| 2009 |
27 |  | Donggang Liu:
Protecting Neighbor Discovery Against Node Compromises in Sensor Networks.
ICDCS 2009: 579-588 |
26 |  | Donggang Liu,
Qi Dong:
Combating side-channel attacks using key management.
IPDPS 2009: 1-8 |
25 |  | Jun-Won Ho,
Donggang Liu,
Matthew Wright,
Sajal K. Das:
Distributed Detection of Replicas with Deployment Knowledge in Wireless Sensor Networks.
PerCom Workshops 2009: 1-6 |
24 |  | Jun-Won Ho,
Donggang Liu,
Matthew Wright,
Sajal K. Das:
Distributed detection of replica node attacks with group deployment knowledge in wireless sensor networks.
Ad Hoc Networks 7(8): 1476-1488 (2009) |
| 2008 |
23 |  | Dazhi Zhang,
Wenhua Wang,
Donggang Liu,
Yu Lei,
David Kung:
Reusing Existing Test Cases for Security Testing.
ISSRE 2008: 323-324 |
22 |  | Qi Dong,
Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning:
Pre-authentication filters: providing dos resistance for signature-based broadcast authentication in sensor networks.
WISEC 2008: 2-12 |
21 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning,
An Liu,
Cliff Wang,
Wenliang Du:
Attack-Resistant Location Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 11(4): (2008) |
20 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning,
Wenliang Du:
Group-based key predistribution for wireless sensor networks.
TOSN 4(2): (2008) |
| 2007 |
19 |  | Donggang Liu:
Efficient and Distributed Access Control for Sensor Networks.
DCOSS 2007: 21-35 |
18 |  | Donggang Liu:
Resilient Cluster Formation for Sensor Networks.
ICDCS 2007: 40 |
17 |  | K. Mehta,
Donggang Liu,
Matthew Wright:
Location Privacy in Sensor Networks Against a Global Eavesdropper.
ICNP 2007: 314-323 |
16 |  | Donggang Liu,
Qi Dong:
Detecting Misused Keys in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IPCCC 2007: 272-280 |
15 |  | Qi Dong,
Donggang Liu:
Using Auxiliary Sensors for Pairwise Key Establishment in WSN.
Networking 2007: 251-262 |
14 |  | Sencun Zhu,
Chao Yao,
Donggang Liu,
Sanjeev Setia,
Sushil Jajodia:
Efficient security mechanisms for overlay multicast based content delivery.
Computer Communications 30(4): 793-806 (2007) |
| 2006 |
13 |  | Sencun Zhu,
Donggang Liu:
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Security of ad hoc and Sensor Networks, SASN 2006, Alexandria, VA, USA, October 30, 2006
ACM 2006 |
| 2005 |
12 |  | Sencun Zhu,
Chao Yao,
Donggang Liu,
Sanjeev Setia,
Sushil Jajodia:
Efficient Security Mechanisms for Overlay Multicast-Based Content Distribution.
ACNS 2005: 40-55 |
11 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning,
Wenliang Du:
Detecting Malicious Beacon Nodes for Secure Location Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks.
ICDCS 2005: 609-619 |
10 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning,
Wenliang Du:
Attack-resistant location estimation in sensor networks.
IPSN 2005: 99-106 |
9 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning,
Sencun Zhu,
Sushil Jajodia:
Practical Broadcast Authentication in Sensor Networks.
MobiQuitous 2005: 118-132 |
8 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning,
Wenliang Du:
Group-based key pre-distribution in wireless sensor networks.
Workshop on Wireless Security 2005: 11-20 |
7 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning,
Rongfang Li:
Establishing pairwise keys in distributed sensor networks.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 8(1): 41-77 (2005) |
6 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning:
Improving key predistribution with deployment knowledge in static sensor networks.
TOSN 1(2): 204-239 (2005) |
| 2004 |
5 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning:
Multilevel µTESLA: Broadcast authentication for distributed sensor networks.
ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 3(4): 800-836 (2004) |
| 2003 |
4 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning,
Kun Sun:
Efficient self-healing group key distribution with revocation capability.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2003: 231-240 |
3 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning:
Establishing pairwise keys in distributed sensor networks.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2003: 52-61 |
2 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning:
Efficient Distribution of Key Chain Commitments for Broadcast Authentication in Distributed Sensor Networks.
NDSS 2003 |
1 |  | Donggang Liu,
Peng Ning:
Location-based pairwise key establishments for static sensor networks.
SASN 2003: 72-82 |