WebNet 1997:
Suave Lobodzinski, Ivan Tomek (Eds.):
Proceedings of WebNet 97 - World Conference on the WWW, Internet & Intranet, Toronto, Canada, November 1-5, 1997.
AACE 1997, ISBN 1-880094-27-4
editor = {Suave Lobodzinski and
Ivan Tomek},
title = {Proceedings of WebNet 97 - World Conference on the WWW, Internet
{\&} Intranet, Toronto, Canada, November 1-5, 1997},
booktitle = {WebNet},
publisher = {AACE},
year = {1997},
isbn = {1-880094-27-4},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Award Papers
Business/Corporate Sessions
Full Papers
- Ghaleb Abdulla, Edward A. Fox, Marc Abrams:
Shared User Behavior on the World Wide Web.
- Walt Abell, Steve Black:
Business Use of the Internet in New Zealand: A Follow-Up Study.
- Gulrukh Ahanger, Thomas D. C. Little:
Easy Ed: An Integration of Technologies for Multimedia Education.
- Leonardo Ambrosini, Vincenzo Cirillo, Alessandro Micarelli:
A User-Adapted Interface for a Search Engine on the World Wide Web.
- Kathy Barbieri, Susan Mehringer:
Techniques For Enhancing Web-Based Education.
- Richard Barone, William Parod Jr.:
ClassACT: The Evolution of a Collaborative Learning Tool.
- Paul Beam:
Authoring and Development in an Online Environment: Web-based Instruction Using SGML.
- Richard Bentley, Torsten Täschner, Wolfgang Appelt:
The Freedom to Choose: Transforming Content On-demand in the BSCW Shared Workspace System.
- Richard C. Bodner, Mark H. Chignell, Jim Tam:
Website Authoring using Dynamic Hypertext.
- Manfred Bogen, Guido Hansen:
How to Make Money with Web Access.
- Manfred Bogen, Michael Lenz, Andreas Reichpietsch, Peter Simons:
Is the Web a Secure Environment for Electronic Commerce?
- Stéphane Bressan, Thomas Lee:
Information Brokering on the World Wide Web.
- Charles L. Brooks, Frederick J. Hirsch, W. Scott Meeks:
Teams, Tasks, and Notices: Managing Collaboration via the World Wide Web.
- Angela Carbone, Peter Schendzielorz:
Developing and Integrating a Web-based Quiz into the Curriculum.
- Jim Carter:
Putting Usability First in the Design of Web Sites.
- Yih-Farn Chen, Eleftherios Koutsofios:
WebCiao: A Website Visualization and Tracking System.
- Hsiang Chen, Kevin Crowston:
Comparative Diffusion of the Telephone and the World Wide Web: An Analysis of Rates of Adoption.
- David K. Y. Chiu, David R. Brooks:
Detecting Themes in Web Document Descriptors.
- Antonio Cisternino, Giuseppe Attardi, Maria Simi:
Building a Configuration Assistant on the Web.
- Jürgen Coppens, Oscar Figueiredo, Roger D. Hersch, Benoit A. Gennart, André-René Probst, Maria Wentland Forte, Frédéric Vianin:
WebSteps, a Tool for Synthesizing and Managing Web-based Business Processes.
- Domenico Dato, Antonio Gulli, Giuseppe Attardi:
Web Host Enumeration Through DNS.
- Paul De Bra, Licia Calvi:
Creating Adaptive Hyperdocuments for and on the Web.
- Jim Eales, Laura Byrd:
Virtually Deschooling Society: Authentic Collaborative Learning via the Internet.
- Christopher Rhodes Eliot III, Daniel E. Neiman, Michelle M. LaMar:
Medtec: A Web-Based Intelligent Tutor for Basic Anatomy.
- Henrik Fagrell, Carsten Sørensen:
It's life Jim, but not as we know it!
- Benjamin Falchuk, Ahmed Karmouch:
'Agentizing' the Internet - the Practical Design of a Networked Mobile Agent System.
- Robert G. Farrell, Frank T. Jones III, Karen Kukich:
Publishing Troubleshooting Expertise on the World-Wide Web: A Case Study.
- Carolyn Gale, John R. Bourne, Benjamin Thompson:
Creating a Workshop on the World Wide Web: The Experiences of Internet 101.
- John D. Garofalakis, Panagiotis Kappos, Athanasios K. Tsakalidis, John Tsaknakis, Giannis Tzimas, Vassilios Vassiliadis:
Development and Integration of WWW-based Services in an Existing University Environment.
- Sylvain Giroux, Richard Hotte, Kim Dao:
Adaptive and Agile Interactive Learning Environments on the WWW.
