2010 | ||
130 | Franziska Gietl, Joachim Spilke, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Annotationsbasierte Prozessmodellierung in SOA - dargestellt an einem Beispiel aus dem Precision Dairy Farming. GIL Jahrestagung 2010: 73-76 | |
2009 | ||
129 | Johann Christoph Freytag, Thomas Ruf, Wolfgang Lehner, Gottfried Vossen: Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2009), 13. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, 2.-6. März 2009, Münster, Germany GI 2009 | |
128 | Matthias Böhm, Dirk Habich, Steffen Preissler, Wolfgang Lehner, Uwe Wloka: Cost-Based Vectorization of Instance-Based Integration Processes. ADBIS 2009: 253-269 | |
127 | Maik Thiele, Andreas Bader, Wolfgang Lehner: Multi-Objective Scheduling for Real-Time Data Warehouses. BTW 2009: 307-326 | |
126 | Steffen Preissler, Hannes Voigt, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Stream-Based Web Service Invocation. BTW 2009: 407-417 | |
125 | Steffen Preissler, Hannes Voigt, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Streaming Web Services and Standing Processes. BTW 2009: 608-611 | |
124 | Matthias Böhm, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner, Uwe Wloka: Systemübergreifende Kostennormalisierung für Integrationsprozesse. BTW 2009: 67-86 | |
123 | Maik Thiele, Tim Kiefer, Wolfgang Lehner: Cardinality estimation in ETL processes. DOLAP 2009: 57-64 | |
122 | Benjamin Schlegel, Rainer Gemulla, Wolfgang Lehner: k-ary search on modern processors. DaMoN 2009: 52-60 | |
121 | Matthias Böhm, Uwe Wloka, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: GCIP: exploiting the generation and optimization of integration processes. EDBT 2009: 1128-1131 | |
120 | Philipp Rösch, Wolfgang Lehner: Sample synopses for approximate answering of group-by queries. EDBT 2009: 403-414 | |
119 | Peter Benjamin Volk, Frank Rosenthal, Martin Hahmann, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Clustering Uncertain Data with Possible Worlds. ICDE 2009: 1625-1632 | |
118 | Frank Rosenthal, Ulrike Fischer, Peter Benjamin Volk, Wolfgang Lehner: Global Slope Change Synopses for Measurement Maps. ICDM 2009: 956-961 | |
117 | Matthias Böhm, Dirk Habich, Steffen Preissler, Wolfgang Lehner, Uwe Wloka: Vectorizing Instance-Based Integration Processes. ICEIS 2009: 40-52 | |
116 | Matthias Böhm, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner, Uwe Wloka: Invisible Deployment of Integration Processes. ICEIS 2009: 53-65 | |
115 | Dirk Habich, Steffen Preissler, Hannes Voigt, Wolfgang Lehner: Innovative Process Execution in Service-oriented Environments. ICEIS (1) 2009: 299-302 | |
114 | Martin Hahmann, Peter Benjamin Volk, Frank Rosenthal, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: How to Control Clustering Results? Flexible Clustering Aggregation. IDA 2009: 59-70 | |
113 | Frank Rosenthal, Peter Benjamin Volk, Martin Hahmann, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Drift-Aware Ensemble Regression. MLDM 2009: 221-235 | |
112 | Steffen Preissler, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Standing Processes in Service-Oriented Environments. SERVICES I 2009: 115-122 | |
111 | Wolfgang Lehner: Query Processing in Data Warehouses. Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 2297-2301 | |
110 | Maik Thiele, Andreas Bader, Wolfgang Lehner: Multi-objective scheduling for real-time data warehouses. Computer Science - R&D 24(3): 137-151 (2009) | |
