Ullman: Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems, Volume I.
Computer Science Press 1988, ISBN 0-7167-8158-1
1. Databases, Object Bases, and Knowledge Bases
2. Data Models for Database Systems
3. Logic as a Data Model
4. Relational Query Languages
5. Object-Oriented Database Languages
6. Physical Data Organization
7. Design Theory for Relational Databases
8. Protecting the Database Against Misuse
9. Transaction Management
10. Distributed Database Management
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems, Volume II.
Computer Science Press 1989, ISBN 0-7167-8162-X
11. Query Optimization for Database Systems
12. More About Logic
13. Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Logic Evaluation
14. Optimization for Conjunctive Queries
15. Optimization of Linear Recursions
16. Some Experimental Knowledge-Base Systems
17. The Universal Relation as a User Interface
Volume 1
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- Stavros S. Cosmadakis, Haim Gaifman, Paris C. Kanellakis, Moshe Y. Vardi:
Decidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (Preliminary Report).
STOC 1988: 477-490

- [Cosmadakis and Kanellakis 1986]
- Stavros S. Cosmadakis, Paris C. Kanellakis:
Parallel Evaluation of Recursive Rule Queries.
PODS 1986: 280-293

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- Isabel F. Cruz, Theodore S. Norvell:
Aggregative Closure: An Extension of Transitive Closure.
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- Karel Culik II, Thomas Ottmann, Derick Wood:
Dense Multiway Trees.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 6(3): 486-512(1981)

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Optimism and Consistency In Partitioned Distributed Database Systems.
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- Umeshwar Dayal, Philip A. Bernstein:
On the Updatability of Relational Views.
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On the Correct Translation of Update Operations on Relational Views.
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- Saumya K. Debray, David Scott Warren:
Automatic Mode Inference for Prolog Programs.
SLP 1986: 78-88

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- Claude Delobel:
Normalization and Hierarchical Dependencies in the Relational Data Model.
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- Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Extension Tables: Memo Relations in Logic Programming.
SLP 1987: 264-272

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The Inherent Cost of Nonblocking Commitment.
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- Derek L. Eager, Kenneth C. Sevcik:
Achieving Robustness in Distributed Database Systems.
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An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm.
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Availability in Partitioned Replicated Databases.
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Concurrent Search and Insertion in 2-3 Trees.
Acta Inf. 14: 63-86,(1980)

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Concurrency in Linear Hashing.
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Data Model Integration Using the Structural Model.
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- Robert S. Epstein, Michael Stonebraker, Eugene Wong:
Distributed Query Processing in a Relational Data Base System.
SIGMOD Conference 1978: 169-180

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- Kapali P. Eswaran, Jim Gray, Raymond A. Lorie, Irving L. Traiger:
The Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks in a Database System.
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- Ronald Fagin:
Multivalued Dependencies and a New Normal Form for Relational Databases.
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- Ronald Fagin, Alberto O. Mendelzon, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Simplified Universal Relation Assumption and Its Properties.
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- Ronald Fagin, Jürg Nievergelt, Nicholas Pippenger, H. Raymond Strong:
Extendible Hashing - A Fast Access Method for Dynamic Files.
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- Alan Fekete, Nancy A. Lynch, Michael Merritt, William E. Weihl:
Nested Transactions and Read/Write Locking.
PODS 1987: 97-111

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- Raphael A. Finkel, Jon Louis Bentley:
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- Patrick C. Fischer, Don-Min Tsou:
Whether a Set of Multivalued Dependencies Implies a Join Dependency is NP-Hard.
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- Patrick C. Fischer, Dirk Van Gucht:
Weak Multivalued Dependencies.
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- Daniel H. Fishman, David Beech, H. P. Cate, E. C. Chow, Tim Connors, J. W. Davis, Nigel Derrett, C. G. Hoch, William Kent, Peter Lyngbæk, Brom Mahbod, Marie-Anne Neimat, T. A. Ryan, Ming-Chien Shan:
Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 5(1): 48-69(1987)

- [Fong and Ullman 1976]
- Amelia C. Fong, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Induction Variables in Very High Level Languages.
POPL 1976: 104-112