- Vesna Hassler, Robert Bihlmeyer, Michael Fischer, Manfred Hauswirth:
MiMi: A Java Implementation of the MicroMint Scheme.
- Daniel J. Helm, Raymond J. D'Amore:
A Toolset for Personal Information Management.
- Geert-Jan Houben, Paul De Bra:
World Wide Web Presentations for Volatile Hypermedia Database Output.
- Thomas S. Ingebritsen, George G. Brown, John M. Pleasants:
Teaching Biology on the Internet.
- Luca Iocchi, Daniele Nardi:
Information Access in the Web.
- Jens F. Jensen:
'Interactivity' - Tracking a New Concept.
- Raman Kannan, Zhen Chen, William Schroeder, Bo Cao, Rajesh Rao, Joe Occoner, Veenatejaswini Sanjivi, Kavitha Challapalli, Nanditha Gade, Bandish Chitre:
Disha: A Direction Toward Software Engineering on the Net.
- Robert E. Kent, Christian Neuss:
Content is Key: Viewing Conceptualized Content.
- Lee Kennedy, Jim Carter:
On Developing a Web-Based Operating Environment.
- Eckhart Köppen, Gustaf Neumann, Stefan Nusser:
Cineast - An Extensible Web Browser.
- Milos Kravcik:
Internet Based Collaboration: the Presence and Perspectives.
- Christian Langenbach, Freimut Bodendorf:
A Framework for WWW-based Learning with Flexible Navigational Guidance.
- Glenn E. Lautenbacher, Dirk E. Mahling:
Interface Design Issues for Web-based Collaborative Learning Systems.
- Karen A. Lemone:
Experiences in Virtual Teaching.
- Byron Long, Ronald Baecker:
A Taxonomy of Internet Communication Tools.
- Stephanie Ludi:
Student Roles on the World Wide Web: Scholar, Researcher, Beggar, or Thief.
- Jon Mason, Matthew Riddle:
Computer Mediated Communications: for Dabblers or Practitioners?
- Robin Mason:
Diversity in Online Courses.
- David Matusow, Joe Sparmo, John Bristow:
Cost Reduction through an Intranet: The Paperless Office.
- Tom Murphy:
On Creating Hierarchical, Interlinked FAQ Archives.
- Biswajit Nandy, Ka Lun Eddie Law, A. S. J. Chapman:
High Performance Web Server System: TCP Based Switching Approach.
- Noritaka Osawa, Kazuhisa Yanagawa, Toshitsugu Yuba:
Connection Caching for WWW Servers and Proxies.
- Charles B. Owen, Fillia Makedon, Glen Frank, Michael Kenyon:
ASML: Automatic Site Markup Language.
- Deborah A. Payne, Kelly A. Keating, James D. Myers:
Virtual Partnerships in Research and Education.
- Francis Pereira, Elizabeth Fife, Antonio A. Schuh:
Telemedicine: An Inquiry in the Economic and Social Dynamics of Communications Technologies in the Medical Field.
- Senthil Radhakrishnan, James E. Bailey:
Web-Based Educational Media: Issues and Empirical Test of Learning.
- Alberto Barbosa Raposo, Ivan Luiz Marques Ricarte, Luc Neumann, Léo Pini Magalhães:
Visualization in a Mobile WWW Environment.
- Mike Reddy, Graham P. Fletcher:
Intelligent Control of Dynamic Caching Strategies for Web Servers and Clients.
- Daniel R. Rehak:
A Database Architecture for Web-Based Distance Education.
- Peter Robinson, Dan Sheppard, Richard Watts, Robert Harding, Steven Lay:
Paper Interfaces to the World-Wide Web.
- Richard S. Rosenberg:
Free Speech on the Internet: Legal, Social, and Political Issues.
- Filippo A. Salustri:
Web-based Course Delivery and Administration using Scheme.
- Kurt M. Saunders:
Law's Domain: Trademark Protection for Internet Address Names?
- Erich R. Schneider, John J. Leggett, Richard Furuta, Hugh D. Wilson, Stephan L. Hatch:
WWW Tools for Accessing Botanical Collections.
- Janet Ward Schofield, Ann Locke Davidson:
The Internet in School: The Shaping of Use by Organizational, Structural, and Cultural Factors.
- Alfred J. Sciarrino, Jack S. Cook:
Legal Issues in Cyberspace.
- Ahmed Seffah, Robert Maurice Bouchard:
The Intranet as a Cognitive Architecture for Training and Education: Basic Assumptions and Development Issues.
- Ahmed Seffah, Ramzan Ali Khuwaja:
An Architectural Framework for Developing Web-Based Interactive Applications.
