VLDB 2022: Information for Poster Presenters
Please Note: In-person poster presentations in Sydney have only be scheduled for authors who have indicated this with the PC Chairs before hand. If your papers is not listed on the Poster Sessions page, then you do not have an on-site poster display. You can still upload a PDF of a poster, but it will be only available for download by other participants via our online platform.
Upload your poster (PDF) by latest September 3rd, 2022, to: https://bit.ly/VLDB2022
Please name your PDF file as follows: Poster_[CMT PaperID].pdf
- If your paper went through a revision process, please use the revision paper ID in CMT
- For example: Poster_857.pdf (This is a poster for the paper with CMT paper ID 857)
- VLDB Journal posters: please see detailed information on this page below.
We provide a number of poster pinboards in the Parkside ballroom. These pinboards can fit two A0 posters (in portrait) on each side. These are double-sided stands with two presenters on each side, i.e. there will be 2x2 = 4 posters per stand.
For those authors who told us they would like to have an in-person presentation of a poster, we assigned posters to a poster session. Please check the Poster Sessions page for your assigned session. The posters can be displayed on the day of the assigned session during the lunch break, the following afternoon coffee break (optional), and at the evening poster session. Each poster will be assigned a number, which is used to identify its poster stand. The number can be found both on the pages for poster sessions and for VLDB Journal papers.
Dimensions of the posters can be up-to A0 (in portrait): 841mm width x 1189mm height.
Note that A0 size posters in landscape mode will not fit.
Each poster presenter is responsible for printing and bringing their own poster.
Authors are also encouraged to upload an electronic version (PDF) of their poster together with their pre-recorded video so that the posters then will be also available for viewing on the conference platform.
VLDB Journal Paper Posters
A few selected VLDB Journal Papers are invited to present a poster at VLDB 2022 too. The electronic version of the poster will be available on our conference platform, and in case that an author attends VLDB 2022 in-person, we will also schedule the poster to be displayed during one of the poster sessions.
In both cases, please name your PDF file using the full manuscript number as follows: Poster_VLDB-D-[yr]-[number].pdf and then upload it to the same upload directory then the other posters by September 3rd, 2022: https://bit.ly/VLDB2022