109 | Maik Thiele, Ulrike Fischer, Wolfgang Lehner: Partition-based workload scheduling in living data warehouse environments. Inf. Syst. 34(4-5): 382-399 (2009) | |
108 | Anja Klein, Wolfgang Lehner: Representing Data Quality in Sensor Data Streaming Environments. J. Data and Information Quality 1(2): (2009) | |
107 | Thomas Legler, Wolfgang Lehner, Jan Schaffner, Jens Krüger: Robust Distributed Top-N Frequent Pattern Mining Using the SAP BW Accelerator. PVLDB 2(2): 1438-1449 (2009) | |
2008 | ||
106 | Matthias Böhm, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner, Uwe Wloka: An Advanced Transaction Model for Recovery Processing of Integration Processes. ADBIS (local proceedings) 2008: 90-105 | |
105 | Matthias Böhm, Jürgen Bittner, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner, Uwe Wloka: Improving Data Independence, Efficiency and Functional Flexibility of Integration Platforms. CAiSE Forum 2008: 97-100 | |
104 | Matthias Böhm, Uwe Wloka, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Workload-based optimization of integration processes. CIKM 2008: 1479-1480 | |
103 | Kai-Uwe Sattler, Wolfgang Lehner: Quality of service and predictability in DBMS. EDBT 2008: 748 | |
102 | Philipp Rösch, Rainer Gemulla, Wolfgang Lehner: Designing Random Sample Synopses with Outliers. ICDE 2008: 1400-1402 | |
101 | Matthias Böhm, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner, Uwe Wloka: DIPBench Toolsuite: A Framework for Benchmarking Integration Systems. ICDE 2008: 1596-1599 | |
100 | Christian Thomsen, Torben Bach Pedersen, Wolfgang Lehner: RiTE: Providing On-Demand Data for Right-Time Data Warehousing. ICDE 2008: 456-465 | |
99 | Matthias Böhm, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner, Uwe Wloka: DIPBench: An independent benchmark for Data-Intensive Integration Processes. ICDE Workshops 2008: 214-221 | |
98 | Hannes Voigt, Wolfgang Lehner, Kenneth Salem: Poster session: Constrained dynamic physical database design. ICDE Workshops 2008: 63-70 | |
97 | Christoph Weyerhaeuser, Tobias Mindnich, Franz Faerber, Wolfgang Lehner: Exploiting Graphic Card Processor Technology to Accelerate Data Mining Queries in SAP NetWeaver BIA. ICDM Workshops 2008: 506-515 | |
96 | Matthias Böhm, Uwe Wloka, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Model-Driven Generation and Optimization of Complex Integration Processes. ICEIS (1) 2008: 131-136 | |
95 | Matthias Böhm, Uwe Wloka, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Message Indexing for Document-Oriented Integration Processes. ICEIS (1) 2008: 137-142 | |
94 | Peter Benjamin Volk, Martin Hahmann, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Pre analysis and clustering of uncertain data from manufacturing processes. LWA 2008: 94-100 | |
93 | Rainer Gemulla, Wolfgang Lehner: Sampling time-based sliding windows in bounded space. SIGMOD Conference 2008: 379-392 | |
92 | Rainer Gemulla, Philipp Rösch, Wolfgang Lehner: Linked Bernoulli Synopses: Sampling along Foreign Keys. SSDBM 2008: 6-23 | |
91 | Rainer Gemulla, Wolfgang Lehner, Peter J. Haas: Maintaining bounded-size sample synopses of evolving datasets. VLDB J. 17(2): 173-202 (2008) | |
2007 | ||
90 | Wolfgang Lehner, Norbert Meyer, Achim Streit, Craig Stewart: Euro-Par 2006 Workshops: Parallel Processing, CoreGRID 2006, UNICORE Summit 2006, Petascale Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Dresden, Germany, August 29-September 1, 2006, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2007 | |
