VLDB 2019: Demonstrations
The number assigned to each demo identifies its table and easel in the Hollywood ballroom. For example, Demo 5 in Group B is assigned to Table and Easel numbered 5.
Synergistic Graph and SQL Analytics Inside IBM Db2 (IBM Research), (IBM Research), (IBM Research), (IBM Research), (IBM Research), and (IBM Research)
ITAA: An Intelligent Trajectory-driven Outdoor Advertising Deployment Assistant (RMIT University), (RMIT University), (Wuhan University), (SMU), and (RMIT University)
Buckle: Evaluating Fact Checking Algorithms Built on Knowledge Bases (Eurecom) and (Eurecom)
A Query System for Efficiently Investigating Complex Attack Behaviors for Enterprise Security (UC Berkeley), (Case Western Reserve University), (NEC Labs America), (UT Dallas), (Nanjing University), (Princeton University), and (Princeton University)
ProgressiveDB – Progressive Data Analytics as a Middleware (TU Darmstadt), (TU Darmstadt), (TU Darmstadt), and (University of Sydney)
doppioDB 2.0: Hardware Techniques for Improved Integration of Machine Learning into Databases (ETH Zurich), (ETH Zurich), (ETH Zurich), and (ETH Zurich)
NashDB: Fragmentation, Replication, and Provisioning using Economic Methods (Brandeis University), (Brandeis University), (Brandeis University), (Brandeis University), and (Brandeis University)
In-database Distributed Machine Learning: Demonstration using Teradata SQL Engine (UCLA), (Teradata Labs), (Teradata Labs), (Teradata Labs), and (UCLA)
SHOAL: Large-scale Hierarchical Taxonomy via Graph-based Query Coalition in E-commerce (Alibaba Group), (Alibaba Group, Southwest University), (Alibaba Group), (Alibaba Group), (Singapore Management University), and (Southwest University)
PriSTE: Protecting Spatiotemporal Event Privacy in Continuous Location-Based Services (Kyoto University), (Google Inc.), (Emory University), (Emory University), and (Kyoto University)
HERMIT in Action: Succinct Secondary Indexing Mechanism via Correlation Exploration (IBM Research - Almaden), (Arizona State University), (IBM Research - Almaden), (IBM), and (IBM Research - Almaden)
DISPERS: Securing Highly Distributed Queries on Personal Data Management Systems (Cozy Cloud, INRIA Saclay, University of Versailles), (University of Versailles, INRIA Saclay), and (INRIA Saclay, University of Versailles)
Demonstration of Krypton: Optimized CNN Inference for Occlusion-based Deep CNN Explanations (University of California, San Diego), (University of California, San Diego), (University of California, San Diego), and (University of California, San Diego)
Spade: A Modular Framework for Analytical Exploration of RDF Graphs (LIX (UMR 7161, CNRS and Ecole polytechnique), University of Massachusetts Amherst), (LIX (UMR 7161, CNRS and Ecole polytechnique), INRIA), (LIX (UMR 7161, CNRS and Ecole polytechnique), INRIA), and (LIX (UMR 7161, CNRS and Ecole polytechnique), INRIA)
Making an RDBMS Data Scientist Friendly: Advanced In-database Interactive Analytics with Visualization Support (McGill University), (McGill University), and (McGill University)
UDAO: A Next-Generation Unified Data Analytics Optimizer (Ecole Polytechnique), (Ecole Polytechnique), (University of Massachusetts Amherst), (Ecole Polytechnique), (Ecole Polytechnique, University of Massachusetts Amherst), and (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Dietcoin: Hardening Bitcoin Transaction Verification Process For Mobile Devices (Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA), (Vrije Universiteit), (Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA), (Univ Rennes, CNRS, Inria, IRISA), and (Athens University of Economics and Business)
COVIZ: A System for Visual Formation and Exploration of Patient Cohorts (UFRGS), (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, LIG), (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, LIG), (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, LIG, Institute for Advanced Biosciences and Inserm), (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, LIG, Grenoble University Hospital), (AGIR-à-Dom), and (UFRGS)
WiClean: A System for Fixing Wikipedia Interlinks Using Revision History Patterns (Tel Aviv University), (Tel Aviv University), (eBay Research), and (Tel Aviv University)
Datalignment: Ontology Schema Alignment Through Datalog Containment (Tel Aviv University), (Tel Aviv University), and (Tel Aviv University)
FishStore: Fast Ingestion and Indexing of Raw Data (Microsoft Research), (University of Utah), (Microsoft Research), and (Microsoft Research)
Raptor: Large Scale Analysis of Big Raster and Vector Data (UC Riverside), (UC Riverside), (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities), and (Qatar Computing Research Institute)
Tuplex: Robust, Efficient Analytics When Python Rules (Brown University) and (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ease.ml/ci and Ease.ml/meter in Action: Towards Data Management for Statistical Generalization (ETH Zurich), (ETH Zurich), (ETH Zurich), (Modulos AG), (Microsoft Research, Redmond), and (ETH Zurich)