- Serge Tadié Guepfu, Claude Frasson, Bernard Lefebvre:
Teaching Cooperative Task Using the Web.
- Jenny Shearer:
A Foot In Both Camps: Interventions in National and Global Regulatory Processes by Nation-based Internet Organisations.
- Alberto Silva, José Delgado, Miguel Mira da Silva:
A Survey of Web Information Systems.
- Nancee Simonson:
Design Considerations in Converting a Standup Training Class to Web-based Training: Some Guidelines from Cognitive Flexibility Theory.
- Phil Siviter:
Authoring Tools for Courseware on WWW : the W3Lessonware Project.
- Joe Sparmo, David Matusow, John Bristow:
Cultural Impacts of the Internet and World Wide Web on a Computer-Literate Government Organization.
- Gees C. Stein, Karan Harbison, Stephen P. Hufnagel, James M. Mantock:
Web-Based Requirements Analysis.
- S. Augustine Su, Shueh-Cheng Hu, Richard Furuta:
A 3D Topographic Map Viewer for the USA.
- Seiji Susaki, Tatsuya Muramoto:
Automatic Interests Extraction Chasing the Browsing and Event History.
- Suzanne Liebowitz Taylor, Donald P. McKay, Ann Culp, Stephen Baumann, Karen Elinich:
The Online Learning Academy.
- Avgoustos A. Tsinakos, Kostantinos G. Margaritis:
On the Use of Librarians Selection Routines in Web Search.
- Reind P. van de Riet, Hans F. M. Burg:
Modelling Alter-egos in Cyberspace Using a Work Flow Management Tool: Who Takes Care of Security and Privacy?
- Claude Viéville, Frédéric Hoogstoel:
Organising Distance Learning Process thanks to Asynchronous Structured Conversations.
- Kevin Y. Wei, Gregory C. Sharp:
Incorporating Shared Relevance Feedback into a Web Search Engine.
- Martyn Wild, Lyn Henderson, Janice M. Burn, Ron Oliver, Sue Stoney:
Cultural Implications in the World Wide Web: A Case for Research.
- Marco Aiello, Pierluca De Maria, Cristiano De Mei:
A JAVA Toolkit for Representing a 3D Environment.
- Gregory F. Aloia, Ramesh Chaudhari, Jeffrey P. Bakken, John Beemsterboer:
Utilizing Technology to Enable Practitioners to Serve as Mentors for Preservice Teachers: Strategies for Research.
- Pamela F. Andrew, John M. Owen:
Using Evaluation to Monitor and Improve the Early Implementation of Online University Teaching: an Australian Example.
- I. Antoniou, Christos Bouras, Petros Lampsas, Paul G. Spirakis:
Enabling Distance Education over the World Wide Web.
- Cengiz S. Askun, Kursat Cagiltay:
Growing Usage of Internet Services: A View From A Developing Country.
- Thomas Baehring, Hardy Schulze, Stefan R. Bornstein, Werner A. Scherbaum:
The World Wide Web: A new approach to world wide supply of epidemiological data on diabetes mellitus.
- Ivan W. Banks, Ruth R. Searcy, Mike Omoregie:
Changing Ages: Transforming Paradigms, Policy andPedagogical Practice.
- Jerzy A. Barchanski:
Real-Time Streaming Video for Ethernet-based Intranets.
- Robert Beard:
The Noteless Classroom.
- Mercè Bernaus:
Information Technology in the Second/Foreign Language Classroom: A Unit on Food.
- Martin Berz, Béla Erdélyi, Jens Hoefkens:
Large Scale Remote Graduate Instruction in Beam Physics.
- Karin Blair:
Mass Media and Identity.
- Carola Boehm, Celia Duffy:
MusicWeb, New Communication and Information Technologies in the Music Classroom.
- Jennifer J. Burg, Anne Boyle, Yinghui Wu, Yue-Ling Wong, Ching-Wan Yip:
Dynamic Web Access for Collaborative Writing.
- Alexander Burov:
The National Ergonomical Information Network of Ukraine.
- Angela Carbone:
Graphical Representation of Students' Laboratory Marks on the World Wide Web.
- Angela Carbone:
Selecting the Right Person For the Job - An Interactive Tutor Recruitment package.
- Chad Childers, Iain O'Cain, Linda Bangert, Mike O'Connor:
Open Standard Content Cookies: Utility vs. Privacy.
- Ruth Crawley, Jerome Leary:
A Framework for the Comparison of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Applications.
- Gregory M. Dick, J. Jeffrey Sernell, Scott Koontz, S. E. Koontz:
World Wide Web and Data Base Managers: Threads Woven into Fabric.
