| 2008 |
20 |  | Minh Nguyen-Duc,
Zahia Guessoum,
Olivier Marin,
Jean-François Perrot,
Jean-Pierre Briot,
Vu Duong:
Towards a reliable air traffic control.
AAMAS (Industry Track) 2008: 101-104 |
| 2007 |
19 |  | Serge Demeyer,
Jean-François Perrot:
Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Dynamic Languages (ICDL 2007), organised in conjunction with the 15th International Smalltalk Joint Conference 2007, Lugano, Switzerland, 25-31 August 2007
ACM 2007 |
| 2006 |
18 |  | Reza Razavi,
Kirill Mechitov,
Sameer Sundresh,
Gul Agha,
Jean-François Perrot:
Ambiance: adaptive object model-based platform for macroprogramming sensor networks.
OOPSLA Companion 2006: 663-664 |
| 2005 |
17 |  | Reza Razavi,
Noury Bouraqadi,
Joseph W. Yoder,
Jean-François Perrot,
Ralph E. Johnson:
Language support for adaptive object-models using metaclasses.
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 31(3-4): 199-218 (2005) |
| 2004 |
16 |  | Reza Razavi,
Jean-François Perrot,
Nicolas Guelfi:
Adaptive Modeling: An Approach and a Method for Implementing Adaptive Agents.
MMAS 2004: 136-148 |
| 2003 |
15 |  | Gilles Blain,
Zahia Guessoum,
Jean-François Perrot,
Arnaud Thiefaine:
Génération de systèmes multi-agents à partir de modèles.
Technique et Science Informatiques 22(4): 107-111 (2003) |
| 1999 |
14 |  | B. Lesueur,
Zahia Guessoum,
Gerson Sunyé,
Gilles Blain,
Jean-François Perrot:
La métaphore du dossier.
INFORSID 1999: 279-299 |
| 1994 |
13 |  | Boris Magnusson,
Bertrand Meyer,
Jean-Marc Nerson,
Jean-François Perrot:
TOOLS 1994: 13th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, Versailles, France, Europe.
Prentice Hall 1994 |
12 |  | François Pachet,
Jean-François Perrot:
Rule firing with metarules.
SEKE 1994: 322-329 |
| 1993 |
11 |  | Boris Magnusson,
Bertrand Meyer,
Jean-François Perrot:
TOOLS 1993: 10th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, Versailles, France, Europe.
Prentice Hall 1993 |
| 1992 |
10 |  | Jean-François Perrot:
Rule-Based Object-Oriented Programming.
TOOLS (7) 1992: 423 |
| 1991 |
9 |  | Francis Wolinski,
Jean-François Perrot:
Representation of Complex Objects: Multiple Facets with Part-Whole Hierarchies.
ECOOP 1991: 288-306 |
| 1978 |
8 |  | Jean-François Perrot:
Varietes de Langages et Operations.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 7: 197-210 (1978) |
| 1977 |
7 |  | Jean-François Perrot:
On the Theory of Syntactic Monoids for Rational Languages.
FCT 1977: 152-165 |
6 |  | Jean-François Perrot,
Jacques Sakarovitch:
A Theory of Syntactic Monoids for Context-Free Languages.
IFIP Congress 1977: 69-72 |
5 |  | Jean-François Perrot:
Informationque et algébre la theorie des codes a longueur variable.
Theoretical Computer Science 1977: 27-44 |
4 |  | Jean-François Perrot:
Monoïdes syntactiques des langages algébriques
Acta Inf. 7: 399-413 (1977) |
| 1975 |
3 |  | Jean-François Perrot,
Jacques Sakarovitch:
Langages algébriques déterministes et groupes abeliens.
Automata Theory and Formal Languages 1975: 20-30 |
| 1971 |
2 |  | Dominique Perrin,
Jean-François Perrot:
Congruences et Automorphismes des Automates Finis
Acta Inf. 1: 159-172 (1971) |
| 1970 |
1 |  | Jean-François Perrot:
On The Relationship between Finite Automata, Finite Monoids, and Prefix Codes
STOC 1970: 217-220 |