BlackMagic: Automatic Inlining of Scalar UDFs into SQL Queries with Froid (Microsoft Research India) and (Microsoft Gray Systems Lab)
Data Civilizer 2.0: A Holistic Framework for Data Preparation and Analytics (MIT CSAIL), (MIT CSAIL), (MIT CSAIL), (MIT CSAIL), (MIT CSAIL), (MIT CSAIL), (Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU), (Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU), and (Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU)
VISE: Vehicle Image Search Engine with Traffic Camera (University of Toronto), (University of Toronto), (University of Toronto), and (Northeastern University)
Stateful Functions as a Service in Action (ING), (Delft University of Technology), and (Delft University of Technology)
GALO: Guided Automated Learning for re-Optimization (Ontario Tech University, IBM Centre for Advanced Studies), (Ontario Tech University, IBM Centre for Advanced Studies), (IBM Ltd), (York University, IBM Centre for Advanced Studies), (IBM Ltd), (Ontario Tech University, IBM Centre for Advanced Studies), and (IBM Ltd)
CAPE: Explaining Outliers by Counterbalancing (Duke University), (IIT), (IIT), (IIT), (SUNY Buffalo), and (Duke University)
Cleanits: A Data Cleaning System for Industrial Time Series (Harbin Institute of Technology), (Harbin Institute of Technology), (Harbin Institute of Technology), (Harbin Institute of Technology), (Harbin Institute of Technology), and (Harbin Institute of Technology)
SystemER: A Human-in-the-loop System for Explainable Entity Resolution (IBM Research - Almaden), (IBM Research - Almaden), and (IBM Research - Almaden)
PRIMAT: A Toolbox for Fast Privacy-preserving Matching (Leipzig University & ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig), (Leipzig University & ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig), and (Leipzig University & ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig)
Flash in Action: Scalable Spatial Data Analysis Using Markov Logic Networks (University of Minnesota), (University of Minnesota), and (Qatar Comp. Research Inst., HBKU)
I Can't Believe It's Not (Only) Software! Bionic Distributed Storage for Parquet Files (IMDEA Software Institute) and (IMDEA Software Institute)
SparkCruise: Handsfree Computation Reuse in Spark (Microsoft), (Microsoft), (Microsoft), (Microsoft), (Microsoft), and (Microsoft)
DPSAaS: Multi-Dimensional Data Sharing and Analytics as Services under Local Differential Privacy (University of Chicago), (Purdue University), (Alibaba Group), (Alibaba Group), (Alibaba Group), and (Alibaba Group)
IHCS: An Integrated Hybrid Cleaning System (Zhejiang University), (Zhejiang University, Alibaba–Zhejiang University Joint Institute of Frontier Technologies), (Zhejiang University), (Aalborg University), (Aalborg University), and (Zhejiang University)
CAPRIO: Graph-based Integration of Indoor and Outdoor Data for Path Discovery (University of Pittsburgh), (University of Pittsburgh), and (University of Pittsburgh)
LensXPlain: Visualizing and Explaining Contributing Subsets for Aggregate Query Answers (Duke University), (Duke University), and (Duke University)
Juneau: Data Lake Management for Jupyter (University of Pennsylvania) and (University of Pennsylvania)
ApproxML: Efficient Approximate Ad-Hoc ML Models Through Materialization and Reuse (University of Texas at Arlington), (University of Texas at Arlington), (University of Texas at Arlington), (QCRI, HBKU), (University of Illinois at Chicago), (University of Toronto), and (University of Texas at Arlington)
Flare & Lantern: Efficiently Swapping Horses Midstream (Purdue University), (Purdue University), (Purdue University), (Purdue University), and (Purdue University)
Trinity: An Extensible Synthesis Framework for Data Science (Canergie Mellon University), (UT Austin), (UCSB), (UCSB), and (UT Austin)
PSynDB: Accurate and Accessible Private Data Generation (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst), (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst), (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst), (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst), (Colgate University), and (Duke University)
AggChecker: A Fact-Checking System for Text Summaries of Relational Data Sets (Cornell University), (Cornell University), (Cornell University), (Google Research), (Google Research), (Cornell University), and (Cornell University)
GRANO: Interactive Graph-based Root Cause Analysis for Cloud-Native Distributed Data Platform (eBay Inc.), (eBay Inc.), (eBay Inc.), (eBay Inc.), (eBay Inc.), (eBay Inc.), and (eBay Inc.)
PivotE: Revealing and Visualizing the Underlying Entity Structures for Exploration (Renmin University of China), (Renmin University of China), (University of Helsinki), (Renmin University of China), and (Renmin University of China)