- Scott Dixon, Chrissy Anderson:
Vocal Point: A Collaborative, Student Run On-Line Newspaper.
- Eman El-Sheikh, Fran Bakowska, Chris Penney, Rong Liu, Jon Sticklen:
Utilizing the WWW for Industrial Training.
- Pierre France, Michele Kearney:
A Practical Approach and Infrastructure for Large Scale Web Applications and Services.
- Ari Frazão, Fabiola Greco, Lúcia Melo, Teresa Moura:
Election Project Experience.
- Jed Friedrichsen, Marilyn Altman, Cynthia Blodgett-McDeavitt:
Designing Web-Based Instruction for High School Courses.
- M. O. Froehlich, Reind P. van de Riet:
Text Generation in Business Object Frameworks.
- Katherine J. Fugitt:
Pornography is Not The Problem: Student use of the Internet as an Information Source.
- Jayne Gackenbach:
Empirical Analysis of the Use of Electronic Bulletin Boards Supplementing Face to Face Teaching.
- Ángel García-Crespo, Paloma Domingo, Fernando Paniagua Martín, E. Jarab, Belén Ruíz-Mezcua:
Solution Prototype for the Adaptation of an Information System into an Intranet/Internet Environment under Windows95.
- Melanie Goldman:
A New Twist to an Old Idea - Telementoring Using the Web.
- Patricia Gray:
A Class Web Page Comes to Life.
- Kathleen M. Hannafin, Shary L. Karlin:
Using Faculty Focus Groups to Conceptualize a Case Seminar Facility for Distance Education Courses at The Medical College of Georgia.
- Don Harben, John Myers:
Integrating On-Line And Face-To-Face Work In Professional And Learning Environments.
- Jeffery L. Hart:
Educators in Instructional Technology.
- Jeffrey B. Hecht, Perry L. Schoon:
A Methodology for Determining Website Navigational Efficiency.
- Andrew Henry, Valerie L. Worthington:
The Rhythm of the Web: Patterns of "Multiple N's of One".
- Peggy Hines, Phyllis Oakes, Calvin Lindell, Donna Corley:
Using Internet Tools to Create Cross-Disciplinary, Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments.
- Takahide Hoshide, Yasuhisa Kato, Yoshimi Fukuhara, Makoto Akaishi, David W. Piraino, James D. Thomas, Mitsuru Yamada:
Collaborative diagnosing and distance-learning materials for medical professionals.
- M. Eleanor Irwin:
Using Web Sites in University Courses as Bulletin Boards and for Enrichment.
- Mingming Jiang:
A path over the Internet to a student-centered on-line classroom: The SUNY Learning Network - the design, development of nineteen SLN Web-based courses.
- Roberta M. Johnson:
Windows to the Universe: An Internet-Based Educational Resource for the General Public.
- Laleh S. Khonsari:
Use of Browser-based Technology in Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum.
- Sergei Kritsky, Nikolay Listopad, Igor Tavgen:
Developing Internet in Belarus: Minsk Internet Project.
- Thérèse Laferrière:
Collaborative Teaching in Cyberspace.
- Revital Lavy, Nurit Wengier, Booki Kimchi, Rina Ben-Yaacov:
Multimedia Presentations in Life Sciences Teaching.
- Marcia L. Marcolini, LeeAnn Hill:
Mentoring an Internet-based Distance Education Course: Problems, Pitfalls, and Solutions.
- Gregory A. Marks, Susan Gardner, Rick Witten:
The CREN Virtual Seminar Series: Learning at Your Desktop.
- Ian Marquis, Tài Nguyen, Jean Wang:
A Web-based Course in English as a Second Language: A Case Study.
- Gil Marsden, Gareth J. Palmer, Harold W. Thimbleby:
Benjamin Franklin House: An illustration of a site management and visual design tool for complex, multi-authored web sites.
- Dmitry Sh. Matros:
Distance Education Based on Computer Textbooks.
- Bruce W. McMillan:
Political Philosophy and the Technology Curriculum.
- John Mertes:
What it Really Takes to Put Your Lab on the Internet.
- Jay Moonah:
Web-based Education: Considerations and Approaches.
- Vijaya Kumaran K. K. Nair:
Multi Media - Malaysian National Curriculum.
- Paul Nieuwenhuysen:
How to Provide Public Address to Internet Information Sources on Public Access Workstations?
- Masatoyo Ohshima, Yasuhisa Okazaki, Hisaharu Tanaka, Hiroki Kondo, Hiroshi Nokita, Hidekatsu Hara, Hirofumi Momii, Kenzi Watanabe:
Global Educational Database on The WWW(World-Wide Web) and Its Application in School.
