By AlaskaDave (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons” href=”http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ARainbow_Falls_Hilo.jpg”
All papers submitted to VLDB independently of the track must adhere strictly to the PVLDB format detailed here. It is not allowed to modify the template with the intention of squeezing in more materials. The paper should:
- strictly follow the PVLDB style template w.r.t. line spacing, font size or style of captions. For convenience, a sample is provided alongside the LaTeX and MS Word templates: Note those are templates for submissions only, templates for camera ready can be found in the Camera Ready instruction below.
- vldb.cls: LaTeX document class
- vldb_style_sample.zip: LaTeX example
- vldb_sample Microsoft Word Template
- show no headers or footers;
- be formatted using US letter paper format;
- have no line overflows, no widows or orphans, etc.;
- have balanced columns on the last page (LaTeX tip: usepackage{balance});
- have all figures and tables readable (without having to turn the PDF reader’s magnification to 400%);
- avoid abbreviations where not needed, e.g., when referencing the name of a journal or when referring to a Section, a Figure etc.;
- have no numbering issues, e.g., all floats (Figures, Tables etc) are numbered consecutively and also the references in the text use the correct numbers;
- use the abbrv bibliography style (LaTeX) including all references being alphabetically sorted. References should include author, title, proceedings, pages, and year; with proceedings or journal name in italics.
- embed all fonts, including Type 1 postscript fonts, within your PDF.
- You can check this with the ‘Properties’ menu of Acrobat Reader (should show ‘embeded’ for each font). TeX users can check with the command updmap --edit that pdftexDownloadBase14 is set to true for your pdftex installation (better also set dvipsDownloadBase35 true). This is a request by the ACM digital library to improve searchability of our papers; ACM maintains a FAQ about embedding fonts in TeX.
- contain the same author information as in the CMT, e.g., the order of the authors must be the same in the paper and CMT. Middle names of the authors, if any, must be the same as they are in CMT.
- contain no citations in the Abstract.
- contain the same Abstract as the one submitted to CMT.
Copyright and Camera Ready Information
A majority of the papers to be presented at VLDB 2015 will be published in the Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) Volume 8, which has a rolling deadline on the 1st of each month.
There are two exceptions. First, a number of papers that are published in the last issue(s) of PVLDB Volume 7 will be presented at VLDB 2015: if you are the authors of those papers, please consult the Proceedings Chairs of VLDB 2014 for camera ready instructions. Second, the last issue(s) of PVLDB 8 will include a number of papers that will be presented at VLDB 2016: if you are the authors of those papers, please do follow the camera ready instructions here.
Note that the process below is for the submission of the final camera ready copy of your accepted paper. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the VLDB formatting guideline, and you must complete this process by the 1st of each month for your paper to be part of the issue to be released for the following month.
- Prepare the final version of your paper using the current camera ready style files (available for LaTex and Word formats). You must download and use the latest style files since each month the issue number changes.
- Submit the final version of your paper as PDF using the VLDB2015 conference management tool that is accessible at https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/VLDB2015/.
- In CMT, please check carefully the paper’s meta-data such as title, abstract, authors’ names, affiliations, and their order, and correct those if necessary; note that this information, once processed, will be final and used for producing the conference booklet.
- Rename your file to pid-contact-author.lastname.pdf and upload it to CMT; for instance, if your submission was given the id 42 and your name is John Smith, you should name your file p42-smith.pdf.
- Finally, download the PVLDB Copyright Transfer Form (available in .docx and .pdf formats) and follow the instruction in the file to send the form to Tyson Condie.
Publication Process
Accepted VLDB papers are continuously published in monthly issues. You can expect 1 to 2 months (from the time you complete the Camera Ready submission process) for your paper to appear in the Proceedings. PVLDB is an archival journal with monthly issues that is published online on vldb.org, in the ACM Digital Library, on DBLP and, since 2011, also in the Computing Research Repository (CoRR) on arxiv.org.