Recent Literature on the Entity-Relationship Approach.
Peter P. Chen:
Recent Literature on the Entity-Relationship Approach.
ER 1979: 3-12@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/er/Chen79,
author = {Peter P. Chen},
editor = {Peter P. Chen},
title = {Recent Literature on the Entity-Relationship Approach},
booktitle = {Entity-Relationship Approach to Systems Analysis and Design.
Proc. 1st International Conference on the Entity-Relationship
publisher = {North-Holland},
year = {1979},
isbn = {0-444-85487-8},
pages = {3-12},
ee = {db/conf/er/Chen79.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/er/79},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
This paper contains a partial list of recent literature of the
Entity-Relationship Approach.
CDROM Version: Load the CDROM "Volume 2 Issue 1, ER 1979-1998" and ...
DVD Version: Load ACM SIGMOD Anthology DVD 1" and ...
- [ABRI 74]
- Jean-Raymond Abrial:
Data Semantics.
IFIP Working Conference Data Base Management 1974: 1-60

- [ANTO 80]
- Valeria De Antonellis, G. Degli Antoni, Giancarlo Mauri, Bruna Zonta:
Extending the Entity-Relationship Approach to Take in Account Historical Aspects of Systems.
ER 1979: 231-236

- [BACH 77]
- Charles W. Bachman, Manilal Daya:
The Role Concept in Data Models.
VLDB 1977: 464-476

- [BILL 77]
- ...
- [BILL 78]
- Horst Biller, Erich J. Neuhold:
Semantics of data bases: The semantics of data models.
Inf. Syst. 3(1): 11-30(1978)

- [CHEN 76]
- Peter P. Chen:
The Entity-Relationship Model - Toward a Unified View of Data.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(1): 9-36(1976)

- [CHEN 77]
- Peter P. Chen:
The entity-relationship model: a basis for the enterprise view of data.
AFIPS National Computer Conference 1977: 77-84

- [CHEN 80]
- Peter P. Chen:
Entity-Relationship Diagrams and English Sentence Structure.
ER 1979: 13-14

- [FALK 76]
- Eckhard D. Falkenberg:
Concepts for Modelling Information.
IFIP Working Conference on Modelling in Data Base Management Systems 1976: 95-109

- [FRY 80]
- James P. Fry:
An Approach to Designing an Entity-Relationship Schema.
ER 1979: 143-144

- [HALL 76]
- Patrick A. V. Hall, J. Owlett, Stephen Todd:
Relations and Entities.
IFIP Working Conference on Modelling in Data Base Management Systems 1976: 201-220

- [HAMM 78]
- Michael Hammer, Dennis McLeod:
The Semantic Data Model: A Modelling Mechanism for Data Base Applications.
SIGMOD Conference 1978: 26-36

- [HSU 80]
- H. Hsu, Nick Roussopoulos:
Database Conceptual Modelling.
ER 1979: 259-276

- [KIRS 76]
- Larry Kerschberg, Anthony C. Klug, Dennis Tsichritzis:
A Taxonomy of Data Models.
VLDB 1976: 43-64

- [KLUG 80]
- Anthony C. Klug:
Entity-Relationship Views over Uninterpreted Enterprise Schemas.
ER 1979: 39-60

- [KOBA 75]
- Isamu Kobayashi:
Information and Information Processing Structure.
Inf. Syst. 1(2): 39-49(1975)

- [KOBA 78a]
- ...
- [KOBA 78b]
- ...
- [LEE 78]
- ...
- [MCGE76]
- William C. McGee:
On User Criteria for Data Model Evaluation.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(4): 370-387(1976)

- [NG 80]
- Peter A. Ng, J. F. Paul:
A Formal Definition of Entity-Relationship Models.
ER 1979: 211-230

- [NIJS 77]
- ...
- [PIRO 77]
- ...
- [ROUS 75]
- Nick Roussopoulos, John Mylopoulos:
Using Semantic Networks for Database Management.
VLDB 1975: 144-172

- [SANT 79]
- Clesio Saraiva dos Santos:
The Quest for Comprehensive Semantic Formalisms.
VLDB 1979: 83-84

- [SANT 80]
- Clesio Saraiva dos Santos, Erich J. Neuhold, Antonio L. Furtado:
A Data Type Approach to the Entity-Relationship Approach.
ER 1979: 103-119

- [SCHI 79]
- Gerd Schiffner, Peter Scheuermann:
Multiple Views and Abstractions with an Extended-Entity-Relationship Model.
Comput. Lang. 4(3-4): 139-154(1979)

- [SCHE 80]
- Peter Scheuermann, Gerd Schiffner, H. Weber:
Abstraction Capabilities and Invariant Properties Modelling within the Entity-Relationship Approach.
ER 1979: 121-140

