| 2010 |
15 |  | Alban Galland,
Serge Abiteboul,
Amélie Marian,
Pierre Senellart:
Corroborating information from disagreeing views.
WSDM 2010: 131-140 |
14 |  | Benjamin Nguyen,
François-Xavier Dudouet,
Dario Colazzo,
Antoine Vion,
Ioana Manolescu,
Pierre Senellart:
The WebStand Project
CoRR abs/1002.0971: (2010) |
13 |  | Georg Gottlob,
Pierre Senellart:
Schema mapping discovery from data instances.
J. ACM 57(2): (2010) |
| 2009 |
12 |  | Aparna S. Varde,
Fabian M. Suchanek,
Richi Nayak,
Pierre Senellart:
Knowledge Discovery over the Deep Web, Semantic Web and XML.
DASFAA 2009: 784-788 |
11 |  | Marc Spaniol,
Dimitar Denev,
Arturas Mazeika,
Gerhard Weikum,
Pierre Senellart:
Data quality in web archiving.
WICOW 2009: 19-26 |
10 |  | Serge Abiteboul,
Benny Kimelfeld,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Pierre Senellart:
On the expressiveness of probabilistic XML models.
VLDB J. 18(5): 1041-1064 (2009) |
| 2008 |
9 |  | Pierre Senellart,
Georg Gottlob:
On the complexity of deriving schema mappings from database instances.
PODS 2008: 23-32 |
8 |  | Pierre Senellart,
Avin Mittal,
Daniel Muschick,
Rémi Gilleron,
Marc Tommasi:
Automatic wrapper induction from hidden-web sources with domain knowledge.
WIDM 2008: 9-16 |
7 |  | Michalis Vazirgiannis,
Dimitris Drosos,
Pierre Senellart,
Akrivi Vlachou:
Web page rank prediction with markov models.
WWW 2008: 1075-1076 |
6 |  | Ioana Manolescu,
Loredana Afanasiev,
Andrei Arion,
Jens Dittrich,
Stefan Manegold,
Neoklis Polyzotis,
Karl Schnaitter,
Pierre Senellart,
Spyros Zoupanos,
Dennis Shasha:
The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008.
SIGMOD Record 37(1): 39-45 (2008) |
| 2007 |
5 |  | Yann Ollivier,
Pierre Senellart:
Finding Related Pages Using Green Measures: An Illustration with Wikipedia.
AAAI 2007: 1427-1433 |
4 |  | Pierre Senellart,
Serge Abiteboul:
On the complexity of managing probabilistic XML data.
PODS 2007: 283-292 |
| 2006 |
3 |  | Serge Abiteboul,
Pierre Senellart:
Querying and Updating Probabilistic Information in XML.
EDBT 2006: 1059-1068 |
| 2005 |
2 |  | Pierre Senellart:
Identifying Websites with Flow Simulation.
ICWE 2005: 124-129 |
| 2004 |
1 |  | Vincent D. Blondel,
Anahí Gajardo,
Maureen Heymans,
Pierre Senellart,
Paul Van Dooren:
A measure of similarity between graph vertices
CoRR cs.IR/0407061: (2004) |