International Conference on
Very Large Data
Edinburgh - Scotland -
7th - 10th September
1999 |
Executive Committee
- General Conference Chair:
Keith Jeffery, CLRC
Rutherford Appleton Lab.
- Organisation Chair: Jessie Kennedy, Napier
- Secretary: Jon
Kerridge, Napier University
- Treasurer: Mike Jackson,
University of Wolverhampton
- Sponsorship: to be filled
- Exhibitions: Lachlan
MacKinnon, Heriot-Watt University
- Publicity Chair: Mary
Garvey, University of Wolverhampton
- Tutorial Chair: Carole Goble, University
of Manchester
- Panel and Demonstrations Chair:
Ron Morrison,
University of St Andrews
- Social Programme: Alex
Gray, University of Wales, Cardiff
- Proceedings Production: Peter Barclay, Napier University
- Local Arrangements: Albert
Burger, Heriot-Watt University
Home Page Scottish Information
Call For Papers
