| 2009 |
30 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Consistent query answering under primary keys: a characterization of tractable queries.
ICDT 2009: 42-52 |
29 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Temporal Dependencies.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 2960-2966 |
28 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Temporal Integrity Constraints.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 2976-2982 |
27 |  | Jef Wijsen:
On the consistent rewriting of conjunctive queries under primary key constraints.
Inf. Syst. 34(7): 578-601 (2009) |
| 2007 |
26 |  | Jef Wijsen:
On the Consistent Rewriting of Conjunctive Queries Under Primary Key Constraints.
DBPL 2007: 112-126 |
| 2006 |
25 |  | Torsten Grust,
Hagen Höpfner,
Arantza Illarramendi,
Stefan Jablonski,
Marco Mesiti,
Sascha Müller,
Paula-Lavinia Patranjan,
Kai-Uwe Sattler,
Myra Spiliopoulou,
Jef Wijsen:
Current Trends in Database Technology - EDBT 2006, EDBT 2006 Workshops PhD, DataX, IIDB, IIHA, ICSNW, QLQP, PIM, PaRMA, and Reactivity on the Web, Munich, Germany, March 26-31, 2006, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2006 |
24 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Project-Join-Repair: An Approach to Consistent Query Answering Under Functional Dependencies.
BDA 2006 |
23 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Project-Join-Repair: An Approach to Consistent Query Answering Under Functional Dependencies.
FQAS 2006: 1-12 |
| 2005 |
22 |  | Jef Wijsen:
On Condensing Database Repairs Obtained by Tuple Deletions.
DEXA Workshops 2005: 849-853 |
21 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Database repairing using updates.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 30(3): 722-768 (2005) |
| 2004 |
20 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Making More Out of an Inconsistent Database.
ADBIS 2004: 291-305 |
| 2003 |
19 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Condensed Representation of Database Repairs for Consistent Query Answering.
ICDT 2003: 375-390 |
18 |  | Fosca Giannotti,
Giuseppe Manco,
Jef Wijsen:
Logical Languages for Data Mining.
Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases 2003: 325-361 |
17 |  | Jef Wijsen,
Alexis Bès:
On query optimization in a temporal SPC algebra.
Data Knowl. Eng. 44(2): 165-192 (2003) |
| 2002 |
16 |  | Toon Calders,
Raymond T. Ng,
Jef Wijsen:
Searching for dependencies at multiple abstraction levels.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 27(3): 229-260 (2002) |
| 2001 |
15 |  | Toon Calders,
Jef Wijsen:
On Monotone Data Mining Languages.
DBPL 2001: 119-132 |
14 |  | Renaud Bassée,
Jef Wijsen:
Neighborhood Dependencies for Prediction.
PAKDD 2001: 562-567 |
13 |  | Jef Wijsen,
Alexis Bès:
Temporal Tableau Queries.
TIME 2001: 136-143 |
12 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Trends in Databases: Reasoning and Mining.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 13(3): 426-438 (2001) |
| 1999 |
11 |  | Jef Wijsen,
Raymond T. Ng,
Toon Calders:
Discovering Roll-Up Dependencies.
KDD 1999: 213-222 |
10 |  | Jef Wijsen,
Raymond T. Ng:
Temporal Dependencies Generalized for Spatial and Other Dimensions.
Spatio-Temporal Database Management 1999: 189-203 |
9 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Temporal FDs on Complex Objects.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 24(1): 127-176 (1999) |
| 1998 |
8 |  | Stijn Dekeyser,
Bart Kuijpers,
Jan Paredaens,
Jef Wijsen:
Nested Data Cubes for OLAP (Extended Abstract).
ER Workshops 1998: 129-140 |
7 |  | Jef Wijsen,
Robert Meersman:
On the Complexity of Mining Quantitative Association Rules.
Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 2(3): 263-281 (1998) |
6 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Reasoning about Qualitative Trends in Databases.
Inf. Syst. 23(7): 463-487 (1998) |
| 1997 |
5 |  | Jef Wijsen,
Robert Meersman:
On the Complexity of Mining Temporal Trends.
DMKD 1997: 0- |
| 1995 |
4 |  | Jef Wijsen:
Design of Temporal Relational Databases Based on Dynamic and Temporal Functional Dependencies
Temporal Databases 1995: 61-76 |
| 1994 |
3 |  | Jef Wijsen,
Jacques Vandenbulcke,
Henke Olivie:
Temporal Dependencies in Relational Database Design.
BDA 1994 |
| 1993 |
2 |  | Jef Wijsen:
A Theory of Keys for Temporal Databases.
BDA 1993: 35-54 |
1 |  | Jef Wijsen,
Jacques Vandenbulcke,
Henke Olivie:
Functional Dependencies Generalized for Temporal Databases that Include Object-Identity.
ER 1993: 99-109 |