89 | Matthias Böhm, Dirk Habich, Uwe Wloka, Jürgen Bittner, Wolfgang Lehner: Towards Self-Optimization of Message Transformation Processes. ADBIS Research Communications 2007 | |
88 | Thomas Legler, Wolfgang Lehner, Andrew Ross: Der Einfluss der Datenverteilung auf die Performanz eines Data Warehouse. BTW 2007: 502-513 | |
87 | Matthias Böhm, Jürgen Bittner, Uwe Wloka, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Ein Nachrichtentransformationsmodell für komplexe Transformationsprozesse in datenzentrischen Anwendungsszenarien. BTW 2007: 562-581 | |
86 | Maik Thiele, Ulrike Fischer, Wolfgang Lehner: Partition-based workload scheduling in living data warehouse environments. DOLAP 2007: 57-64 | |
85 | Anja Klein, Hong Hai Do, Gregor Hackenbroich, Marcel Karnstedt, Wolfgang Lehner: Representing Data Quality for Streaming and Static Data. ICDE Workshops 2007: 3-10 | |
84 | Dirk Habich, Peter Benjamin Volk, Wolfgang Lehner, Ralf Dittmann, Clemens Utzny: Error-Aware Density-Based Clustering of Imprecise Measurement Values. ICDM Workshops 2007: 471-476 | |
83 | Wael Emara, Mehmed M. Kantardzic, Marcel Karnstedt, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: An Approach for Incremental Semi-supervised SVM. ICDM Workshops 2007: 539-544 | |
82 | Dirk Habich, Steffen Preissler, Wolfgang Lehner, Sebastian Richly, Uwe Aßmann, Mike Grasselt, Albert Maier: Data-Grey-BoxWeb Services in Data-Centric Environments. ICWS 2007: 976-983 | |
81 | Dirk Habich, Sebastian Richly, Wolfgang Lehner, Uwe Aßmann, Mike Grasselt, Albert Maier, Christian Pilarsky: Data-aware SOA for Gene Expression Analysis Processes. IEEE SCW 2007: 138-145 | |
80 | Dirk Habich, Martin Hahmann, Wolfgang Lehner: Parameterfreies Clustering mittels Multi-Level Ansatz. LWA 2007: 36-43 | |
79 | Rainer Gemulla, Wolfgang Lehner, Peter J. Haas: Maintaining bernoulli samples over evolving multisets. PODS 2007: 93-102 | |
78 | Per-Åke Larson, Wolfgang Lehner, Jingren Zhou, Peter Zabback: Exploiting self-monitoring sample views for cardinality estimation. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1073-1075 | |
77 | Per-Åke Larson, Wolfgang Lehner, Jingren Zhou, Peter Zabback: Cardinality estimation using sample views with quality assurance. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 175-186 | |
76 | Jingren Zhou, Per-Åke Larson, Johann Christoph Freytag, Wolfgang Lehner: Efficient exploitation of similar subexpressions for query processing. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 533-544 | |
75 | Dirk Habich, Sebastian Richly, Steffen Preissler, Mike Grasselt, Wolfgang Lehner, Albert Maier: BPEL-DT - Data-aware Extension of BPEL to Support Data-Intensive Service Applications. WEWST 2007 | |
2006 | ||
74 | Wolfgang E. Nagel, Wolfgang V. Walter, Wolfgang Lehner: Euro-Par 2006, Parallel Processing, 12th International Euro-Par Conference, Dresden, Germany, August 28 - September 1, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006 | |
73 | Rainer Gemulla, Wolfgang Lehner: Deferred Maintenance of Disk-Based Random Samples. EDBT 2006: 423-441 | |
72 | Patrick Valduriez, Wolfgang Lehner, Domenico Talia, Paul Watson: Topic 5: Parallel and Distributed Databases, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Euro-Par 2006: 335 | |
71 | Christian Schulze, Joachim Spilke, Wolfgang Lehner: Zusammenführung der konzeptuellen Modelle für operative und analytische Daten in einem logischen Modell, dargestellt am Beispiel des Precision Dairy Farming. GIL Jahrestagung 2006: 257-260 | |