- [SENK 73]
- Michael E. Senko, Edward B. Altman, Morton M. Astrahan, P. L. Fehder:
Data Structures and Accessing in Data-Base Systems. I: Evolution of Information Systems.
IBM Systems Journal 12(1): 30-44(1973)

- [SIBL 74]
- Edgar H. Sibley:
On the Equivalence of Data Based Systems.
SIGMOD Workshop, Vol. 2 1974: 43-76

- [SMIT 77a]
- John Miles Smith, Diane C. P. Smith:
Database Abstractions: Aggregation.
Commun. ACM 20(6): 405-413(1977)

- [SMIT 77b]
- John Miles Smith, Diane C. P. Smith:
Database Abstractions: Aggregation and Generalization.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 2(2): 105-133(1977)

- [SU 80]
- Stanley Y. W. Su, Der Her Lo:
A Semantic Association Model for Conceptual Design.
ER 1979: 169-192

- [SUND 74]
- ...
- [TJOA 80]
- A. Min Tjoa, Roland Wagner:
Some Considerations on the Entity-Relationship Model.
ER 1979: 145-154

- [WEBE 76]
- ...
- [WEBE 79]
- Herbert Weber:
Modularity in Data Base System Design: A Software Engineering View of Data Base Systems.
VLDB Surveys 1978: 65-91

- [WIED 80]
- Gio Wiederhold, Ramez Elmasri:
The Structural Model for Database Design.
ER 1979: 237-258

- [DEHE 76]
- Claude Deheneffe, Henri Hennebert:
NUL: A Navigational User's Language for a Network Structured Data Base.
SIGMOD Conference 1976: 135-142

- [LUSK 80]
- Ewing L. Lusk, Ross A. Overbeek:
A DML for Entity-Relationship Models.
ER 1979: 445-462

- [MCCU 80]
- D. McCue, G. Poonen:
Evaluation of an E-R Query Language.
ER 1979: 463-464

- [POON 78]
- ...
- [SHOS 78]
- ...
- [SCHI 78]
- ...
- [BALZ 80]
- Robert Balzer:
An Implementation Methodology for Semantic Data Base Models.
ER 1979: 433-444

- [BROW 80]
- R. R. Brown, T. L. Ramey:
The Concept and Practice of ERA Information Modelling.
ER 1979: 407-408

- [HO 76]
- ...
- [HO 77]
- ...
- [GOOD 80]
- Neil M. Goldman, David S. Wile:
A Relational Data Base Foundation for Process Specification.
ER 1979: 413-432

- [KAHN 80]
- Beverly K. Kahn:
Information Requirements Analysis using an Entity-Attribute-Relationship Approach.
ER 1979: 405-406

- [MANN 80]
- Benn R. Konsynski, Michael V. Mannino:
Information Resource Specification and Design Language.
ER 1979: 339-352

- [MCLE80]
- Dennis McLeod, Roger King:
Applying a Semantic Data Model.
ER 1979: 193-210

- [SOLV 80]
- Arne Sølvberg:
A Contribution to the Definition of Concepts for Expressing Users' Information Systems Requirements.
ER 1979: 381-402

- [TARD 80]
- J. J. Tardo:
Domains and Data Types in ERA Information Model.
ER 1979: 409-412

- [TEIC 74]
- ...
- [TEIC 80]
- Daniel Teichroew, P. Macasovic, E. A. Hershey, Y. Yamamoto:
Application of the Entity-Relationship Approach to Information Processing Systems Modelling.
ER 1979: 15-38

- [YEN 80]
- Raymond T. Yeh, Nick Roussopoulos, Philip Chang:
Systematic Derivation of Software Requirements.
ER 1979: 403-404

- [ARIS 80]
- Hiroshi Arisawa:
A Conceptual Design of a Database Machine based on a New Data Model.
ER 1979: 523-540

- [CATT 80]
- ...
- [CHIA 80]
- T. C. Chiang, F. R. Bergeron:
A Data Base Management System with an E-R Conceptual Model.
ER 1979: 467-476

- [IOSS 80]
- J. Iossiphidis:
A Translator to Convert the DDL of ERM to the DDL of System 2000.
ER 1979: 477-504

- [MUNZ 80]
- Rudolf Munz:
Design of the WELL System.
ER 1979: 505-522

- [TING 80]
- ...
- [CARD 80]
- Alfonso F. Cardenas, Mir Hamid Pirahesh:
The E-R Model in a Heterogeneous Data Base Management System Network Architecture.
ER 1979: 577-584

- [CHU 80]
- Wesley W. Chu, V. T. To:
A Hierarchical Conceptual Data Model Data Translation in a Heterogeneous Database System.
ER 1979: 575-576

