| 2009 |
29 |  | Anand Rajaraman:
Kosmix: Exploring the Deep Web using Taxonomies and Categorization.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 32(2): 12-19 (2009) |
28 |  | Anand Rajaraman:
Kosmix: Exploring the Deep Web using Taxonomies and Categorization.
PVLDB 2(2): 1524-1529 (2009) |
27 |  | Fernando Pereira,
Anand Rajaraman,
Sunita Sarawagi,
William Tunstall-Pedoe,
Gerhard Weikum,
Alon Y. Halevy:
Answering Web Questions Using Structured Data - Dream or Reality?
PVLDB 2(2): 1646 (2009) |
| 2006 |
26 |  | Alon Y. Halevy,
Anand Rajaraman,
Joann J. Ordille:
Data Integration: The Teenage Years.
VLDB 2006: 9-16 |
| 2003 |
25 |  | Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Querying websites using compact skeletons.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 66(4): 809-851 (2003) |
| 2001 |
24 |  | Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Querying Websites Using Compact Skeletons.
PODS 2001 |
| 2000 |
23 |  | Chandra Chekuri,
Anand Rajaraman:
Conjunctive query containment revisited.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 239(2): 211-229 (2000) |
| 1999 |
22 |  | Anand Rajaraman:
E-Commerce Database Issues and Experience.
SIGMOD Conference 1999: 531 |
21 |  | Alon Y. Levy,
Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Answering Queries Using Limited External Query Processors.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 58(1): 69-82 (1999) |
| 1998 |
20 |  | Ashish Gupta,
Venky Harinarayan,
Anand Rajaraman:
Virtual Database Technology.
ICDE 1998: 297-301 |
19 |  | S. T. S. Prasad,
Anand Rajaraman:
Virtual Database technology, XML, and the Evolution of the Web.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 21(2): 48-52 (1998) |
18 |  | Anand Rajaraman,
Peter Norvig:
Virtual database technology: Transforming the Internet into a Database.
IEEE Internet Computing 2(4): 55-58 (1998) |
| 1997 |
17 |  | Himanshu Gupta,
Venky Harinarayan,
Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Index Selection for OLAP.
ICDE 1997: 208-219 |
16 |  | Chandra Chekuri,
Anand Rajaraman:
Conjunctive Query Containment Revisited.
ICDT 1997: 56-70 |
15 |  | Hector Garcia-Molina,
Yannis Papakonstantinou,
Dallan Quass,
Anand Rajaraman,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Vasilis Vassalos,
Jennifer Widom:
The TSIMMIS Approach to Mediation: Data Models and Languages.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 8(2): 117-132 (1997) |
14 |  | Dallan Quass,
Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom,
Yehoshua Sagiv:
Querying Semistructured Heterogeneous Information.
Journal of Systems Integration 7(3/4): 381-407 (1997) |
13 |  | Ashish Gupta,
Venky Harinarayan,
Anand Rajaraman:
Virtual Database technology.
SIGMOD Record 26(4): 57-61 (1997) |
| 1996 |
12 |  | Alon Y. Levy,
Anand Rajaraman,
Joann J. Ordille:
Query-Answering Algorithms for Information Agents.
AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 40-47 |
11 |  | Alon Y. Levy,
Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Answering Queries Using Limited External Processors.
PODS 1996: 227-237 |
10 |  | Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Integrating Information by Outerjoins and Full Disjunctions.
PODS 1996: 238-248 |
9 |  | Venky Harinarayan,
Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Implementing Data Cubes Efficiently.
SIGMOD Conference 1996: 205-216 |
8 |  | Sudarshan S. Chawathe,
Anand Rajaraman,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Jennifer Widom:
Change Detection in Hierarchically Structured Information.
SIGMOD Conference 1996: 493-504 |
7 |  | Dallan Quass,
Jennifer Widom,
Roy Goldman,
Kevin Haas,
Qingshan Luo,
Jason McHugh,
Svetlozar Nestorov,
Anand Rajaraman,
Hugo Rivero,
Serge Abiteboul,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Janet L. Wiener:
LORE: A Lightweight Object REpository for Semistructured Data.
SIGMOD Conference 1996: 549 |
6 |  | Alon Y. Levy,
Anand Rajaraman,
Joann J. Ordille:
The World Wide Web as a Collection of Views: Query Processing in the Information Manifold.
VIEWS 1996: 43-55 |
5 |  | Alon Y. Levy,
Anand Rajaraman,
Joann J. Ordille:
Querying Heterogeneous Information Sources Using Source Descriptions
VLDB 1996: 251-262 |
| 1995 |
4 |  | Dallan Quass,
Anand Rajaraman,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom:
Querying Semistructured Heterogeneous Information.
DOOD 1995: 319-344 |
3 |  | Hector Garcia-Molina,
Dallan Quass,
Yannis Papakonstantinou,
Anand Rajaraman,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom:
The TSIMMIS Approach to Mediation: Data Models and Languages.
NGITS 1995: 0- |
2 |  | Anand Rajaraman,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Answering Queries Using Templates with Binding Patterns.
PODS 1995: 105-112 |
| 1993 |
1 |  | Hari Balakrishnan,
Anand Rajaraman,
C. Pandu Rangan:
Connected Domination and Steiner Set on Asteroidal Triple-Free Graphs.
WADS 1993: 131-141 |