70 | Sebastian Richly, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: GignoMDA - Generation of Complex Database Applications. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2006: 65-69 | |
69 | Maik Thiele, Wolfgang Lehner: Shrinked Data Marts Enabled for Negative Caching. IDEAS 2006: 148-157 | |
68 | Dirk Habich, Thomas Wächter, Wolfgang Lehner, Christian Pilarsky: Two-Phase Clustering Strategy for Gene Expression Data Sets. LWA 2006: 275-281 | |
67 | Dirk Habich, Thomas Wächter, Wolfgang Lehner, Christian Pilarsky: Two-phase clustering strategy for gene expression data sets. SAC 2006: 145-150 | |
66 | Anja Klein, Rainer Gemulla, Philipp Rösch, Wolfgang Lehner: Derby/S: a DBMS for sample-based query answering. SIGMOD Conference 2006: 757-759 | |
65 | Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner, Michael Just: Materialized Views in the Presence of Reporting Functions. SSDBM 2006: 159-168 | |
64 | Maik Thiele, Jens Albrecht, Wolfgang Lehner: Optimistic Coarse-Grained Cache Semantics for Data Marts. SSDBM 2006: 311-320 | |
63 | Peter A. Boncz, Angela Bonifati, Arantza Illarramendi, Peter Janacik, Birgitta König-Ries, Wolfgang Lehner, Pedro José Marrón, Wolfgang May, Aris M. Ouksel, Kay Römer, Brahmananda Sapkota, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Heinz Schweppe, Rita Steinmetz, Can Türker: 06431 Working Group Report on Managing and Integrating Data in P2P Databases. Scalable Data Management in Evolving Networks 2006 | |
62 | Thomas Legler, Wolfgang Lehner, Andrew Ross: Data Mining with the SAP Netweaver BI Accelerator. VLDB 2006: 1059-1068 | |
61 | Dirk Habich, Sebastian Richly, Wolfgang Lehner: GignoMDA - Exploiting Cross-Layer Optimization for Complex Database Applications. VLDB 2006: 1251- | |
60 | Rainer Gemulla, Wolfgang Lehner, Peter J. Haas: A Dip in the Reservoir: Maintaining Sample Synopses of Evolving Datasets. VLDB 2006: 595-606 | |
59 | Richard Lenz, Wolfgang Lehner: Schwerpunktthema Medizinische Informationssysteme. Datenbank-Spektrum 17: 5-6 (2006) | |
2005 | ||
58 | Theo Härder, Wolfgang Lehner: Data Management in a Connected World, Essays Dedicated to Hartmut Wedekind on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday Springer 2005 | |
57 | Rainer Gemulla, Henrike Berthold, Wolfgang Lehner: Hierarchical Group-Based Sampling. BNCOD 2005: 120-132 | |
56 | Wolfgang Lehner: Data Management Support for Notification Services. Data Management in a Connected World 2005: 111-136 | |
55 | Sven Schmidt, Thomas Legler, Daniel Schaller, Wolfgang Lehner: Real-Time Scheduling for Data Stream Management Systems. ECRTS 2005: 167-176 | |
54 | Henrike Berthold, Sven Schmidt, Wolfgang Lehner, Claude-Joachim Hamann: Integrated resource management for data stream systems. SAC 2005: 555-562 | |
53 | Sven Schmidt, Marc Fiedler, Wolfgang Lehner: Source-aware Join Strategies of Sensor Data Streams. SSDBM 2005: 123-132 | |
52 | Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner, Alexander Hinneburg: Optimizing Multiple Top-K Queries over Joins. SSDBM 2005: 195-204 | |
51 | Sven Schmidt, Thomas Legler, Sebastian Schär, Wolfgang Lehner: Robust Real-time Query Processing with QStream. VLDB 2005: 1299-1302 | |
50 | Sebastian Richly, Wolfgang Lehner, Daniel Schaller: GignoMDA - modellgetriebene Entwicklung von Datenbankanwendungen. Datenbank-Spektrum 15(14): 12-17 (2005) | |
49 | Lutz Schlesinger, Florian Irmert, Wolfgang Lehner: Supporting the ETL-process by Web Service technologies. IJWGS 1(1): 31-47 (2005) | |