- [ESCU 80]
- Christian Esculier, A. M. Glorieux:
The SIRIUS-DELTA Distributed DBMS.
ER 1979: 543-552

- [GARD 77a]
- ...
- [GARD 77b]
- ...
- [KIMB 79]
- ...
- [LIEN 78]
- ...
- [PIRA 78]
- ...
- [TSUB 80]
- Masaaki Tsubaki, Ryosuke Hotaka:
Distributed Multi-Database Environment with a Supervisory Data Dictionary Database.
ER 1979: 553-574

- [BATI 80]
- Carlo Batini, Gaetano Santucci:
Top-Down Design in the Entity-Relationship Model.
ER 1979: 323-338

- [CHAN 80]
- Edward P. F. Chan, Frederick H. Lochovsky:
A Graphical Database Design Aid using the Entity-Relationship Model.
ER 1979: 295-310

- [CHEN 77a]
- ...
- [CHEN 77b]
- Peter P. Chen, S. Bing Yao:
Design and Performance Tools for Data Base Systems.
VLDB 1977: 3-15

- [CHEN 78]
- Peter P. Chen:
Applications of the Entity-Relationship Model.
Data Base Design Techniques I 1978: 87-113

- [FLOR 80]
- André Flory:
An Approach to Designing an Entity-Relationship Schema (Abstract).
ER 1979: 143-144

- [KAHN 76]
- Beverly K. Kahn:
A Method for Describing Information Required by the Database Design Process.
SIGMOD Conference 1976: 53-64

- [MCLE 80]
- Dennis McLeod, Roger King:
Applying a Semantic Data Model.
ER 1979: 193-210

- [MOUL 76]
- P. Moulin, J. Randon, M. Teboul, S. Savoysky, Stefano Spaccapietra, H. Tardieu:
Conceptual Model as a Data Base Design Tool.
IFIP Working Conference on Modelling in Data Base Management Systems 1976: 221-238

- [NAVA 78]
- Shamkant B. Navathe, Mario Schkolnick:
View Representation in Logical Database Design.
SIGMOD Conference 1978: 144-156

- [PALM 78]
- I. R. Palmer:
Practicalities in Applying a Formal Methodology to Data Analysis.
Data Base Design Techniques I 1978: 147-171

- [SAKA 80]
- Hirotaka Sakai:
A Unified Approach to the Logical Design of a Hierarchical Data Model.
ER 1979: 61-74

- [SHUL 78]
- ...
- [TARD 80]
- H. Tardieu, D. Pascot, Dominique Nanci, H. Heckroth:
A Method, a Formalism and Tools for Database Design - Three Years of Experimental Practice.
ER 1979: 353-378

- [TOZE 76]
- E. E. Tozer:
Database Systems Analysis and Design.
ECI 1976: 193-224

- [WILS 80]
- M. L. Wilson:
The Measurement of Usability.
ER 1979: 75-102

- [WONG 80]
- Eugene Wong, Randy H. Katz:
Logical Design and Schema Conversion for Relational and DBTG Databases.
ER 1979: 311-322

- [MELK 80]
- Michel A. Melkanoff, Carlo Zaniolo:
Decomposition of Relations and Synthesis of Entity-Relationship Diagrams.
ER 1979: 277-294

- [LIEN 80]
- Y. Edmund Lien:
On the Semantics of the Entity-Relationship Data Model.
ER 1979: 155-168

- [SAKA 78]
- ...
- [SCHM 75]
- Hans Albrecht Schmid, J. Richard Swenson:
On the Semantics of the Relational Data Model.
SIGMOD Conference 1975: 211-223

- [TING 80]
- P. Ting, D. Chai:
An Entity-Relationship Model based on Linked Relations.
ER 1979: 379-380

- [DEVE 80]
- R. A. Davenport:
The Application of Data Analysis - Experience with the Entity-Relationship Approach.
ER 1979: 603-622

- [KEME 80]
- J. M. Kemeny:
Case Studies Demonstrating Applicability of Conceptual Information Models to MIS Planning Efforts.
ER 1979: 639-640

- [TOZE 80]
- E. E. Tozer:
Database Design Experience.
ER 1979: 623-624

- [TSAO 80]
- J. H. Tsao:
Enterprise Schema - An Approach to IMS Logical Database Design.
ER 1979: 585-602

- [LIEB 80]
- A. Z. Lieberman:
Mechanized Analysis of Entity-Relationship Design Databases.
ER 1979: 641-663

- [MCCA 79]
- ...
- [MCCA 80]
- William E. McCarthy:
Construction and Use of Integrated Accounting Systems with Entity-Relationship Modelling.
ER 1979: 625-637

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by Michael Ley (