| 2007 |
5 |  | Michael Pittarelli:
George J. Klir, Uncertainty and Information: Foundations of Generalized Information Theory, Wiley, New York (2005) ISBN 0471748676 499pp.
Inf. Process. Manage. 43(1): 295 (2007) |
| 1994 |
4 |  | Michael Pittarelli:
Anytime Decision Making with Imprecise Probabilities.
UAI 1994: 470-477 |
3 |  | Michael Pittarelli:
An Algebra for Probabilistic Databases.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(2): 293-303 (1994) |
| 1992 |
2 |  | Henry E. Kyburg Jr.,
Michael Pittarelli:
Some Problems for Convex Bayesians.
UAI 1992: 149-154 |
| 1987 |
1 |  | Roger Cavallo,
Michael Pittarelli:
The Theory of Probabilistic Databases.
VLDB 1987: 71-81 |