48 | Rainer Gemulla, Henrike Berthold, Wolfgang Lehner: Hierarchisches gruppenbasiertes Sampling. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 20(1-2): 45-56 (2005) | |
2004 | ||
47 | Sven Schmidt, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Feingranulare Verarbeitung von XML-Strömen. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2004: 378-382 | |
46 | Christian Schulze, Joachim Spilke, Wolfgang Lehner: Informationsbedarfsanalyse als Grundlage der Datenmodellierung in Rahmen des Precision Dairy Farming. GIL Jahrestagung 2004: 323-326 | |
45 | Wolfgang Lehner: Robust Data Management. Mobile Information Management 2004 | |
44 | Sven Schmidt, Henrike Berthold, Wolfgang Lehner: QStream: Deterministic Querying of Data Streams. VLDB 2004: 1365-1368 | |
43 | Wolfgang Lehner, Lutz Schlesinger, Verena Sauerborn: Verknüpfung schwach-konsistenter Datenbankzustände in Grid-organisierten Rechnerstrukturen. Datenbank-Spektrum 9: 40-47 (2004) | |
42 | Daniel A. Keim, Wolfgang Lehner: Data Mining und Data Warehousing. Datenbank-Spektrum 9: 5 (2004) | |
2003 | ||
41 | Wolfgang Lehner, Florian Irmert: XPath-Aware Chunking of XML-Documents. BTW 2003: 108-126 | |
40 | Lutz Schlesinger, Wolfgang Lehner: Konsistenzquantifizierung in Grid-Datenbanksystemen. BTW 2003: 404-422 | |
39 | Lutz Schlesinger, Wolfgang Lehner: SCINTRA: A Model for Quantifying Inconsistencies in Grid-Organized Sensor Database Systems. Euro-Par 2003: 348-355 | |
38 | Alexander Hinneburg, Wolfgang Lehner: Database Support for 3D-Protein Data Set Analysis. SSDBM 2003: 161-170 | |
37 | Andreas Bauer, Wolfgang Lehner: On Solving the View Selection Problem in Distributed Data Warehouse Architectures. SSDBM 2003: 43- | |
36 | Alexander Hinneburg, Wolfgang Lehner, Dirk Habich: COMBI-Operator: Database Support for Data Mining Applications. VLDB 2003: 429-439 | |
35 | Lutz Schlesinger, Wolfgang Lehner: WebService-basierte Integration externer Datenquellen in relationale Datenbanksysteme. XMIDX 2003: 11-21 | |
34 | Sven Schmidt, Rainer Gemulla, Wolfgang Lehner: XML Stream Processing Quality. Xsym 2003: 195-207 | |
33 | Wolfgang Lehner: Entwurf und Betrieb von Data-Warehouse-Systemen. it - Information Technology 45(4): 177-178 (2003) | |
32 | Lutz Schlesinger, Wolfgang Lehner, Wolfgang Hümmer, Andreas Bauer: Nutzung von Datenbankdiensten in Data-Warehouse-Anwendungen. it - Information Technology 45(4): 203-210 (2003) | |
2002 | ||
31 | Lutz Schlesinger, Wolfgang Lehner: Extending data warehouses by semiconsistent views. DMDW 2002: 43-51 | |
30 | Wolfgang Lehner, Wolfgang Hümmer, Lutz Schlesinger, Andreas Bauer: On the problem of generating common predecessors. DOLAP 2002: 43-48 | |
29 | Wolfgang Hümmer, Wolfgang Lehner, Andreas Bauer, Lutz Schlesinger: A Decathlon in Multidimensional Modeling: Open Issues and Some Solutions. DaWaK 2002: 275-285 | |
28 | Wolfgang Lehner, Wolfgang Hümmer, Lutz Schlesinger: Processing Reporting Function Views in a Data Warehouse Environment. ICDE 2002: 176- | |
27 | Wolfgang Hümmer, Wolfgang Lehner, Hartmut Wedekind: Contracting in the Days of eBusiness. SIGMOD Record 31(1): 31-36 (2002) | |
2001 | ||
26 | Lutz Schlesinger, Andreas Bauer, Wolfgang Lehner, G. Ediberidze, Michael M. Gutzmann: Efficiently Synchronizing Multidimensional Schema Data. DOLAP 2001 | |
25 | Wolfgang Lehner, Roberta Cochrane, Hamid Pirahesh, Markos Zaharioudakis: fAST Refresh using Mass Query Optimization. ICDE 2001: 391-398 | |
24 | Wolfgang Lehner, Wolfgang Hümmer, M. Redert, C. Reinhard: `Publish/Subscribe'-Mechanismen in Data-Warehouse-Systemen. Datenbank Rundbrief 27: 25-32 (2001) | |
