| 2008 |
35 |  | Bruce Spencer,
Sandy Liu:
Modelling the Sharing of Resources across Collaborative Sessions.
APSCC 2008: 813-818 |
34 |  | Bin Wang,
Bruce Spencer,
Charles X. Ling,
Harry Zhang:
Semi-supervised Self-training for Sentence Subjectivity Classification.
Canadian Conference on AI 2008: 344-355 |
33 |  | Scott Buffett,
Bruce Spencer:
Special section guest editors' introduction: Evaluating new technological innovations for successful business on the internet.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 7(3): 262-263 (2008) |
| 2007 |
32 |  | Sandy Liu,
Bruce Spencer,
Yong Liang,
Bo Xu,
Libo Zhang,
Martin Brooks:
Towards an Agile Infrastructure to Provision Devices, Applications, and Networks: A Service-oriented Approach.
COMPSAC (2) 2007: 473-478 |
31 |  | Bruce Spencer:
Assimilating ontological additions in convergent negotiation protocols.
ICEC 2007: 135-140 |
30 |  | Sandy Liu,
Yong Liang,
Bo Xu,
Libo Zhang,
Bruce Spencer,
Martin Brooks:
On Demand Network and Application Provisioning ThroughWeb Services.
ICWS 2007: 1120-1127 |
29 |  | Scott Buffett,
Bruce Spencer:
A Bayesian classifier for learning opponents' preferences in multi-object automated negotiation.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 6(3): 274-284 (2007) |
| 2006 |
28 |  | Mark S. Fox,
Bruce Spencer:
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Electronic Commerce: The new e-commerce - Innovations for Conquering Current Barriers, Obstacles and Limitations to Conducting Successful Business on the Internet, 2006, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, August 13-16, 2006
ACM 2006 |
27 |  | Scott Buffett,
Luc Comeau,
Bruce Spencer,
Michael W. Fleming:
Detecting opponent concessions in multi-issue automated negotiation.
ICEC 2006: 11-18 |
26 |  | Sandy Liu,
Bruce Spencer,
Martin Brooks,
Michael Jemtrud,
Konstantin Privalov,
John Spence,
Michel Savoie,
Bobby Ho:
Towards a Service-oriented Participatory Design Studio Supported by UCLP.
IEEE SCC 2006: 525-526 |
25 |  | Michael Jemtrud,
Philam Nguyen,
Bruce Spencer,
Martin Brooks,
Sandy Liu,
Yong Liang,
Bo Xu,
Libo Zhang:
Eucalyptus: intelligent infrastructure enabled participatory design studio.
Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 2047-2054 |
| 2005 |
24 |  | Scott Buffett,
Bruce Spencer:
Learning opponents' preferences in multi-object automated negotiation.
ICEC 2005: 300-305 |
23 |  | Scott Buffett,
Luc Comeau,
Michael W. Fleming,
Bruce Spencer:
MONOLOGUE: A Tool for Negotiating Exchanges of Private Information in E-Commerce.
PST 2005 |
22 |  | Marcel Ball,
Harold Boley,
David Hirtle,
Jing Mei,
Bruce Spencer:
Implementing RuleML Using Schemas, Translators, and Bidirectional Interpreters.
Rule Languages for Interoperability 2005 |
21 |  | Marcel Ball,
Harold Boley,
David Hirtle,
Jing Mei,
Bruce Spencer:
The OO jDREW Reference Implementation of RuleML.
RuleML 2005: 218-223 |
| 2004 |
20 |  | Bruce Spencer,
Sandy Liu:
Inferring Data Transformation Rules to Integrate Semantic Web Services.
International Semantic Web Conference 2004: 456-470 |
19 |  | Scott Buffett,
Nathan Scott,
Bruce Spencer,
Michael Richter,
Michael W. Fleming:
Determining Internet Users' Values for Private Information.
PST 2004: 79-88 |
18 |  | Scott Buffett,
Keping Jia,
Sandy Liu,
Bruce Spencer,
Fang Wang:
Negotiating Exchanges of P3p-Labeled Information for Compensation.
Computational Intelligence 20(4): 663-677 (2004) |
| 2003 |
17 |  | Keping Jia,
Bruce Spencer:
Negotiating Exchanges of Private Information for Web Service Eligibility.
Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 252-267 |
16 |  | Scott Buffett,
Bruce Spencer:
Efficient Monte Carlo decision tree solution in dynamic purchasing environments.
ICEC 2003: 31-39 |
15 |  | Bruce Spencer,
Sandy Liu:
Inference Queues for Communicating and Monitoring Declarative Information between Web Services.
RuleML 2003: 121-135 |
| 2002 |
14 |  | Robin Cohen,
Bruce Spencer:
Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 15th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI 2002, Calgary, Canada, May 27-29, 2002, Proceedings
Springer 2002 |
13 |  | Bruce Spencer:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Agent Technologies for Electronic Commerce.
Computational Intelligence 18(4): 477-481 (2002) |
| 2000 |
12 |  | Bruce Spencer,
Joseph Douglas Horton:
Support Ordered Resolution.
CADE 2000: 385-400 |
11 |  | Bruce Spencer,
Joseph Douglas Horton:
Efficient Algorithms to Detect and Restore Minimality, an Extension of the Regular Restriction of Resolution.
J. Autom. Reasoning 25(1): 1-34 (2000) |
| 1999 |
10 |  | Peter Baumgartner,
Joseph Douglas Horton,
Bruce Spencer:
Merge Path Improvements for Minimal Model Hyper Tableaux.
TABLEAUX 1999: 51-65 |
| 1998 |
9 |  | Joseph Douglas Horton,
Bruce Spencer:
Rank/Activity: A Canonical Form for Binary Resolution.
CADE 1998: 412-426 |
| 1997 |
8 |  | Bruce Spencer,
Joseph Douglas Horton:
Extending the Regular Restriction of Resolution to Non-Linear Subdeductions.
AAAI/IAAI 1997: 478-483 |
7 |  | Joseph Douglas Horton,
Bruce Spencer:
Clause Trees: A Tool for Understanding and Implementing Resolution in Automated Reasoning.
Artif. Intell. 92(1-2): 25-89 (1997) |
| 1996 |
6 |  | Charlie F. Obimbo,
Bruce Spencer:
Access Clause Trees in Disjunctive Deductive Databases.
DDLP 1996: 15-28 |
| 1994 |
5 |  | Robin Cohen,
Bruce Spencer,
Pat Hoyt:
Designing a Tool to Allow Updates during Plan Recognition - Challenges and Applications.
ICTAI 1994: 63-70 |
4 |  | Bruce Spencer:
Avoiding Duplicate Proofs with the Foothold Refinement.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 12(1-2): 117-140 (1994) |
| 1993 |
3 |  | Bruce Spencer:
The Ordered Clause Restriction of Model Elimination and SLI Resolution.
ILPS 1993: 678 |
| 1991 |
2 |  | Robin Cohen,
Fei Song,
Bruce Spencer,
Peter van Beek:
Exploiting Temporal and Novel Information from the User in Plan Recognition.
User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 1(3-4): 125-148 (1991) |
| 1990 |
1 |  | Bruce Spencer:
Avoiding Duplicate Proofs.
NACLP 1990: 569-584 |