| 1996 |
9 |  | Michael Müller,
Christine Rüb,
Wolfgang Rülling:
A Circuit for Exact Summation of Floating-Points Numbers.
Inf. Process. Lett. 57(3): 159-163 (1996) |
| 1993 |
8 |  | Wolfgang Rülling,
Thomas Schilz:
A new method for hierarchical compaction [VLSI].
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 12(2): 353-360 (1993) |
| 1990 |
7 |  | Kurt Mehlhorn,
Wolfgang Rülling:
Compaction on the torus [VLSI layout].
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 9(4): 389-397 (1990) |
6 |  | Wolfgang Rülling:
Einsatzmöglichkeiten algorithmischer Layout-Beschreibungen.
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 5(1): 20-34 (1990) |
| 1988 |
5 |  | Kurt Mehlhorn,
Wolfgang Rülling:
Compaction on the Torus.
AWOC 1988: 212-225 |
4 |  | Shaodi Gao,
Mark Jerrum,
Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Wolfgang Rülling:
On Continuous Homotopic One Layer Routing.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1988: 392-402 |
3 |  | Shaodi Gao,
Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Wolfgang Rülling,
Christoph Storb,
Mark Jerrum:
On Continuous Homotopic One Layer Routing.
Workshop on Computational Geometry 1988: 55-70 |
| 1986 |
2 |  | Torben Hagerup,
Wolfgang Rülling:
A Generalized Topological Sorting Problem.
Aegean Workshop on Computing 1986: 261-270 |
| 1984 |
1 |  | Wolfgang Rülling:
Wachstumsverteilungen bei PDOL-Systemen.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 20(2/3): 93-109 (1984) |