The VLDB-15 conference is no longer accepting new submissions of research papers.
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Topics of Interest

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PVLDB welcomes original research papers on a broad range of topics related to data-centric computation, especially at scale. The themes and topics listed below are intended as a sample of familiar themes and topics; we encourage and expect papers on all data-centric topics.
- Systems for Data Management: data system architecture; storage, replication and consistency; physical representations; query and dataflow processing, indexing; in-situ data analytics systems
- Scalable Data Analysis: complex queries and search; approximate querying; scalable statistical methods; management of uncertainty and reasoning at scale; data privacy and security
- Management of Very Large Data Systems: availability; adaptivity and self-tuning; power management; virtualization
- Data Models and Languages: XML and semi-structured data; multi-media, temporal and spatial data; declarative languages; language interfaces for databases
- Performance and Evaluation: benchmarking; experimental methodology at scale; scientific evaluation of complex data systems
- Domain-Specific Data Management: methods and systems for science; developing regions; networks and mobility; ubiquitous computing; sensors databases
- Management of Web and Heterogeneous Data: information extraction; information integration; meta-data management; data cleaning; service oriented architectures
- User Interfaces and Social Data: data visualization; collaborative data analysis and curation; social networks; email and messaging analytics
- New-Hardware Architectures and Software-Hardware Co-design of Data Management Systems: in-memory data analytics, non-uniform memory access, multi-core/many-core algorithms for data processing
- Innovative Systems: systems architecture of innovative systems, platforms or novel applications of data management technology (please click here for more information on innovative systems papers)
- Experiments and Analyses: experimental surveys, result verification, problem analysis of data management technology (please click here for more information on experimental analysis papers)
To submit a paper, follow the submission guidelines, and choose the research track for the correct month. Then carefully choose the subject area(s) that best describe the paper. The areas indicated impact the choice of both associate editors (AEs) and reviewers.