Call for Papers: Research Track

Vision Track

Do you have a high-impact, visionary idea that is still in its early stages of development, but already is fleshed out enough to get others in the data management community excited? We invite submissions of short papers to the Vision Track in volume 7 of Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB).

The Vision track seeks mini papers that describe an exciting vision of a future system, framework, algorithm, or technology.  This track will primarily focus on the significance, novelty, and potential impact of the work, with less emphasis on its current level of maturity, technical depth, and evaluation.

The length limit for papers in this category is four pages in standard two-column format.  A typical paper might resemble the first 2.5 and last 0.5 pages of an excellent research paper, with a one-page sketch of the rest sandwiched between the two. Accepted papers will be published in PVLDB and invited for presentation at the VLDB 2014.  However, they will be distinguished from regular papers due to their length and preliminary stage of development. 

To submit papers to this track, follow the submission guidelines, choose the research track for the correct month, and then specify “Vision” as the Subject Area. Additionally, please place the string "[Vision Paper]" at the end of your paper title, to doubly ensure that a reviewer does not mistakenly evaluate it as a research paper. This string is required only during the review process, and should be removed when you prepare your camera-ready copy.

Papers submitted to this track will undergo the same overall review process as other research track papers, described below.  Reviewers will be drawn from a common review board, but there is a specific Associate Editor responsible for this track.