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- Peter A. Franaszek, John T. Robinson:
Limitations of Concurrency in Transaction Processing.
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A Lower Bound on the Complexity of Orthogonal Range Queries.
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- Richard A. Frost:
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- Antonio L. Furtado:
Formal aspects of the relational model.
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- Haim Gaifman, Harry G. Mairson, Yehoshua Sagiv, Moshe Y. Vardi:
Undecidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs.
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- Zvi Galil:
An Almost Linear-Time Algorithm for Computing a Dependency Basis in a Relational Database.
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- Hervé Gallaire, Jack Minker (Eds.):
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- Hervé Gallaire, Jean-Marie Nicolas, Jack Minker (Eds.):
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Advances in Data Base Theory Plemum Press 1984, ISBN 0-306-41636-0

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- Hervé Gallaire, Jack Minker, Jean-Marie Nicolas:
Logic and Databases: A Deductive Approach.
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- Jack Kent, Hector Garcia-Molina, Jae Chung:
An Experimental Evaluation of Crash Recovery Mechanisms.
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- Georges Gardarin, Christophe de Maindreville:
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- M. R. Garey, David S. Johnson:
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- Erol Gelenbe, D. Derochette:
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- Michael Gelfond, Vladimir Lifschitz:
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- Michael Gelfond, Halina Przymusinska, Teodor C. Przymusinski:
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- Mohamed G. Gouda, Umeshwar Dayal:
Optimal Semijoin Schedules For Query Processing in Local Distributed Database Systems.
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- Goetz Graefe, David J. DeWitt:
The EXODUS Optimizer Generator.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 160-172

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- Marc H. Graham, Alberto O. Mendelzon, Moshe Y. Vardi:
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- Gösta Grahne, Kari-Jouko Räihä:
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- Jim Gray, Paul R. McJones, Mike W. Blasgen, Bruce G. Lindsay, Raymond A. Lorie, Thomas G. Price, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Irving L. Traiger:
The Recovery Manager of the System R Database Manager.
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- Jim Gray, Raymond A. Lorie, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Irving L. Traiger:
Granularity of Locks in a Large Shared Data Base.
VLDB 1975: 428-451

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- Jim Gray, Gianfranco R. Putzolu:
The 5 Minute Rule for Trading Memory for Disk Accesses and The 10 Byte Rule for Trading Memory for CPU Time.
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- Jim Gray, Raymond A. Lorie, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Irving L. Traiger:
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- [Greenblatt and Waxman 1978]
- David Greenblatt, Jerry Waxman:
A Study of Three Database Query Languages.
JCDKB 1978: 77-97

- [Griffiths eta l. 1979]
- Patricia G. Selinger, Morton M. Astrahan, Donald D. Chamberlin, Raymond A. Lorie, Thomas G. Price:
Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System.
SIGMOD Conference 1979: 23-34

- [Griffiths and Wade 1976]
- Patricia P. Griffiths, Bradford W. Wade:
An Authorization Mechanism for a Relational Database System.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(3): 242-255(1976)

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- Ehud Gudes, Shalom Tsur:
Experiments with B-Tree Reorganization.
SIGMOD Conference 1980: 200-206

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- Yuri Gurevich, Harry R. Lewis:
The Inference Problem for Template Dependencies.
PODS 1982: 221-229

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- Ramsey W. Haddad, Jeffrey F. Naughton:
Counting Methods for Cyclic Relations.
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- Thanasis Hadzilacos, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
Algorithmic Aspects of Multiversion Concurrency Control.
PODS 1985: 96-104

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- Thanasis Hadzilacos, Mihalis Yannakakis:
Deleting Completed Transactions.
PODS 1986: 43-46

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- Vassos Hadzilacos:
An Algorithm for Minimizing Roll Back Cost.
PODS 1982: 93-97

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- Vassos Hadzilacos:
A Knowledge Theoretic Analysis of Atomic Commitment Protocols.
PODS 1987: 129-134

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- Theo Härder, Andreas Reuter:
Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery.
ACM Comput. Surv. 15(4): 287-317(1983)

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- Kenichi Hagihara, Minoru Ito, Kenichi Taniguchi, Tadao Kasami:
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- Patrick A. V. Hall:
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- Michael Hammer, Dennis McLeod:
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- Michael Hammer, David W. Shipman:
Reliability Mechanisms for SDD-1: A System for Distributed Databases.
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- Jiawei Han:
Selection of Processing Strategies for Different Recursive Queries.
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- Jiawei Han, Lawrence J. Henschen:
Handling Redundancy in the Processing of Recursive Database Queries.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 73-81