- Trevor Owen:
Canada's Wired Writers: The Writers In Electronic Residence Program.
- Valery A. Petrushin, Mark Yohannan, Tetyana Lysyuk:
SELENA: Walking on the Moon or How to Make Decisions Using the Web.
- JoAnne Podis:
Issues of Authority in On-line Instruction.
- Lester J. Pourciau:
Codes of Ethics for Computing at Colleges and Universities in the United States Revisited.
- Ann Rockley:
Putting Large Volumes of Information on an Intranet.
- Marco Ronchetti:
Web-supported learning by example.
- Katia B. Saikoski, Mara Lucia Fernandes Carneiro:
Design consideration in the WEQ-Net site development.
- Perry L. Schoon:
World Wide Web Hypertext Linkage Patterns.
- Hardy Schulze, Thomas Baehring, Martin Adler, Sepp Bruckmoser, Martin Fischer:
ProMediWeb - Medical case training and evaluation using the World Wide Web.
- Hardy Schulze, Thomas Baehring, Stefan R. Bornstein, Werner A. Scherbaum:
Risk Assessment and Training about Type-2 Diabetes on the Internet.
- Phyllis C. Self:
University Web Management: A Distributed Model.
- Glenn Shepherd:
The Probe Method: A Thorough Investigative Approach to Learning.
- Karen Smith-Gratto, Gloria Edwards:
Directing Student Web Research: No Surfing Allowed.
- Denise Stockley, Chris Groeneboer, Tom Calvert, Linda Harasim:
Virtual-U: An Online Learning Environment.
- Karen Svenningsen:
Cybersearching for a New Career: Exploring Career Hunting in the Electronic Age.
- Bobby Vandalore, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Raj Jain, Rohit Goyal, Sonia Fahmy, Seong-Cheol Kim:
Performance of Bursty World Wide Web (WWW) Sources over ABR.
- Shelle VanEtten, Tarrae Bertrand-Hines:
Develop Your Own Multimedia Projects for the WWW.
- Jürgen Vaupel, Manfred Sommer:
Electronic Teaching and Learning - New Ways To Learn - Challenge or Menace for Future Education.
- Ronald J. Vetter:
Developing an Online Web-based Course.
- Kenneth E. Wright, Vivian H. Wright, Michael Newman:
Internet Technologies Enhance Allied Health Professionals' Knowledge.
- Husam M. Yaghi, John M. Tyler:
Setting Up a Web Server For Interactive Engineering Applications.
- Bill Yates, Stephanie Salzman:
The Internet as a Professional Development and Instructional Resource.
- Kai-hing Yeung:
Constructing Knowledge in Electronics with the Web.
- Chang-Woo Yoon:
IP Packet Filtering Interface Design: Providing Fast and Time Predictable Web Infoshop Services.
- James B. Yucha:
Virginia Commonwealth University Events Calendar.
- Gregory L. Zick, Jill Fluvog, Craig Yamashita, Lainey Kahlstrom:
Tools for Web Site Management.
Short Papers
- Gregory F. Aloia, Ramesh Chaudhari, Jeffrey P. Bakken, John Beemsterboer:
Strategies for Effective Use of the Internet and Email for Instruction.
- Lara Ashmore:
The Effects of Navigation Maps on World Wide Web Usability.
- Aaron Aw, Chan Fang Khoon, Jimmy Tan, Louisa Chan, Tin Wee Tan:
Creating Web Presence using NetPresence System.
- Junichi Azuma, Kazuhiro Nomura:
Development of Simple Campus Intranet Courseware of English as a Foreign Language for Japanese Learners.
- Kathy Barbieri, Susan Mehringer:
Virtual Workshop: Interactive Web-Based Education.
- Valentina M. Bondarovskaia:
Psychological Analysis of Specific Development Problem "Users from Former Soviet Union in Internet and WWW Spaces".
- William Brimley:
The Interactive Learning Connection - University Space Network (ILC-USN). A Hybrid Internet/CDROM Course in Spacecraft Systems Design.
- Netiva Caftori:
Distance Learning - Courseware Development.
- Margaret Corbit:
Making the MOST of Virtual Reality.
- Paul De Bra, Pim Lemmens:
FishNet: Finding and Maintaining Information on the Net.
- Eckehard Doerry, Arthur E. Kirkpatrick, Sarah A. Douglas, Monte Westerfield:
Task-centered Navigation in a Web-accessible Data Space.
- B. S. Doherty, Mohd Aizaini Maarof:
Integrating Security Services Into Collaborative Systems.
