| 2009 |
33 |  | Guillem Rull,
Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
MVT: a schema mapping validation tool.
EDBT 2009: 1120-1123 |
| 2008 |
32 |  | Carles Farré,
Guillem Rull,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
SVTe: a tool to validate database schemas giving explanations.
DBTest 2008: 9 |
31 |  | Guillem Rull,
Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
Providing Explanations for Database Schema Validation.
DEXA 2008: 660-667 |
30 |  | Alberto Abelló,
Elena Rodríguez,
Toni Urpí,
Xavier Burgués Illa,
M. José Casany,
Carme Martín,
Carme Quer:
LEARN-SQL: Automatic Assessment of SQL Based on IMS QTI Specification.
ICALT 2008: 592-593 |
29 |  | Guillem Rull,
Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
Validation of mappings between schemas.
Data Knowl. Eng. 66(3): 414-437 (2008) |
| 2007 |
28 |  | Guillem Rull,
Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
Computing explanations for unlively queries in databases.
CIKM 2007: 955-958 |
27 |  | Carles Farré,
Werner Nutt,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
Containment of Conjunctive Queries over Databases with Null Values.
ICDT 2007: 389-403 |
| 2006 |
26 |  | Guillem Rull,
Carles Farré,
Toni Urpí:
Contención de consultas con valores nulos usando el método CQC.
JISBD 2006: 89-98 |
| 2005 |
25 |  | Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
Checking query containment with the CQC method.
Data Knowl. Eng. 53(2): 163-223 (2005) |
| 2004 |
24 |  | Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
A New Approach for Checking Schema Validation Properties.
DEXA 2004: 77-86 |
23 |  | Ernest Teniente,
Carles Farré,
Toni Urpí,
Carlos Beltrán,
David Gañán:
SVT: Schema Validation Tool for Microsoft SQL-Server.
VLDB 2004: 1349-1352 |
| 2003 |
22 |  | Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
Query Containment with Negated IDB Predicates.
ADBIS 2003: 411-429 |
21 |  | Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
Handling Existential Derived Predicates in View Updating.
ICLP 2003: 148-162 |
20 |  | Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
On the Abductive or Deductive Nature of Database Schema Validation and Update Processing Problems
CoRR cs.DB/0312046: (2003) |
19 |  | Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
On the abductive or deductive nature of database schema validation and update processing problems.
TPLP 3(3): 287-327 (2003) |
| 1999 |
18 |  | Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
The Constructive Method for Query Containment Checking.
DEXA 1999: 583-593 |
| 1998 |
17 |  | Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
Query Containment Checking as a View Updating Problem.
DEXA 1998: 310-321 |
16 |  | Enric Mayol,
Joan Antoni Pastor,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí,
Carles Farré:
Integrated Treatment of Updates in Deductive Databases: the FOLRE Project (extended abstract).
JIDBD 1998: 3-10 |
15 |  | Pedro Belsa,
Nieves R. Brisaboa,
Verónica Canivell Castillo,
Juan Garbajosa,
Jesús Manuel Maudes Raedo,
Mario Piattini,
Toni Urpí:
Propuesta de contenidos en bases de datos de los planes de estudio de informática.
JIDBD 1998: 45-52 |
| 1997 |
14 |  | Dolors Costal,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
An Approach to Obtain Intensional Translation for Consistent View Updating.
DOOD 1997: 175-192 |
13 |  | Carles Farré,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
Comprobación del Contenimiento de Consultas mediante Actualización de Vistas.
JIDBD 1997: 91-100 |
12 |  | Piero Fraternali,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
Validating Active Rules by Planning.
Rules in Database Systems 1997: 181-196 |
11 |  | Enric Mayol,
Joan Antoni Pastor,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
FOLRE: A Deductive Database System for the Integrated Treatment of Updates.
Rules in Database Systems 1997: 35-50 |
| 1996 |
10 |  | Dolors Costal,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí,
Carles Farré:
Handling Conceptual Model Validation by Planning.
CAiSE 1996: 255-271 |
9 |  | Hendrik Decker,
Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
How to Tackle Schema Validation by View Updating.
EDBT 1996: 535-549 |
8 |  | Ernest Teniente,
Carles Farré,
Carme Martín,
Enric Mayol,
Joan Antoni Pastor,
Jaume Sistac,
Toni Urpí:
FOLRE: Un sistema papa et tratamiento integrado de actualizaciones en bases de datos.
JIDBD 1996: 132-141 |
7 |  | Jaume Sistac,
Fèlix Saltor,
Francesc Costa,
Dolors Costal,
Carme Martín,
Toni Urpí:
Docencia de las bases de Datos en la Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona.
JIDBD 1996: 16-23 |
| 1995 |
6 |  | Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
A Common Framework for Classifying and Specifying Deductive Database Updating Problems.
ICDE 1995: 173-182 |
| 1994 |
5 |  | Ernest Teniente,
Toni Urpí:
A Common Framework for Classifying and Specifying Deductive Database Updating Problems.
DAISD 1994: 135-158 |
4 |  | Toni Urpí,
Antoni Olivé:
Semantic Change Computation Optimization in Active Databases.
RIDE-ADS 1994: 19-27 |
| 1992 |
3 |  | Toni Urpí,
Antoni Olivé:
A Method for Change Computation in Deductive Databases.
VLDB 1992: 225-237 |
2 |  | Toni Urpí,
Antoni Olivé:
Evants and Events rules in Active Databases.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 15(1-4): 56-59 (1992) |
| 1991 |
1 |  | Toni Urpí:
An Approach to Monitoring Changes in Deductive Databases.
DAISD 1991: 87-113 |