Demo Instructions
If you are a demo author, here is the information about what to expect with the demo setup.
Each demo gets:
- One 6 foot table and two chairs. (There may be extra chairs around).
- You will have a power line that comes up to the table. You will also have wired internet access at the table.
- A 4' x 8' poster board (you can use this to put up a poster to explain the overall demo).
Note there are no monitors at the table. If you want a monitor (hopefully you don't since you can simply use your laptop), you will need to pay $100 total for three days! Unfortunately, this hotel charges an exorbitant amount ($140/day) and VLDB can only subsidize part of what they charge.
If you want a monitor, then please let the Demo PC Chair know by 8/15. After that we can't get the monitors