VLDB 2025: Call for Contributions - Panels

We solicit proposals for panels at the 2025 VLDB Conference in London, UK (September 1st - 5th, 2025). Panel proposals are expected to address new, exciting, and controversial issues of broad interest to the database community. The proposed panel should be provocative, informative, and entertaining.

Panel proposals must include:
  1. Description of the panel topic (no more than 1.5 pages)
    • Why is this topic of interest to the community?
    • Do you see the panel engaging the database community and changing their positions or schools of thought?
    • What are possible different and diverse perspectives that might spark a discussion?
    • What are the likely positions of the panelists on the topic? Do they bring in ideas from different communities?
    • What questions or prompts are given to the panelists to prepare their opening statements?
    • What questions will the moderator use to get the discussion going?
  2. Name, affiliation, brief bio, and contact information for the proposed panel moderator (no page limit).
  3. Names, affiliations, brief bios, and rationale for inclusion in the panel of the chosen panelists (up to 6) in addition to the panel moderator. The proposed panelists must have made a commitment to participate in person.
An inclusive and diverse mix of panelists is encouraged. Representation from both industry and academia and panelists from different research communities are also encouraged. The proposals should be submitted to the panel chairs via email: Jana Giceva (jana.giceva@tum.de) and Alexandra Meliou (ameli@cs.umass.edu).

Important Dates (All deadlines below are 5pm PT.)