| 2009 |
7 |  | Guido Sautter,
Klemens Böhm,
Donat Agosti,
Christiana Klingenberg:
Creating Digital Resources from Legacy Documents: An Experience Report from the Biosystematics Domain.
ESWC 2009: 738-752 |
| 2008 |
6 |  | Guido Sautter,
Cristina Abba,
Klemens Böhm:
Improved count suffix trees for natural language data.
IDEAS 2008: 231-236 |
| 2007 |
5 |  | Guido Sautter,
Klemens Böhm,
Frank Padberg,
Walter F. Tichy:
Empirical Evaluation of Semi-automated XML Annotation of Text Documents with the GoldenGATE Editor.
ECDL 2007: 357-367 |
4 |  | Guido Sautter,
Klemens Böhm,
Donat Agosti:
Semi-Automated XML Markup of Biosystematic Legacy Literature with the Goldengate Editor.
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2007: 391-402 |
3 |  | Nico Schlaefer,
Jeongwoo Ko,
Justin Betteridge,
Manas A. Pathak,
Eric Nyberg,
Guido Sautter:
Semantic Extensions of the Ephyra QA System for TREC 2007.
TREC 2007 |
| 2006 |
2 |  | Nico Schlaefer,
P. Gieselman,
Guido Sautter:
The Ephyra QA System at TREC 2006.
TREC 2006 |
| 2005 |
1 |  | Peter Fankhauser,
Norbert Fuhr,
Jens Hartmann,
Anthony Jameson,
Claus-Peter Klas,
Stefan Klink,
Agnes Koschmider,
Sascha Kriewel,
Patrick Lehti,
Peter Luksch,
Ernst W. Mayr,
Andreas Oberweis,
Paul Ortyl,
Stefan Pfingstl,
Patrick Reuther,
Ute Rusnak,
Guido Sautter,
Klemens Böhm,
André Schaefer,
Lars Schmidt-Thieme,
Eric Schwarzkopf,
Nenad Stojanovic,
Rudi Studer,
Roland Vollmar,
Bernd Walter,
Alexander Weber:
Fachinformationssystem Informatik (FIS-I) und Semantische Technologien für Informationsportale (SemIPort).
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 698-712 |