- Beva Eastman:
NJECHO - An Electronic Journal focused on Computers Across the Curriculum.
- Benny Friedman, Michal Beller:
Integrating Internet Technology into Distance Teaching at the Open University of Israel.
- Jane M. Fritz:
Facilitating a Multimedia Design Course through Web-based Communication.
- Francesca O. Galante:
Virtuality of MOOs as a Language Learning Tool.
- J. G. Gallagher, D. P. Stevenson, E. Fordyce:
Multimedia Pedagogy - Creating longevity in CAL applications!
- K. Garcha:
Brokering the Web.
- Ángel García-Crespo, Paloma Domingo, Miryam Lancha, Belén Ruíz-Mezcua, Antonio de Amescua Seco:
EDU-EX: Design of a Knowledge Based Tool to Create Pedagogical Intelligent Educational Systems in the WEB.
- Joanna L. Gaski, Amy L. Marr, Charles Kornik:
Directory of Available Projects: A Tool for Students, Faculty, and Administrators.
- Melanie Goldman:
Creating an "Exchange" Through Online Web-based Events.
- Charles R. Graham, Michael L. Swafford, Donna J. Brown:
Mallard: A Java Enhanced Learning Environment.
- Lee Ann Grim:
Comparison of Two Browser Interfaces: Impact of Browser Migration to On-Going Design.
- H. Haddouti, Stephan Wiesener:
On-line Access to the 17th Century Literature.
- Kenichi Hagiwara:
Construction of Consulting Server.
- Dwayne Harapnuik, T. Craig Montgomerie:
Student Evaluation of a Web Based Course.
- Ben D. Harper, Laura A. Slaughter, Kent L. Norman:
Questionnaire Administration Via the WWW: A Validation & Reliability Study for a User Satisfaction Questionnaire.
- Marilyn J. Heath:
The Design, Development, and Implementation of a Virtual Online Classroom: From a Designer's Point of View.
- Francoise Herrmann:
The Pleasure Principle Revisited in Virtual Reality.
- Israel Hilerio, Weidong Chen:
Herbal-T Internet Desktop.
- C. Jacquin, M. Liscouet:
Using Web Sites in University Courses as Bulletin Boards and for Enrichment Use of Natural Language Technics to Improve Text Retrieval on The Web.
- Chau-Iou Jeng:
Intranet IC Design Environment.
- Sarah V. Jennings, Teresa G. Yow, Vickie W. Ng:
BIOME: A Scientific Data Archive Search-and-Order System Using Browser-Aware, Dynamic Pages.
- Elizabeth T. Joseph, Judy Pezzulo:
Integrating Technology into Secondary Science and Mathematics Classrooms: A Partnership.
- Dae-Ki Kang, Joong-Bae Kim, Ho-sang Ham:
HANMAUM - A Multi-agent Model for Customer, Merchant and Directory Service.
- Edward John Kazlauskas, I. Soner Yildirim, Daniel T. Chan:
Integrating Web-based Systems into Teaching Instructional Technology.
- Richard L. Klevans:
The Web Lecture System (WLS).
- Vladimir Kosolapov:
RISK-1: its way to the Virtual Reality (Taking risk in virtual environment).
- Eva Fung-kuen Lai:
The Initial Reaction of Users to CALLware.
- Luigi Lancieri:
Interactive Shared Bookmark.
- Carlos Laufer, Hugo Fuks:
Distributed Administration - Service Integration on the World Wide Web.
- Lawrence E. Levine:
Teaching College Mathematics with the WEB, Scientific Workplace, and Scientific Notebook.
- James Lockard, Ana Donaldson, Marybeth Koos:
The Walls Come Tumbling Down Pedagogical Issues and the Web.
- Byron Long, Ronald Baecker:
Agora: Shaping Social Space from Information Space.
- Yibiao Lu, Matthew J. Koehler, Richard Lehrer, Wei-Tek Tsai:
A Framework for Developing Web-Based Educational Applications: Using a Relational Database to Connect the Design of Authoring and Navigational Tools.
- Kurt Maly, Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab, Ravi Mukkamala, Ajay K. Gupta, Mohamed Kholief, S. Dittakavi, C. S. Vemuru, H. Syed:
CoProcess: A Java-based Environment for Collaborative Process Management Over the Web.
- Moira J. McAlister:
A CAL Package for HTML Basics.
- Leah P. McCoy:
Issues: The Internet and Society.
- Sean McKeever, Damien McKeever, John Elder:
An Authoring Tool for Constructing Interactive Exercises based on Automatic Generation of Clientside Functionality.
