government - Data, Interpretations, Theory Fragments.
II3E 2008: 279-287 |
26 |  | Jan Recker,
Björn Niehaves:
Epistemological perspectives on ontology-based theories for conceptual modeling.
Applied Ontology 3(1-2): 111-130 (2008) |
25 |  | Jörg Becker,
Björn Niehaves,
Philipp Bergener,
Michael Räckers:
Inclusive Electronic Public Service Delivery - A Quantitative Analysis.
Electronic Markets 18(4): 315-323 (2008) |
| 2007 |
24 |  | Björn Niehaves:
Innovation Processes in the Public Sector - New Vistas for an Interdisciplinary Perspective on E-Government Research?
EGOV 2007: 23-34 |
23 |  | Björn Niehaves,
Felix Müller-Wienbergen:
Designing Open Source Business Intelligence for Public Administrations.
Wirtschaftsinformatik (1) 2007: 623-640 |
22 |  | Jörg Becker,
Björn Niehaves,
Karsten Klose:
Political dimensions in IT consulting projects: a governance theory approach.
IJISCM 2(2): 109-124 (2007) |
21 |  | Jörg Becker,
Björn Niehaves:
Epistemological perspectives on IS research: a framework for analysing and systematizing epistemological assumptions.
Inf. Syst. J. 17(2): 197-214 (2007) |
20 |  | Björn Niehaves:
On Epistemological Pluralism in Design Science.
Scandinavian J. Inf. Systems 19(2): (2007) |
| 2005 |
19 |  | Björn Niehaves:
Epistemological Perspectives on Multi-Method Information Systems Research.
ECIS 2005 |
18 |  | Daniel Pfeiffer,
Björn Niehaves:
Evaluation of Conceptual Models - A Structuralist Approach.
ECIS 2005 |
17 |  | Lars Algermissen,
Patrick Delfmann,
Björn Niehaves:
Experiences in Process-Oriented Reorganisation through Reference Modelling in Public Administrations - The Case Study Regio at KomM.
ECIS 2005 |
16 |  | Jörg Becker,
Lars Algermissen,
Björn Niehaves,
Patrick Delfmann:
Business Process Reference Models for Reorganizing Public Administrations - A Case Study.
EGOV (Workshops and Posters) 2005: 134-142 |
15 |  | Ralf Knackstedt,
Karsten Klose,
Björn Niehaves,
Jörg Becker:
Process Reference Model for Data Warehouse Development - A Consensusoriented Approach.
ICEIS (3) 2005: 499-505 |
14 |  | Jörg Becker,
Lars Algermissen,
Patrick Delfmann,
Björn Niehaves:
Referenzmodellierung in öffentlichen Verwaltungen am Beispiel des prozessorientierten Reorganisationsprojekts Regio@KomM.
Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005: 729-746 |
13 |  | Björn Niehaves,
Karsten Klose,
Ralf Knackstedt,
Jörg Becker:
Epistemological Perspectives on IS-Development - A Consensus-Oriented Approach on Conceptual Modeling.
Wissensmanagement 2005: 575-578 |
12 |  | Björn Niehaves,
Karsten Klose,
Ralf Knackstedt,
Jörg Becker:
Epistemological Perspectives on IS-Development - A Consensus-Oriented Approach on Conceptual Modeling.
Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume) 2005: 635-646 |
11 |  | Jörg Becker,
Lars Algermissen,
Patrick Delfmann,
Thorsten Falk,
Björn Niehaves:
Identifikation von Best Practices durch Geschäftsprozessmodellierung in öffentlichen Verwaltungen.
HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 241: (2005) |
| 2004 |
10 |  | Michael Ribbert,
Björn Niehaves,
Alexander Dreiling,
Roland Holten:
An Epistemological Foundation of Conceptual Modeling.
ECIS 2004 |
9 |  | Jörg Becker,
Björn Niehaves,
Lars Algermissen,
Patrick Delfmann,
Thorsten Falk:
e-Government Success Factors.
EGOV 2004: 503-506 |
8 |  | Jörg Becker,
Björn Niehaves,
Ralf Knackstedt:
Bezugsrahmen zur epistemologischen Positionierung der Referenzmodellierung.
Referenzmodellierung 2004: 1-17 |
7 |  | Jörg Becker,
Lars Algermissen,
Patrick Delfmann,
Björn Niehaves:
Prozessorientierte Reorganisation in öffentlichen Verwaltungen - Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung eines Referenzvorgehensmodells.
Referenzmodellierung 2004: 151-175 |
6 |  | Jörg Becker,
Lars Algermissen,
Björn Niehaves:
Organizational engineering in public administrations: a method for process-oriented egovernment projects.
SAC 2004: 1385-1389 |
5 |  | Jörg Becker,
Lars Algermissen,
Patrick Delfmann,
Björn Niehaves:
A Web Based Platform for the Design of Administrational Reference Process Models.
WISE 2004: 159-168 |
| 2003 |
4 |  | Jörg Becker,
Lars Algermissen,
Björn Niehaves:
Processes in e-Government Focus: A Procedure Model for Process Oriented Reorganisation in Public Administrations on the Local Level.
EGOV 2003: 147-150 |
3 |  | Jörg Becker,
Lars Algermissen,
Björn Niehaves:
Prozessmodellierung in eGovernment-Projekten mit der eEPK.
EPK 2003: 31-44 |
2 |  | Jörg Becker,
Lars Algermissen,
Patrick Delfmann,
Björn Niehaves:
Konstruktion konfigurierbarer Referenzmodelle für die öffentliche Verwaltung.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 2003: 249-253 |
1 |  | Jörg Becker,
Lars Algermissen,
Björn Niehaves:
Prozessmodellierung als Grundlage des E-Government - Ein Vorgehensmodell zur prozessorientierten Organisationsgestaltung am Beispiel des kommunalen Baugenehmigungsverfahrens.
Wirtschaftsinformatik (2) 2003: 859-878 |