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Unacceptable File Operations in a Relational Data Base.
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- Sandra Heiler, Arnon Rosenthal:
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- Gerald Held, Michael Stonebraker:
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- Lawrence J. Henschen, Shamim A. Naqvi:
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- Richard C. Holt:
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- Peter Honeyman:
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- Peter Honeyman, Richard E. Ladner, Mihalis Yannakakis:
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- Richard Hull, Roger King:
Semantic Database Modeling: Survey, Applications, and Research Issues.
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- Richard Hull, Jianwen Su:
On the Expressive Power of Database Queries with Intermediate Types.
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- Richard Hull, Chee-Keng Yap:
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- Harry B. Hunt III, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz:
The Complexity of Testing Predicate Locks.
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- Toshihide Ibaraki, Tiko Kameda:
On the Optimal Nesting Order for Computing N-Relational Joins.
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- Tomasz Imielinski:
Query Processing in Deductive Databases with Incomplete Information.
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- Tomasz Imielinski, Witold Lipski Jr.:
Incomplete Information in Relational Databases.
J. ACM 31(4): 761-791(1984)

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- Tomasz Imielinski, Shamim A. Naqvi:
Explicit Control of Logic Programs Through Rule Algebra.
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- Neil Immerman:
Relational Queries Computable in Polynomial Time (Extended Abstract).
STOC 1982: 147-152

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- Yannis E. Ioannidis:
On the Computation of the Transitive Closure of Relational Operators.
VLDB 1986: 403-411

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- Yannis E. Ioannidis, Joanna Chen, Mark A. Friedman, Manolis M. Tsangaris:
Bermuda - An Architectural Perspective on Interfacing Prolog to a Database Machine.
Expert Database Conf. 1988: 229-255

- [Ioannidis and Ramakrishnan 1988]
- Yannis E. Ioannidis, Raghu Ramakrishnan:
Efficient Transitive Closure Algorithms.
VLDB 1988: 382-394

- [Ioannidis and Wong 1987a]
- Yannis E. Ioannidis, Eugene Wong:
Query Optimization by Simulated Annealing.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 9-22

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- Yannis E. Ioannidis, Eugene Wong:
An Algebraic Approach to Recursive Inference.
Expert Database Conf. 1986: 295-309

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- Yannis E. Ioannidis, Eugene Wong:
Transforming Nonlinear Recursion into Linear Recursion.
Expert Database Conf. 1988: 401-421

- [Jaeschke and Scheck 1982]
- Gerhard Jaeschke, Hans-Jörg Schek:
Remarks on the Algebra of Non First Normal Form Relations.
PODS 1982: 124-138

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- H. V. Jagadish, Rakesh Agrawal, Linda Ness:
A Study of Transitive Closure As a Recursion Mechanism.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 331-344

- [Jarke et al. 1984]
- Matthias Jarke, James Clifford, Yannis Vassiliou:
An Optimizing Prolog Front-End to a Relational Query System.
SIGMOD Conference 1984: 296-306

- [Jarke and Koch 1984]
- Matthias Jarke, Jürgen Koch:
Query Optimization in Database Systems.
ACM Comput. Surv. 16(2): 111-152(1984)

- [Johnson and Klug 1983a]
- David S. Johnson, Anthony C. Klug:
Optimizing Conjunctive Queries that Contain Untyped Variables.
SIAM J. Comput. 12(4): 616-640(1983)

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- David S. Johnson, Anthony C. Klug:
Testing Containment of Conjunctive Queries under Functional and Inclusion Dependencies.
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- Paris C. Kanellakis, Stavros S. Cosmadakis, Moshe Y. Vardi:
Unary Inclusion Dependencies have Polynomial Time Inference Problems (Extended Abstract).
STOC 1983: 264-277

- [Kanellakis and Papadimitriou 1981]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
The Complexity of Distributed Concurrency Control.
FOCS 1981: 185-197

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- Paris C. Kanellakis, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
Is Distributed Locking Harder?
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- Zvi M. Kedem, Abraham Silberschatz:
Controlling Concurrency Using Locking Protocols (Preliminary Report).
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- Zvi M. Kedem, Abraham Silberschatz:
Non-Two-Phase Locking Protocols with Shared and Exclusive Locks.
VLDB 1980: 309-317

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- Arthur M. Keller:
Algorithms for Translating View Updates to Database Updates for Views Involving Selections, Projections, and Joins.
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- Charles Kellogg, Anthony B. O'Hare, Larry Travis:
Optimizing the Rule-Data Interface in a KMS.
VLDB 1986: 42-51

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- David B. Kemp, Rodney W. Topor:
Completeness of a Top-Down Query Evaluation Procedure for Stratified Databases.
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- Michael Kifer, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Abraham Silberschatz:
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Buffer Management in Relational Database Systems.
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