- Jay Melican, Eli Blevis:
Building Context-Sensitivity Through Behavioral Prototyping: The Development of an Internet-Based Mentoring Program for 5th-12th Grade Students.
- Christina Metaxaki-Kossionides:
A Design Procedure for Training in Web.
- Sara Moshman:
Dynamic Educational Applications with Multimedia Databases: A Prototype.
- Michael Müldner, Ivan Tomek:
OCS - An Online Conference Server.
- Robin Murphy:
The 15 Minute Series: Tools for Internet Trainers.
- Deepak Murthy, Aidong Zhang:
WebView: A Multimedia Database Resource Integration and Search System over Web.
- Yun Ni, Jianping Zhang, Donald H. Cooley:
NetTest: An Integrated Web-Based Test Tool.
- Enrico Nicolo, Bartolomeo Sapio:
The Quest for Major Forces Underpinning the Internet Worldwide Landscape.
- Roger Nkambou, Gilles Gauthier:
Distributed Curriculum Authoring Using SGML.
- Maritza M. Osuna, Carla Meskill:
Exploring Culture on the Web.
- Carolyn Ottow:
Web Access to CD-ROM Databases: A Model for Easy, Equitable Access to Government Information.
- John R. Potter:
The Intranet Support Problem.
- Gitesh K. Raikundalia:
Logan: Formal Telemeeting Document Support for the World-Wide Web.
- Riccardo Rizzo, Santi Scimeca:
InterWeb: A Web-Based System for Collaborative Learning and Work.
- Robert Roberts, Robby Robson:
Electronic Transcripts in the Age of Standards.
- William Rosener, Julie Little-McGill, John Rose:
Productivity Tools for Creating Web-based Presentations.
- Timo Saari:
Nääsnetti - a 3D Media Village for Social and Informational Uses of Media.
- Ahmed Seffah, Cao Lieu Nguyen:
A Web-Based Training and Advising System for Software Libraries.
- Cary Staples, Jamison Abart, Tim Parker:
Designers Designing a Web Site to Teach Designers to Design for the Web.
- Ginger Swope, George Huffman, Phyllis McVoy:
Using Internet Technology and Performance Support Methodology for Teacher Training.
- Kay L. Tomlinson, Mark A. Spasser, John L. Schnase:
Flora of North America: A Distributed Cognitive System.
- Ju An Wang:
WASE: Towards a Web-Aided Software Engineering.
- Glenn Warnock, Douglas Reid, Maike Miller:
Roadmap to ATM.
- Gérard Weidenfeld:
A Distance and Open Learning Project for Multimedia Training.
- Bruce D. Weinberg:
The Effects of Waiting Time on Website Utilization.
- Herbert H. Wideman:
Education on the Net: The Experience of the Writers in Electronic Residence Program.
- David Wiley:
Overcoming Electronic Course Delivery's Greatest Obstacle: Specific Policy Recommendations for Institutions of Higher Learning.
Short Papers (Works In Progress)
- Philippe Aniorté, Marc Dalmau, Philippe Roose:
Supporting Collaborative Work in Intranet Using Active DBMS Implemented with Java.
- Bodil Ask, Harald Haugen:
Net-based Open & Distance Learning: Experiences from the MECPOL project (Models for European Collaboration and Pedagogy in Open Learning).
- George E. Atkins:
Team Development Of Web-Based Applications: Experiences In A Software Engineering Course.
- William G. Barek:
Designing Hybrid CD-ROM/Web: A Reality Check.
- Benjamin Bell, Sholom Gold, Danielle Kaplan:
"Hangar Flying" as story-based instruction: Capturing expertise via online video libraries.
- Gary M. Boyd:
Bartering and Gaming for Education on the Web with Non-convertable Virtual Currency.
- Ginger Butcher, Jill Twetten, Houri Tamizifar, Josephine To, Jon Avila, Karen Kaye, William Webster:
An Interactive, Interdisciplinary Web Site Template for Elementary Education Using Remotely Sensed Imagery.
- Marco Chirico, Fabrizio Giudici, Andrea Sappia, Anna Marina Scapolla:
An Aglet-based Distributed Web Indexer.
- Enrico Commis, Luca Gentili:
A Monitor System for Cisco Router Interfaces: A Case Study for a University Metropolitan Area Network.
- Jonny Carlos da Silva, David Dawson:
Computational Agent to Integrate An Expert System for Design and the Internet.
- Denise Pilar da Silva, Rafaël Van Durm, Koen Hendrikx, Erik Duval, Henk J. Olivié:
A Simple Model for Adaptive Courseware Navigation.
- J. R. Garcia de Alba:
Virtual Institute Center for the advancement of two-year to four-year transfer.
