| 2010 |
22 |  | Andreas Birk,
Klaus Schmid,
Markus Völter:
Produktlinien im Kontext: Technologie, Prozesse, Business und Organisation (PIK2010).
Software Engineering 2010: 246 |
| 2009 |
21 |  | Klaus Marquardt,
Dietmar Schütz,
Markus Völter:
Produkt-Variabilität im gesamten Lebenszyklus (PVLZ 2009).
Software Engineering 2009: 203-204 |
20 |  | Markus Völter:
MD* Best Practices.
Journal of Object Technology 8(6): 79-102 (2009) |
19 |  | Iris Groher,
Markus Völter:
Aspect-Oriented Model-Driven Software Product Line Engineering.
T. Aspect-Oriented Software Development VI 6: 111-152 (2009) |
| 2008 |
18 |  | Krzysztof Czarnecki,
Ileana Ober,
Jean-Michel Bruel,
Axel Uhl,
Markus Völter:
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 11th International Conference, MoDELS 2008, Toulouse, France, September 28 - October 3, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
17 |  | Iris Groher,
Christa Schwanninger,
Markus Völter:
An integrated aspect-oriented model-driven software product line tool suite.
ICSE Companion 2008: 939-940 |
16 |  | Iris Groher,
Markus Völter,
Christa Schwanninger:
Integrating Models and Aspects into Product Line Engineering.
SPLC 2008: 355 |
15 |  | Iris Groher,
Markus Völter:
Using Aspects to Model Product Line Variability.
SPLC (2) 2008: 89-95 |
| 2007 |
14 |  | Andrew Jackson,
Iris Groher,
Christa Schwanninger,
Markus Völter:
Models and Aspects - Handling Crosscutting Concerns in MDSD.
ECOOP Workshops 2007: 65-74 |
13 |  | Markus Völter,
Iris Groher:
Product Line Implementation using Aspect-Oriented and Model-Driven Software Development.
SPLC 2007: 233-242 |
12 |  | Michael Kircher,
Markus Völter:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Software Patterns.
IEEE Software 24(4): 28-30 (2007) |
| 2006 |
11 |  | Iris Groher,
Andrew Jackson,
Christa Schwanninger,
Markus Völter:
Models and Aspects - Handling Crosscutting Concerns in MDSD.
ECOOP Workshops 2006: 21-25 |
10 |  | Markus Völter:
Software Architecture - A pattern language for building sustainable software architectures.
EuroPLoP 2006: 31-66 |
| 2005 |
9 |  | Markus Völter:
Models and Aspects.
EuroPLoP 2005: 539-572 |
8 |  | Markus Völter:
Modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung.
Datenbank-Spektrum 13: 41-44 (2005) |
| 2004 |
7 |  | Thomas Cleenewerck,
Krzysztof Czarnecki,
Jörg Striegnitz,
Markus Völter:
Evolution and Reuse of Language Specifications for DSLs (ERLS).
ECOOP Workshops 2004: 187-201 |
6 |  | Chris Salzmann,
Martin Thiede,
Markus Völter:
Model-based Middleware for Embedded Systems.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 3-7 |
5 |  | Uwe Zdun,
Michael Kircher,
Markus Völter:
Remoting Patterns.
IEEE Internet Computing 8(6): 60-68 (2004) |
4 |  | Uwe Zdun,
Markus Völter,
Michael Kircher:
Pattern-Based Design of an Asynchronous Invocation Framework for Web Services.
Int. J. Web Service Res. 1(3): 42-62 (2004) |
| 2003 |
3 |  | Uwe Zdun,
Markus Völter,
Michael Kircher:
Design and Implementation of an Asynchronous Invocation Framework for Web Services.
ICWS-Europe 2003: 64-78 |
2 |  | Markus Völter:
A Taxonomy of Components.
Journal of Object Technology 2(4): 119-125 (2003) |
| 2002 |
1 |  | Krzysztof Czarnecki,
Kasper Østerbye,
Markus Völter:
Generative Programming.
ECOOP Workshops 2002: 15-29 |