23 | Andreas Bauer, Wolfgang Lehner: Arbeitskreis Konzepts des Data Warehousing. Datenbank Rundbrief 27: 54-55 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
22 | Wolfgang Lehner, Jens Albrecht, Wolfgang Hümmer: Divide and aggregate: caching multidimensional objects. DMDW 2000: 2 | |
21 | Jens Albrecht, Wolfgang Hümmer, Wolfgang Lehner, Lutz Schlesinger: Query Optimization by Using Derivability in a Data Warehouse Environment. DOLAP 2000: 49-56 | |
20 | Andreas Bauer, Wolfgang Hümmer, Wolfgang Lehner: An Alternative Relational OLAP Modeling Approach. DaWaK 2000: 189-198 | |
19 | Jens Albrecht, Wolfgang Hümmer, Wolfgang Lehner, Lutz Schlesinger: Using Semantics for Query Derivability in Data Warehouse Applications. FQAS 2000: 3-14 | |
18 | Holger Günzel, Jens Albrecht, Wolfgang Lehner: Use and reuse of association rules in an OLAP environment. IRMA Conference 2000: 566-569 | |
17 | Wolfgang Lehner, Richard Sidle, Hamid Pirahesh, Roberta Cochrane: Maintenance of Automatic Summary Tables. SIGMOD Conference 2000: 512-513 | |
1999 | ||
16 | Holger Günzel, Jens Albrecht, Wolfgang Lehner: Data Mining in a Multidimensional Environment. ADBIS 1999: 191-204 | |
15 | Jens Albrecht, Wolfgang Hümmer, Wolfgang Lehner, Lutz Schlesinger: Adaptive Präaggregation in multidimensionalen Datenbanksystemen. BTW 1999: 97-114 | |
14 | Jens Albrecht, Holger Günzel, Wolfgang Lehner: Set-Derivability of Multidimensional Aggregates. DaWaK 1999: 133-142 | |
13 | Jens Albrecht, Andreas Bauer, O. Deyerling, Holger Günzel, Wolfgang Hümmer, Wolfgang Lehner, Lutz Schlesinger: Management of Multidimensional Aggregates for Efficient Online Analytical Processing. IDEAS 1999: 156-164 | |
1998 | ||
12 | Holger Günzel, Wolfgang Lehner, Stein Eriksen, Jon Folkedal: Modeling of Census Data in a Multidimensional Environment. ADBIS 1998: 363-368 | |
11 | Wolfgang Lehner: Modelling Large Scale OLAP Scenarios. EDBT 1998: 153-167 | |
10 | Jens Albrecht, Wolfgang Lehner: On-line Analytical Processing in Distributed Data Warehouses. IDEAS 1998: 78-85 | |
9 | Wolfgang Lehner, Jens Albrecht, Hartmut Wedekind: Normal Forms for Multidimensional Databases. SSDBM 1998: 63-72 | |
8 | Wolfgang Lehner, Jens Albrecht: Modellierung, verwaltung und Verwendung Multidimensionaler Aggregate. Workshop Data Mining und Data Warehousing 1998: 37-47 | |
1997 | ||
7 | Wolfgang Lehner, Michael Teschke, Hartmut Wedekind: Über Aufbau und Auswertung multidimensionaler Daten. BTW 1997: 241-250 | |
6 | Wolfgang Lehner, Thomas Ruf: A Redundancy-Based Optimization Approach for Aggregation in Multidimensional Scientific and Atatistical Databases. DASFAA 1997: 253-262 | |
5 | Andreas Bauer, Wolfgang Lehner: The Cube-Query-Languages (CQL) for Multidimensional Statistical and Scientific Database Systems. DASFAA 1997: 263-272 | |
4 | Jens Albrecht, Wolfgang Lehner, Michael Teschke, Thomas Kirsche: Building a Real Data Warehouse for Market Research. DEXA Workshop 1997: 651-656 | |
3 | Peter Baumann, Wolfgang Lehner: Der GI-Arbeitskreis Multidimensionale Datenbanken stellt sich vor. Datenbank Rundbrief 19: 82-83 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
2 | Wolfgang Lehner, Thomas Ruf, Michael Teschke: CROSS-DB: A Feature-Extended Multidimensional Data Model for Statistical and Scientific Databases. CIKM 1996: 253-260 | |
1 | Wolfgang Lehner, Thomas Ruf, Michael Teschke: Improving Query Response Time in Scientific Databases Using Data Aggregation - A Case Study. DEXA Workshop 1996: 201-206 |