- Yizhong Fan, Susan Gauch:
An Adaptive Multi-Agent Architecture for the ProFusion* Meta Search System.
- Virginia M. Fichera, Doug Lea, Joseph Grieco:
Using Active Filters to Improve Foreign Language Instruction.
- Kristina A. Fritts, Cheryl Krawchuk:
Instructional Design Issues for Web-based Instruction: Teaching an Old Model New Tricks.
- Greg Furness, Joaquin Vila, Barbara Beccue:
A Web-Based Virtual Reality Navigation Research Tool.
- Mauro Gaio, Maurice Szmurlo, Jacques Madelaine:
Dynamic Construction of Geographical Hyperdocuments.
- Kathryn F. Gates:
Targeting User Needs with Customized Web Views.
- Fred Herschede, E. Marcia Sheridan:
Roadblocks and Breakthroughs in Integrating the WWW into the University Curriculum.
- Ali Jafari:
Issues in Distance Education.
- Euna Jeong, Jane Yung-jen Hsu:
A Form-based Gateway for Web Databases.
- Tae-sung Kim, Hyuck Yoo:
Web Server Performance and Process Model.
- Rose Kotwas, Janet Luongo, Ben Ortiz, Miriam J. Masullo, Joan F. Musgrave, Joanne Tursky, Ray Ramirez:
Infusing Web Content with Educationally Relevant Indices.
- Peter G. Kropf, John Plaice, Herwig Unger:
Towards a Web Operating System (WOS).
- Yun-Ho Lee, Young Sun Kim:
An User Authentication Method for WWW using Key Distribution Algorithm and Random Sequence.
- Paul Lefrere, Andy Stone:
Using Web Technologies to Support a Knowledge Management Culture.
- J. Ludvik Herrera Lopez:
NDSU's Tailor-made Web site Revamp.
- Nicolas Malandain, Mauro Gaio, Maurice Szmurlo:
Intelligent Indexation of Compound Document using Images.
- Jacques Malouin:
The Virtual Moderator Project.
- Walter Maner:
Interactive Computer Ethics Explorer.
- Peter Manhart, Karin Schmidt, Johannes Bumiller, Felix Meyer:
A Group Interaction System for Web-Based Market Places.
- Ana Beatriz Martinez, Kristina Ann Fritts:
Searching for Intelligence on the Web: Exploring the use of Multiple Intelligence Theory in the Internet Environment.
- Felix Meyer:
Enhancing Commercial Web Sites by Dynamic User-Interaction-Management.
- Uwe Neuhaus, Gunter Schlageter:
Customizing the Content of Courseware.
- Kevin K. Nguyen:
Access to Web-based Special Education.
- Gian Pagnucci, William Macauley:
Connecting Business and Education Through the World Wide Web.
- Joaquim Sousa Pinto, Joaquim Arnaldo Martins, Conceição Baptista Tavares:
Architecture for Intranet Collaborative Learning Activities.
- Veikko Punkka:
Publishing Complex Network Information on the Intranet.
- Lu Qin, Lee Kin Hong, Yao Jian:
Chinese Information Access Through Internet.
- Howard Rosenberg:
Virtual Worlds of Today, Virtual Worlds of Tomorrow.
- Hajime Saitoh, Takashi Maeda:
A Dynamic Visualization of Dialog Contents in a Collaborative Communication.
- Denise Stockley, Vivian Rossner-Merrill:
Designing a Context-Specific Questionnaire for Online Teaching.
- Sandor Szego:
A web based automated advisor for delivering purchasing advice.
- Lucio Teles, Xinchun Wang:
Collaborative Tasks and Outcomes in Online Training: The Infoshare Module.
- Seppo Tella, Marja Mononen-Aaltonen:
Computer-Mediated Communication in Enhancing Communicative Dialogues on the Web.
- Harold W. Thimbleby:
Distributed Web Authoring.
- Morten Wagner, Jørgen Bøegh, Allan Meng Krebs:
Web-based Virtual Learning Environments: Experiences and Futures.
- Joel Wilkinson, Jonathan L. Ross:
Conceptualizing a Tri-Modal Model for Web-Based Distance Education.
- Leong Kok Yong, Liu Hai, Oliver P. Wu:
jInput - A Java applet for CJK keyboard input method.
- Guillermo S. Zeballos, Marian G. Williams:
Visualization Tool for Collaborative Web Browsing.
- Yong Zhao, Valerie L. Worthington, Richard E. Ferdig:
Tiger: Educational Research in the Age of the Internet.
SIG Discussions
Copyright © Fri Mar 12 17:23:22 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)