| 2009 |
42 |  | Andreas Behrend,
Christian Dorau,
Rainer Manthey:
SQL Triggers Reacting on Time Events: An Extension Proposal.
ADBIS 2009: 179-193 |
41 |  | Andreas Behrend,
Rainer Manthey,
Gereon Schüller,
Monika Wieneke:
Detecting Moving Objects in Noisy Radar Data Using a Relational Database.
ADBIS 2009: 286-300 |
40 |  | Andreas Behrend,
Christian Dorau,
Rainer Manthey:
TinTO: A Tool for View-Based Analysis of Stock Market Data Streams.
BTW 2009: 584-587 |
| 2008 |
39 |  | Andreas Behrend,
Frank Reichartz,
Christian Dorau,
Rainer Manthey:
Data Stream Analysis for Location-Aware Collaborative Information Retrieval.
ADBIS (local proceedings) 2008: 74-89 |
38 |  | Andreas Behrend,
Rainer Manthey:
A Transformation-Based Approach to View Updating in Stratifiable Deductive Databases.
FoIKS 2008: 253-271 |
37 |  | Andreas Behrend,
Christian Dorau,
Rainer Manthey,
Gereon Schüller:
Incremental view-based analysis of stock market data streams.
IDEAS 2008: 269-275 |
| 2007 |
36 |  | Andreas Behrend,
Christian Dorau,
Rainer Manthey:
TinTO: A Tool for the View-Based Analysis of Streams of Stock Market Data.
DASFAA 2007: 1110-1114 |
| 2005 |
35 |  | Armin B. Cremers,
Rainer Manthey,
Peter Martini,
Volker Steinhage:
INFORMATIK 2005 - Informatik LIVE! Band 1, Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Bonn, 19. bis 22. September 2005
GI 2005 |
34 |  | Armin B. Cremers,
Rainer Manthey,
Peter Martini,
Volker Steinhage:
INFORMATIK 2005 - Informatik LIVE! Band 2, Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Bonn, 19. bis 22. September 2005
GI 2005 |
| 2004 |
33 |  | Andreas Behrend,
Rainer Manthey:
Update Propagation in Deductive Databases Using Soft Stratification.
ADBIS 2004: 22-36 |
| 2003 |
32 |  | Leonid A. Kalinichenko,
Rainer Manthey,
Bernhard Thalheim,
Uwe Wloka:
Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 7th East European Conference, ADBIS 2003, Dresden, Germany, September 3-6, 2003, Proceedings
Springer 2003 |
| 2001 |
31 |  | Andreas Behrend,
Rainer Manthey,
Birgit Pieper:
An Amateur's Introduction to Constraints and Integrity Checking in SQL3.
BTW 2001: 405-423 |
| 1998 |
30 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Schach-Datenbanken - eine interessante Anwendung regelbasierter DB-Techniken?
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1998: 87-88 |
| 1997 |
29 |  | Ulrike Griefahn,
Thomas Lemke,
Rainer Manthey:
Tools for Chimera: An Environment for Designing and Prototyping Advanced Applications in an Active DOOD Model.
ADBIS 1997: 346-355 |
| 1996 |
28 |  | François Bry,
Rainer Manthey,
Heribert Schütz:
Deduktive Datenbanken.
KI 10(3): 17-23 (1996) |
| 1995 |
27 |  | François Bry,
Rainer Manthey:
Variationen über ein Thema: Suchstrategien und Datenstrukturen für SATCHMO-Beweiser.
WLP 1995: 205-216 |
| 1994 |
26 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Active and Passive Rules in Database Systems: How Do They Relate? (Invited Paper).
ADBIS 1994: 104-115 |
25 |  | Wolfgang Klas,
Johann Eder,
Leonid A. Kalinichenko,
Sergei D. Kuznetsov,
Rainer Manthey:
Panel: Object Models and Beyond.
ADBIS 1994: 244 |
24 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Reflections on Some Fundamental Issues of Rule-based Incremental Update Propagation.
DAISD 1994: 255-276 |
23 |  | Ulrike Griefahn,
Rainer Manthey:
Update Propagation in Chimera, an Active DOOD Language.
DAISD 1994: 277-298 |
22 |  | Stefano Ceri,
Rainer Manthey:
Chimera: A Model and Language for Active DOOD Systems.
East/West Database Workshop 1994: 3-16 |
| 1993 |
21 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Beyond Data Dictionaries: Towards a Reflective Architecture of Intelligent Database Systems.
DOOD 1993: 328-339 |
20 |  | Rainer Manthey:
PROLOG + Datenbanken = deduktive Datenbanken?
WLP 1993: 6 |
| 1992 |
19 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Update-driven Inference in Deductive Databases.
CNKBS 1992: 1-5 |
18 |  | Laurent Vieille,
Petra Bayer,
Volker Küchenhoff,
Alexandre Lefebvre,
Rainer Manthey:
The EKS-V1 System.
LPAR 1992: 504-506 |
| 1991 |
17 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Towards a Unified View of Query- and Update-driven Inference in Deductive Databases.
DAISD 1991: 220-224 |
16 |  | François Bry,
Rainer Manthey,
Bern Martens:
Integrity Verification in Knowledge Bases.
RCLP 1991: 114-139 |
| 1990 |
15 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Declarative Languages - Paradigm of the Past or Challenge of the Future?
East/West Database Workshop 1990: 1-16 |
14 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Satisfiability of Integrity Constraints: Reflections on a Neglected Problem.
FMLDO 1990: 169-179 |
13 |  | Gunter Saake,
Rainer Manthey:
Relationship between Static and Dynamic Integrity Constraints (Working Group).
FMLDO 1990: 213 |
12 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Zur Integration deduktiver und objektorientierter Konzepte in KBL.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1990: 66-68 |
11 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Integrity and Recursion: Two Key Issues for Deductive Databases.
IS/KI 1990: 104-126 |
| 1989 |
10 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Einige Informationen über Profil und Forschungsprogramm der ECRC Knowledge Base Group.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1989 |
9 |  | Rainer Manthey:
Methoden zur Spezialisierung von Integritätsbedingungen in deduktiven Datenbanken.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1989 |
8 |  | Rainer Manthey,
Hervé Gallaire,
Jean-Marie Nicolas:
Can We Reach a Uniform Paradigm for Deductive Query Evaluation?
Wissensbasierte Systeme 1989: 17-32 |
| 1988 |
7 |  | Rainer Manthey,
François Bry:
SATCHMO: A Theorem Prover Implemented in Prolog.
CADE 1988: 415-434 |
6 |  | François Bry,
Hendrik Decker,
Rainer Manthey:
A Uniform Approach to Constraint Satisfaction and Constraint Satisfiability in Deductive Databases.
EDBT 1988: 488-505 |
5 |  | Johann Christoph Freytag,
Rainer Manthey,
Mark Wallace:
Mapping Object-Oriented Concepts into Relational Concepts by Meta-Compilation in a Logic programming Environment.
OODBS 1988: 204-208 |
| 1987 |
4 |  | François Bry,
Rainer Manthey:
Proving Finite Satisfiability of Deductive Databases.
CSL 1987: 44-55 |
3 |  | Rainer Manthey,
François Bry:
A Hyperresolution-Based Proof Procedure and its Implementation in Prolog.
GWAI 1987: 221-230 |
| 1986 |
2 |  | François Bry,
Rainer Manthey:
Sur la validité des schémas de bases de données.
BDA 1986: 89-108 |
1 |  | François Bry,
Rainer Manthey:
Checking Consistency of Database Constraints: a Logical Basis.
VLDB 1986: 13-20 |