| 2009 |
41 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
Topic analysis for topic-focused multi-document summarization.
CIKM 2009: 1609-1612 |
40 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
Combining Content and Context Similarities for Image Retrieval.
ECIR 2009: 749-754 |
39 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianguo Xiao:
Graph-Based Multi-Modality Learning for Topic-Focused Multi-Document Summarization.
IJCAI 2009: 1586-1591 |
38 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianguo Xiao:
Towards a Novel Association Measure via Web Search Results Mining.
PAKDD 2009: 804-812 |
| 2008 |
37 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianguo Xiao:
Single Document Keyphrase Extraction Using Neighborhood Knowledge.
AAAI 2008: 855-860 |
36 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
Using Bilingual Knowledge and Ensemble Techniques for Unsupervised Chinese Sentiment Analysis.
EMNLP 2008: 553-561 |
35 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
An Exploration of Document Impact on Graph-Based Multi-Document Summarization.
EMNLP 2008: 755-762 |
34 |  | Xiaojiang Huang,
Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang,
Jianguo Xiao:
Learning to Identify Comparative Sentences in Chinese Text.
PRICAI 2008: 187-198 |
33 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
Document-Based HITS Model for Multi-document Summarization.
PRICAI 2008: 454-465 |
32 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang:
Multi-document summarization using cluster-based link analysis.
SIGIR 2008: 299-306 |
31 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
Cm-pmi: improved web-based association measure with contextual label matching.
WWW 2008: 1079-1080 |
30 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang,
Jianguo Xiao:
Towards a unified approach to document similarity search using manifold-ranking of blocks.
Inf. Process. Manage. 44(3): 1032-1048 (2008) |
29 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
Using only cross-document relationships for both generic and topic-focused multi-document summarizations.
Inf. Retr. 11(1): 25-49 (2008) |
28 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
Beyond topical similarity: a structural similarity measure for retrieving highly similar documents.
Knowl. Inf. Syst. 15(1): 55-73 (2008) |
| 2007 |
27 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang:
Single Document Summarization with Document Expansion.
AAAI 2007: 931-936 |
26 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang,
Jianguo Xiao:
Towards an Iterative Reinforcement Approach for Simultaneous Document Summarization and Keyword Extraction.
ACL 2007 |
25 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Gang Liu:
Automatic Navigation System with Multiple Sensors.
CCTA 2007: 769-776 |
24 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianguo Xiao:
Towards a Unified Approach Based on Affinity Graph to Various Multi-document Summarizations.
ECDL 2007: 297-308 |
23 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Manifold-Ranking of Blocks.
ICME 2007: 2182-2185 |
22 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang,
Jianguo Xiao:
Manifold-Ranking Based Topic-Focused Multi-Document Summarization.
IJCAI 2007: 2903-2908 |
21 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang:
CollabSum: exploiting multiple document clustering for collaborative single document summarizations.
SIGIR 2007: 143-150 |
20 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
OMES: a new evaluation strategy using optimal matching for document clustering.
SIGIR 2007: 693-694 |
19 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
TimedTextRank: adding the temporal dimension to multi-document summarization.
SIGIR 2007: 867-868 |
18 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang:
Learning information diffusion process on the web.
WWW 2007: 1173-1174 |
17 |  | Xiaojun Wan:
A novel document similarity measure based on earth mover's distance.
Inf. Sci. 177(18): 3718-3730 (2007) |
| 2006 |
16 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang,
Jianguo Xiao:
Document Similarity Search Based on Manifold-Ranking of TextTiles.
AIRS 2006: 14-25 |
15 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang:
WordRank-Based Lexical Signatures for Finding Lost or Related Web Pages.
APWeb 2006: 843-849 |
14 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang,
Jianguo Xiao:
Incorporating Cross-Document Relationships Between Sentences for Single Document Summarizations.
ECDL 2006: 403-414 |
13 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang:
Using Proportional Transportation Distances for Measuring Document Similarity.
ECIR 2006: 25-36 |
12 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang:
Improved Affinity Graph Based Multi-Document Summarization.
HLT-NAACL 2006 |
11 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang,
Jianguo Xiao:
The Great Importance of Cross-Document Relationships for Multi-document Summarization.
ICCPOL 2006: 131-138 |
10 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang,
Jianguo Xiao:
Block-Based Similarity Search on the Web Using Manifold-Ranking.
WISE 2006: 60-71 |
9 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang:
Using proportional transportation similarity with learned element semantics for XML document clustering.
WWW 2006: 961-962 |
8 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang,
Jianguo Xiao:
Using Cross-Document Random Walks for Topic-Focused Multi-Document.
Web Intelligence 2006: 1012-1018 |
| 2005 |
7 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang:
Document Similarity Search Based on Generic Summaries.
AIRS 2005: 635-640 |
6 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianfeng Gao,
Mu Li,
Binggong Ding:
Person resolution in person search results: WebHawk.
CIKM 2005: 163-170 |
5 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Yuxin Peng:
The earth mover's distance as a semantic measure for document similarity.
CIKM 2005: 301-302 |
4 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Yuxin Peng:
A New Re-ranking Method for Generic Chinese Text Summarization and Its Evaluation.
ICADL 2005: 171-175 |
3 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Jianwu Yang:
Extract Salient Words with WordRank for Effective Similarity Search in Text Data.
WISE 2005: 590-591 |
2 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Yuxin Peng:
A New Retrieval Model Based on TextTiling for Document Similarity Search.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(4): 552-558 (2005) |
| 2004 |
1 |  | Xiaojun Wan,
Yuxin Peng:
A Measure Based on Optimal Matching in Graph Theory for Document Similarity.
AIRS 2004: 227-238 |