| 2008 |
29 |  | Steve Muylle,
Amit Basu:
Online support for business processes by electronic intermediaries.
Decision Support Systems 45(4): 845-857 (2008) |
| 2006 |
28 |  | Amit Basu:
A Robust Open Source Exchange for Open Source Software Development.
OSS 2006: 99-108 |
27 |  | Joakim Kalvenes,
Amit Basu:
Design of Robust Business-to-Business Electronic Marketplaces with Guaranteed Privacy.
Management Science 52(11): 1721-1736 (2006) |
| 2005 |
26 |  | Amit Basu:
A Metagraph View-Based Approach to Multi-firm Process Coordination.
CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2005 |
| 2004 |
25 |  | Steve Muylle,
Amit Basu:
Online support for commerce processes and survivability of web retailers.
Decision Support Systems 38(1): 101-113 (2004) |
| 2003 |
24 |  | Amit Basu:
Context-Driven Assessment of Commercial Web Sites.
HICSS 2003: 208 |
23 |  | Amit Basu,
Steve Muylle:
Authentication in e-commerce.
Commun. ACM 46(12): 159-166 (2003) |
22 |  | Amit Basu,
Steve Muylle:
Online support for commerce processes by web retailers.
Decision Support Systems 34(4): 379-395 (2003) |
21 |  | Amit Basu,
Robert W. Blanning:
Synthesis and Decomposition of Processes in Organizations.
Information Systems Research 14(4): 337-355 (2003) |
| 2002 |
20 |  | Amit Basu,
Akhil Kumar:
Research Commentary: Workflow Management Issues in e-Business.
Information Systems Research 13(1): 1-14 (2002) |
| 2001 |
19 |  | Amit Basu,
Robert W. Blanning:
Workflow Analysis using Attributed Metagraphs.
HICSS 2001 |
| 2000 |
18 |  | Amit Basu,
Robert W. Blanning:
A Formal Approach to Workflow Analysis.
Information Systems Research 11(1): 17-36 (2000) |
| 1999 |
17 |  | Amit Basu,
Steve Muylle:
Customization in Online Trade Processes.
WECWIS 1999: 166-173 |
| 1997 |
16 |  | Amit Basu,
Robert W. Blanning:
Metagraph Transformations and Workflow Management.
HICSS (4) 1997: 359-366 |
| 1996 |
15 |  | Amit Basu,
Robert W. Blanning:
A Metagraph-Based DSS Analysis Workbench.
HICSS (2) 1996: 386-395 |
| 1995 |
14 |  | Amit Basu,
Robert W. Blanning:
Discovering implicit integrity constraints in rule bases using metagraphs.
HICSS (3) 1995: 321-329 |
13 |  | Amit Basu:
Introduction to the Cluster on Knowledge and Data Management.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 7(3): 243 (1995) |
| 1994 |
12 |  | Amit Basu,
Robert W. Blanning:
Graph-Based Methods for Analyzing Systems and Organizations: Introduction.
HICSS (3) 1994: 289 |
11 |  | Amit Basu,
Robert W. Blanning:
Cycles in Metagraphs.
HICSS (3) 1994: 310-319 |
10 |  | Amit Basu,
Robert W. Blanning:
Model Integration Using Metagraphs.
Information Systems Research 5(3): 195-218 (1994) |
9 |  | Amit Basu:
A Parallel Algorithm for Spectral Solution of the Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations.
Parallel Computing 20(8): 1191-1204 (1994) |
| 1993 |
8 |  | Amit Basu:
A Knowledge Representation Model for Multiuser Knowledge-Based Systems.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(2): 177-189 (1993) |
| 1992 |
7 |  | Amit Basu,
Robert W. Blanning:
Enterprise Modeling Using Metagraphs.
Decision Support Systems: Experiences and Expectations 1992: 183-199 |
6 |  | Amit Basu,
Rafiul Ahad:
Using a Relational Database System to Support Explanation in a Knowledge-Based System.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 4(6): 572-581 (1992) |
| 1991 |
5 |  | Rafiul Ahad,
Amit Basu:
ESQL: A Query Language for the Relation Model Supporting Image Domains.
ICDE 1991: 550-559 |
| 1990 |
4 |  | Amit Basu,
L. Ramkumar,
Fredric D. Abramson:
An Expert System for Legal Case Research Support.
DEXA 1990: 116-120 |
3 |  | Amit Basu,
Rafiul Ahad:
An SQL-Based Query Language For Networks of Relations.
SIGMOD Record 19(1): 8-17 (1990) |
| 1988 |
2 |  | Amit Basu:
Knowledge Base Views in Multiuser Knowledge Based Systems.
ICDE 1988: 346-353 |
| 1984 |
1 |  | Amitava Dutta,
Amit Basu:
An Aritificial Intelligence Approach to Model Management in Decision Support Systems.
IEEE Computer 17(9): 89-97 (1984) |