The VLDB PhD Workshop is a unique opportunity for graduate students to present and discuss their research work in the context of a premier international conference. In 2017, the VLDB PhD Workshop will be held on August 28, 2017 in Munich, Germany colocated with the main VLDB conference. The workshop provides a forum that facilitates interactions among PhD students and stimulates feedback from more experienced researchers.
We welcome submissions from PhD students at any stage of their PhD work. If you are in the early stages of your studies, the submission should clearly describe the problem focused on, explain why it is important, detail why the existing solutions are not sufficient, and give an outline of the new solutions that are pursued. If you are in the middle or close to completion, the submission should be more concrete in describing your contribution, but still in the context of the doctoral work.
Submissions must be single-author, and the name of the supervisor must be clearly marked ("supervised by") on the paper, under the authors name.
The paper should be no longer than 4 pages (including references) and should be formatted with the same rules as VLDB papers. You will find these rules summarized on the VLDB conference web:
It is fine if specific portions of the thesis work have been published or submitted to publication; the page limit is 4 pages, so this does not constitute a duplicate submission to VLDB.
Authors should submit their papers in PDF format through the CMT conference management system:
We plan to publish the workshop proceedings with all accepted papers in the CEUR-WS series.
The review and decision of acceptance will balance many factors. This includes the quality of your proposal, and where you are within your doctoral education program. It also includes external factors, such as ensuring that as a group the accepted candidates exhibit a diversity of backgrounds and topics.
Candidates who have a clearly developed idea, who are formally considered by their institution to be working on their dissertation, and who still have time to be influenced by participation in the PhD Workshop will receive the strongest consideration.
Authors of accepted papers should incorporate the changes suggested by the reviewers and add the following copyright notice to the final version of the paper:
Proceedings of the VLDB 2017 PhD Workshop, August 28, 2017. Munich, Germany. Copyright (C) 2017 for this paper by its authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
Please also fill out and sign this copyright form and upload it to the CMT system together with the final version of the paper by June 12, 2017.
Peter Christen (The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia,
Bettina Kemme (McGill, Montreal, Canada,
Erhard Rahm (Univ. of Leipzig, Germany,
Angela Bonifati (Univ. of Lyon)
Stéphane Bressan (National University of Singapore)
George Fletcher (TU Eindhoven)
Lukasz Golab (University of Waterloo)
Carson Leung (University of Manitoba)
Sebastian Link (University of Auckland)
Rachel Pottinger (Univ. of British Columbia)
Louiqa Raschid (University of Maryland)
Donatello Santoro (Università della Basilicata)
Timos Sellis (Swinburne University of Technology)
Andreas Thor (HFT Leipzig)
Wei Wang (University of New South Wales)
Qing Wang (Australian National University)